Please, Please Pray for My Mother...


Well-Known Member
I just found out last night that my mother was diagnosed with type 4 cancer; the doctors are giving her a month or less to live. The cancer has spread to her liver, pancreas and bones. I don't know what to do, I'm just terrified as this is very sudden and very unexpected. know that this is normally the final stage before the body succumbs to the disease. Back in 2008 my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in which the doctors did a successful operation and removed the tumor. The doctors mentioned to her back then about two spots they discovered on her liver, however no biopsy or further treatment was done to make sure if everything was fine. I believe there were metastatic cells that attached to her liver and eventually invaded vital parts of her body over time.

It's gotten to the point that my mom is paralyzed in both of her legs due to a lesion on her spine, and she also has a fracture on her leg (I think both have to do with her falling due to her legs giving out or the cancer pressing against her bones from what I've researched.) My older siblings seem to have throw in the towel and are ready to put her in a hospice without option of a biopsy to see what type of cancer she has. I know right now the best thing is to be happy around her and talk to her as much as I can, but it's so hard to do, it's easier said than done. Especially when it seems that my elder siblings are just fighting with each other more than they are trying to help her fight this.

It feels like a bad dream, I've been kept in the dark about my mom's condition for a while. Once I found out, I've been crying on and off nonstop. I'm tired, I've been going to bed a nervous wreck and every time my cell phone rings I freak out. It's only been one day but it feels like a long week has passed. I know I must face the truth that my mom may not have long to live and that she can go at any moment, but how can I come to terms with that?

Images of my mom in a casket keep floating around in my head and they won't go away. I just want it to stop.
I'm really sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep her in my prayers. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year... She is doing ok right now, but I understand the emotional toll it can take on you, I have been there.
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain and my heart goes out to your family. I know how it feels not to be able to turn your mind off. You will be in my prayers.
I prayed for complete healing for your mom, in her entire body. And that you would have peace of mind. I'll continue to lift her up in prayer - and you. God bless you and your mom.
So sorry to hear about your mother. I am praying for you and your family. Just know that if God does allow her to rest in Him that you will not only see her again...but you will have her for eternity.
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I wish you strength to deal with situations which lay ahead. I hope your older sibling cease their bickering to focus on what is best for the family.
Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus for peace and healing for Seraphim and her family.

We lay her mother before you with hearts of love for her and asking you to fill her entire being with your healiing presence and your love. You are the great Healer and we've not giving up our hope in you.

We hold no oughts towards the doctors nor the family members who are afraid, for this is indeed a 'fearful' time for each of them. Place your loving peace in their hearts and allow them to rest in love for each other and not battle with one another. The emotions are indeed frightful, but in you, there is comfort and the assurance that you have full control.

For their mother, release her from the pain and the fear of what's been diagnosed. The doctors may give up, but you don't. We want her to live and not die. We've asking that you give her your new life, to heal her body once again.

If for no other reason, we simply say 'Thank you' Father God who in abides in Heaven and here in our hearts. We surrender this totally unto you and thank you for it. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen and Amen. :love2:
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Praying for your Mom and your family. Also what's Mom's first name so I can let the intercessors at my church know and put her on the prayer list.
Praying for your mother, you, and your siblings. I stand in agreement with the other sisters here.
Thank you everyone so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. Reading the posts have really helped me calm down a bit.

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Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus for peace and healing for Seraphim and her family.

We lay her mother before you with hearts of love for her and asking you to fill her entire being with your healiing presence and your love. You are the great Healer and we've not giving up our hope in you.

We hold no oughts towards the doctors nor the family members who are afraid, for this is indeed a 'fearful' time for each of them. Place your loving peace in their hearts and allow them to rest in love for each other and not battle with one another. The emotions are indeed frightful, but in you, there is comfort and the assurance that you have full control.

For their mother, release her from the pain and the fear of what's been diagnosed. The doctors may give up, but you don't. We want her to live and not die. We've asking that you give her your new life, to heal her body once again.

If for no other reason, we simply say 'Thank you' Father God who in abides in Heaven and here in our hearts. We surrender this totally unto you and thank you for it. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen and Amen. :love2:

Amen; thank you Shimmie :bighug:
I've been there and I know that pain. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that spread to her liver. When they found it she was stage 4. She entered an experimental program at Duke for a special chemo designed for pancretic and liver cancer. It prolonged her life for about 9 months.

Does your mom want to fight the battle? If so, I say pray to God for healing and get to work finding places that may offer similar programs to what I mentioned above. There was no cost to my mom because it was experimental. I fought against hospice initially even though my family was also ready to do it immediately because for me it meant the end, and I couldn't take it.

Be there for your mom and do whatever she wants. Support her in whatever she wants. Understand that your siblings may be fighting as their way of releasing grief. It doesn't make it right, but grief makes people behave in different ways.
wow, tears are in my eyes right disrespect to the OP she knows how I feel which is very similar to you mom was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009 everyhting happened suddenly...

I've been there and I know that pain. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that spread to her liver. When they found it she was stage 4. She entered an experimental program at Duke for a special chemo designed for pancretic and liver cancer. It prolonged her life for about 9 months.

Does your mom want to fight the battle? If so, I say pray to God for healing and get to work finding places that may offer similar programs to what I mentioned above. There was no cost to my mom because it was experimental. I fought against hospice initially even though my family was also ready to do it immediately because for me it meant the end, and I couldn't take it.

Be there for your mom and do whatever she wants. Support her in whatever she wants. Understand that your siblings may be fighting as their way of releasing grief. It doesn't make it right, but grief makes people behave in different ways.
I've been there and I know that pain. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that spread to her liver. When they found it she was stage 4. She entered an experimental program at Duke for a special chemo designed for pancretic and liver cancer. It prolonged her life for about 9 months.

Does your mom want to fight the battle? If so, I say pray to God for healing and get to work finding places that may offer similar programs to what I mentioned above. There was no cost to my mom because it was experimental. I fought against hospice initially even though my family was also ready to do it immediately because for me it meant the end, and I couldn't take it.

Be there for your mom and do whatever she wants. Support her in whatever she wants. Understand that your siblings may be fighting as their way of releasing grief. It doesn't make it right, but grief makes people behave in different ways.


They say 1 month and it could certainly be many more. Love and Support can go much further than doctor's prognosis oftentimes.

In the name of Jesus, I pray for His Super Natural Healing Power over your mom and condition. Amen!