Please Pray For Me...not Happy


Well-Known Member
Asking for prayer that this feeling of melancholy/sadness subside from me. In my early 40's (have never been married) and wanting a wonderful & attractive husband who holds/have all the qualities that I am looking for in a mate as well as be an awesome stepfather to my kids. As well as my children that they prosper and that I obtain a career which brings me joy as well as a great salary. Please pray that I come out of this sadness.
Praying for you. You're not alone - please believe me. I turn 39 this year, no husband, no kids (I look awesome though and young :grin:). And I slump into sadness and depression every now and then too, counting the years. But I know that God has a plan for me, and while I have breath, His plan for me will come to fruition. It's the same for you. He loves you, and no matter how awesome your future husband and kids will be, He'll always be your number one. And you His :).
Praying for you. You're not alone - please believe me. I turn 39 this year, no husband, no kids (I look awesome though and young :grin:). And I slump into sadness and depression every now and then too, counting the years. But I know that God has a plan for me, and while I have breath, His plan for me will come to fruition. It's the same for you. He loves you, and no matter how awesome your future husband and kids will be, He'll always be your number one. And you His :).
Thanks. With this sadness my faith waivers. Sometimes I wonder --all kinds of things cross my mind to why I am not attracting what I would prefer (happiness,joy, mate that I really want, steps needed to go into pharmacy school/mentors to become pharmacist ) and really want which would make me happy. Although I know there has to be something great for me in which would make me happy.
Same as with me ..everybody thinks that I am in age range of 28 or so. I don't know what's the problem.
I can totally relate. I feel the same way oftentimes. But today is a good day, so I can offer a bit of balanced advice :grin:.

You have two choices.
1) In the meantime, you can live your life how you want to live it, do the things you want to do, see the places you want to see - enjoy life. You can make decisions on your own, you are allowed to be (somewhat) selfish/self-centred and do you. You can choose to up and go on a trip tomorrow and don't have to check finances with anyone. You can choose to lie-in until midday on the weekend, because - well, you can. You can focus on your career, do the things you need to get to the level you want to get to. You can work on yourself. And you can focus on God, because the distractions (while there are many) are still few.

2) Depending on how long it takes for God to answer your prayer, you can choose to be miserable. If you're lucky, you'll only be miserable for 1-2 years. But if you're less fortunate, you might be in this place for much longer. And by the time your mate is supposed to meet you, he may not even recognise you because you aren't what you're supposed to be (or where you are supposed to be). And what's even worse is that you may not recognise what God is doing and may not (be able to) offer the kind of gratitude you should be offering (and God is really weird about ungrateful people). Joy is something internal and completely irrelevant to your present situation. This means that you can be where you are and still have joy, still find things to give God thanks for, still laugh, still give, still love - that is true joy. Happiness is temporary. I was happy when I got my iPhone 6s. That wore off after the first couple of days. But true joy is something that transcends the physical or circumstantial.

In the meantime, do the things that you can do. If you want to want to focus on your career, lay that before God and take the necessary steps to get there. Talk to Him about every single one of your plans. Change the things that are within your control. Do the things that you've always wanted to do. Don't wait until you get married - it may never happen then because you don't know what your life or your circumstances will be like then. Look at your life and take stock of the things that are working for you. If you're 38 and you look 28, believe me that's a blessing. I know plenty of women in their twenties that look like they're my auntie. If you have great health, aren't bed-bound, have no aches and pains, then that's a blessing. If you live in a safe neighbourhood and don't have to worry about your safety every five minutes, that's a blessing. If you laugh out loud at least once a day, because God has placed people in your life that make you laugh, that's a huge blessing. If you have a job and are earning money, that's a blessing. If you have family that love you, that's a huge blessing.

Taking stock of what is going well in your life usually takes the edge off (at least to some degree). The rest, leave to Him. It will happen for you, but you will have to trust Him.

I hope this helps!! I totally understand you and I totally relate to the sadness. I go through cycles myself, but I do take it to God. Whatever you do, don't stop talking to Him. :bighug:
I can totally relate. I feel the same way oftentimes. But today is a good day, so I can offer a bit of balanced advice :grin:.

You have two choices.
1) In the meantime, you can live your life how you want to live it, do the things you want to do, see the places you want to see - enjoy life. You can make decisions on your own, you are allowed to be (somewhat) selfish/self-centred and do you. You can choose to up and go on a trip tomorrow and don't have to check finances with anyone. You can choose to lie-in until midday on the weekend, because - well, you can. You can focus on your career, do the things you need to get to the level you want to get to. You can work on yourself. And you can focus on God, because the distractions (while there are many) are still few.

