Please Pray for Me


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add my request to the prayer request thread. However I was not able. I only had the option to reply. I have not been on the forum in a long time.

On May 15 there was a fire in my aparment complex. I had no damage. Just soot in the apartment and smoke smell. However, I had to move. The transition was horrible. I ended up taking 2 1/2 weeks off from work without pay. My checking account was overdrawn 700.00 because I have it set up for some of my bills. The people who were supposed to help me move stood me up. (all of them) so I ened up getting professional movers (more money) I was so stressed during the move I did not even think about calling the collectors/utilities to ask them not to witdraw.

I moved on Memorial Day. Did not actually sleep in my bed until the final Wednesday.

I lost wieght, my hair broke off evenmore. I ended up cutting it down to scratch. My first check after the fire was May 30 which was automatically gone. Then on June 15 that was not the full pay. I still owe my rent for last month even though I only lived in the apt for half the month. They expect it to be paid by the end of this month.

A week after returning to work I got a flat tire on the highway on the way home from work. Which was more money that I don't have.

I hate my job. I have to drive to work hour and a half on a tornup highway which is causing more wear and tear to old "Glory" my car. From the time I leave home to the time I return is 12 hours. It would be different if I loved my job and had a good salary.

My transmission is slipping.

I just need prayer and more prayer. Favor, Finance, A job of my choice, closer to home with a short commute.

I have become withdrawn on my job.

Please lift me up.
Hi Zeal. I feel you...

I'm also from the "City that loves you back" and yes, those roads are tore up something terrible. I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances. I have experienced some of the things you mention sans the apartment fire. Do you have renter's insurance? If not, you may want to get some just in case something else were to happen. It's about $15/mo.

I will pray for your situation. I've dealt with being at a job I hate and it ain't easy. I was also very withdrawn and depressed bc of some things I had going on at home. Here are some things I did to turn my situation around 150%. I am now happier than ever in my job and personal life.

1) Pray, pray, pray
2) Read your bible for strength and guidance in what you're going thru
3) Brush up your resume and get someone to critique it. Then use it.
4) Realize that sometimes we just have to accept things that are beyond our control.
5) Realize that the hardship you're going through right now is temporary, no matter how hopeless it looks. You will one day look back on it from a different place in your life and have learned from your experience.

I hope this is a little helpful. Again, I will pray for your situation.

Take Care.
Zeal, I'm so sad to hear about this. Only blessings can come your way. With all of my heart, I am praying for you. :kiss: Stay strong angel.

Wow, I'm so, so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you and may the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

May your latter be greater than your first!

I am also so sad to hear all of this has happened. I've found out that what did not killed me made me stronger. So even though you're going through tough times right now, when you come out, because you are coming out. You will be a stronger individual.

Now is time to trust God and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him and he'll direct your path.

Continue to trust God it's easy for you to get angry with him because it seems so unfair and like he doesn't care about what you're going through.

I've been there and trust me he cares and he will come and see about you if you keep the faith and faint now.

Hang in there your prayer warriors are already been dispatched and God is on the case.

I shall await your praise report.

Love Ya
Thanks Ladies for all of your prayers. I really felt much better today. Please contunue to pray for me. It is a privilege to just come in this forum and poor out my soul and receive Blessed Assurance from you all.

God Bless You All.
Thanks so much ladies. Keep praying because now the car is pullling and someting is dragging. I really appreaciate your word of kindness. I can appreciate your prayers.
Errr, when it rains it pours. :( I said a prayer for you. Sounds to me like something great must be getting ready to come your way--when you go through so much hell at once, that's usually what happens. Chin up babe! :)