Please..need help on fast question & prayer request...


Well-Known Member
OK ladies so I’m about to start my fast this Sun. for 21 days. I believe it’s important to be direct & specific with God on what you are asking for so I need help.
I want my soul mate to come into my life & be married. I believe one of the reasons I’m not married yet nor have a relationship is because I’m not emotionally available.:nono: I can’t open up cause of fear that has to do with how I was treated as a child. Therefore, I am attracting unavailable men. :sad:
So, during this fast, I want to ask God to make me emotionally available & to bring the man he has for me into my life. Is this request adequate?

What do you guys think? I’m not sure what God’s plans are for me but I want to make sure I am ready.

I feel like I’m running in place. I know that part of the problem is I am(emotionally closed) but…how do I solve it?? I’ve prayed on this issue on a number of occasions yet….nothing. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong??? :perplexed
That’s why I need your help in this request during my fast. I need my prayers ANSWERED. :yep:
Well, you know what I think about this! :) I think this is a great prayer request!

Would you like to join an online prayer community as well that deals with this topic? I'm a member.... and I know, I still owe you a PM!
Well, you know what I think about this! :) I think this is a great prayer request!

Would you like to join an online prayer community as well that deals with this topic? I'm a member.... and I know, I still owe you a PM!

Hey Bunny :yawn:. Long time...yes, I'd like to join the online prayer community. I'm going to do my part & let God do His. :yep:
You are certainly on the right track.

There are 3 things that will get God to move:

Fervent Prayer
and fasting.

Not telling you what I heard but telling you WHAT I KNOW!:yep:
OK ladies so I’m about to start my fast this Sun. for 21 days. I believe it’s important to be direct & specific with God on what you are asking for so I need help.
I want my soul mate to come into my life & be married. I believe one of the reasons I’m not married yet nor have a relationship is because I’m not emotionally available.:nono: I can’t open up cause of fear that has to do with how I was treated as a child. Therefore, I am attracting unavailable men. :sad:
So, during this fast, I want to ask God to make me emotionally available & to bring the man he has for me into my life. Is this request adequate?

What do you guys think? I’m not sure what God’s plans are for me but I want to make sure I am ready.

I feel like I’m running in place. I know that part of the problem is I am(emotionally closed) but…how do I solve it?? I’ve prayed on this issue on a number of occasions yet….nothing. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong??? :perplexed
That’s why I need your help in this request during my fast. I need my prayers ANSWERED. :yep:

I'll be praying for you. Your post is straight from MY heart and I too am trying to get out of the way and listen to the voice of God so that he willl send me my husband and I will be ready and willing to accept the blessing that God has sent me.
Sounds like you're on the right track to me too. I would, however, focus on just healing for yourself during your fast. I might need to join you as I need to be healed of some childhood stuff myself. Don't know about 21 days though. :look::grin:
You are certainly on the right track.

There are 3 things that will get God to move:

Fervent Prayer
and fasting.

Not telling you what I heard but telling you WHAT I KNOW!:yep:

Wow, gn1g, I really needed that. Recently I seem to think that God will just move and do things because I asked him a few times and want it really bad. I have been scheduling times to fast for the past few months and have never gotten down to doing it. I'm in trouble and your response to an original post that is completely unrelated to my issues has helped me. So simple, but yet so true. Thanks love!
Sounds like you're on the right track to me too. I would, however, focus on just healing for yourself during your fast. I might need to join you as I need to be healed of some childhood stuff myself. Don't know about 21 days though. :look::grin:

Yes, very true. THe healing must come first I suppose. My pastor said that God works on us a little at a time so patience is key to healing also. I did this 21 day fast before and believe me, great things happened for me. God got rid of ALL the negative people in my life in one incident (too long to type) and a short time period. Looking back it was one of the most stressful periods of my life but one of the most rewarding :yep:. SO fasting can create miracles and like someone said, it can make God move...:yep:
Kia - I have nothing to add, but just wanted to say if you need more information try PM'ing Star she does the post for the monthly fast.