2) Depending on how long it takes for God to answer your prayer, you can choose to be miserable. If you're lucky, you'll only be miserable for 1-2 years. But if you're less fortunate, you might be in this place for much longer. And by the time your mate is supposed to meet you, he may not even recognise you because you aren't what you're supposed to be (or where you are supposed to be). And what's even worse is that you may not recognise what God is doing and may not (be able to) offer the kind of gratitude you should be offering (and God is really weird about ungrateful people). Joy is something internal and completely irrelevant to your present situation. This means that you can be where you are and still have joy, still find things to give God thanks for, still laugh, still give, still love - that is true joy. Happiness is temporary. I was happy when I got my iPhone 6s. That wore off after the first couple of days. But true joy is something that transcends the physical or circumstantial.

In the meantime, do the things that you can do. If you want to want to focus on your career, lay that before God and take the necessary steps to get there. Talk to Him about every single one of your plans. Change the things that are within your control. Do the things that you've always wanted to do. Don't wait until you get married - it may never happen then because you don't know what your life or your circumstances will be like then. Look at your life and take stock of the things that are working for you. If you're 38 and you look 28, believe me that's a blessing. I know plenty of women in their twenties that look like they're my auntie. If you have great health, aren't bed-bound, have no aches and pains, then that's a blessing. If you live in a safe neighbourhood and don't have to worry about your safety every five minutes, that's a blessing. If you laugh out loud at least once a day, because God has placed people in your life that make you laugh, that's a huge blessing. If you have a job and are earning money, that's a blessing. If you have family that love you, that's a huge blessing.

Taking stock of what is going well in your life usually takes the edge off (at least to some degree). The rest, leave to Him. It will happen for you, but you will have to trust Him.

I hope this helps!! I totally understand you and I totally relate to the sadness. I go through cycles myself, but I do take it to God. Whatever you do, don't stop talking to Him. :bighug:

Beautifully stated :-)
"...Be fruitful and multiply..." in Genesis 1:28

Without the desire for sex, men and women would not be romantically attracted to each other and they wouldn't fulfill that earthly command. G-d places the desire in the hearts of man for His purpose and here we have the command. Don't stop living now but don't despair. You have the desire and it's strong enough to cause you some sadness over the lack of it. May your desires in His will be fulfilled!
Dear Lift up your eyes, You are not forgotten! Your heavenly father love's you so so much He will take you through. Hold on. Your Children are looking up to you. Every time you feel down Remember the words of the Lord.

This video will lift your Spirit up:

You are too blessed to be stressed dear. Dont let the worries pull you down.

Much Love,
I can totally relate. I feel the same way oftentimes. But today is a good day, so I can offer a bit of balanced advice :grin:.

You have two choices.
1) In the meantime, you can live your life how you want to live it, do the things you want to do, see the places you want to see - enjoy life. You can make decisions on your own, you are allowed to be (somewhat) selfish/self-centred and do you. You can choose to up and go on a trip tomorrow and don't have to check finances with anyone. You can choose to lie-in until midday on the weekend, because - well, you can. You can focus on your career, do the things you need to get to the level you want to get to. You can work on yourself. And you can focus on God, because the distractions (while there are many) are still few.

2) Depending on how long it takes for God to answer your prayer, you can choose to be miserable. If you're lucky, you'll only be miserable for 1-2 years. But if you're less fortunate, you might be in this place for much longer. And by the time your mate is supposed to meet you, he may not even recognise you because you aren't what you're supposed to be (or where you are supposed to be). And what's even worse is that you may not recognise what God is doing and may not (be able to) offer the kind of gratitude you should be offering (and God is really weird about ungrateful people). Joy is something internal and completely irrelevant to your present situation. This means that you can be where you are and still have joy, still find things to give God thanks for, still laugh, still give, still love - that is true joy. Happiness is temporary. I was happy when I got my iPhone 6s. That wore off after the first couple of days. But true joy is something that transcends the physical or circumstantial.

In the meantime, do the things that you can do. If you want to want to focus on your career, lay that before God and take the necessary steps to get there. Talk to Him about every single one of your plans. Change the things that are within your control. Do the things that you've always wanted to do. Don't wait until you get married - it may never happen then because you don't know what your life or your circumstances will be like then. Look at your life and take stock of the things that are working for you. If you're 38 and you look 28, believe me that's a blessing. I know plenty of women in their twenties that look like they're my auntie. If you have great health, aren't bed-bound, have no aches and pains, then that's a blessing. If you live in a safe neighbourhood and don't have to worry about your safety every five minutes, that's a blessing. If you laugh out loud at least once a day, because God has placed people in your life that make you laugh, that's a huge blessing. If you have a job and are earning money, that's a blessing. If you have family that love you, that's a huge blessing.

Taking stock of what is going well in your life usually takes the edge off (at least to some degree). The rest, leave to Him. It will happen for you, but you will have to trust Him.

I hope this helps!! I totally understand you and I totally relate to the sadness. I go through cycles myself, but I do take it to God. Whatever you do, don't stop talking to Him. :bighug:
:amen::cry4: <tears of joy :flowers::love4::thankyou::bighug: