Please pray for me- I need to get through the day


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

Please say a prayer for me today. I am on the verge of tears for a variety of reasons. I have had some health issues, and I need to leave early to get some blood work done. I am having side effects of not having enough medication, which includes mild depression.

This is being made worse by the fact that I am work (I do not like my job or the people I work with), and I need to leave early to go to the doctor. My boss is not in a great mood (he hasnt seen his mistress in a few weeks, he is usually in a better mood after . . . and obviously this not something I am comfortable with), so he might not want me to leave to go get my lab-work done.

Oh and today is the anniversary of my father's death. I would do anything to just be in bed right now.

thank you all.
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said a prayer for you

I am sorry you are feeling so discouraged today. May it all turnaround for you soon.
Thank you ladies for your prayers. I will be able to leave without any issues. I know when my new job comes it will be easy. Oh today also marks the end of my 1st year at this job. I just remembered that.

Someday a change is gonna come.

I'm praying for you too. :yep:

God is right there with you and He has already taken care of all that concerns you. He loves you just that much and more. :giveheart:

Be at peace, precious one.

For you...

I will not fear 'evil tidings' for my heart is fixed (it is established), trusting in the Lord. (Psalm 112:7)
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Prayed for you also.

I do hope you feel better b/c I do understand what it feels like when you don't have your anti-depressant medication and it is no fun feeling. :nono: Just try your best to get through today. (I am guessing you couldn't take it b/c of your tests.)
:bighug: God has your back! I pray that all is well with you today.

Thank you ladies for your prayers. I will be able to leave without any issues. I know when my new job comes it will be easy. Oh today also marks the end of my 1st year at this job. I just remembered that.

Someday a change is gonna come.
Prayed for you also.

I do hope you feel better b/c I do understand what it feels like when you don't have your anti-depressant medication and it is no fun feeling. :nono: Just try your best to get through today. (I am guessing you couldn't take it b/c of your tests.)

Thank you ladies. I feel so much better already.

Hairlove, its not anti-depressant meds, its thyroid medication. Unfortunately the side effect of not having enough meds is the same as not having any at all: fatigue, depression, low body temperature, hairloss:blush:, weight gain. The way it works is you have to have blood work to reflect what your body is doing on a certain level of medication, before you can get it changed. Well since I have all the side effects I know they are going to have to increase it, but my doctor is not just going to go on what I say but on what the blood works say.

I know what it will say because my hair has started falling out and I am freezing.

Combine all of that with the other stuff going on and there you have me.

Thanks again ladies!
Thank you ladies. I feel so much better already.

Hairlove, its not anti-depressant meds, its thyroid medication. Unfortunately the side effect of not having enough meds is the same as not having any at all: fatigue, depression, low body temperature, hairloss:blush:, weight gain. The way it works is you have to have blood work to reflect what your body is doing on a certain level of medication, before you can get it changed. Well since I have all the side effects I know they are going to have to increase it, but my doctor is not just going to go on what I say but on what the blood works say.

I know what it will say because my hair has started falling out and I am freezing.

Combine all of that with the other stuff going on and there you have me.

Thanks again ladies!

madamdot - Thanks for explaining! I will say that sounds much worse than missing a dose of AD.

I hope that things go well at your appointment and that they get you the right level of medication so that you can get to feeling better.
madamdot - Thanks for explaining! I will say that sounds much worse than missing a dose of AD.

I hope that things go well at your appointment and that they get you the right level of medication so that you can get to feeling better.

Praise God, I am home. It's 5:30pm. Ladies, thank you so much for praying for me. I am truly blessed.

One of the things upsetting me this weekend was that I told my DH I was going to help him clean, but I was so tired nothing happened and the place was a mess.

So at 3:20pm. Got to the doctor at 3:55 and was outta there at 4:05pm and I took my new second dose at 4:10pm. It will take a few days to feel the effects so I don't know.

But as I walked through the door DH is putting away the vacuum cleaner and everything is spotless. He cleaned everything, did all the laundry and had chicken marinating for dinner so all I have to do it relax. I am going to help with dinner though . . . cause he's gotta be tired.

Thank you ladies so much for praying for me. When I left home this morning I was not sure if I'd make it through the day, without quitting my job or collapsing from being so overwhelmed.