Please lead me to him


Active Member
I am in bad situation right now. I feel at the moment my feelings and emotions are too strong to hear what God has told me to do. I made a huge mistake. Right before I was supposed to get married, my then fiancé whose is now my husband did something very disturbing. At that moment I felt it was God warning me telling me not to marry this man. But I was stubborn. I don't even believe I was truly in love when I married. But now time has passed and we married anyway and PROBLEMS are emerging left and right. Its getting a little better here and there and then something bad happens again. I have grown to love his man. But he seems to be emotionally unstable. I want to try and make it through this and keep the promise I made before God when I said my vows. But his instability makes this challenging. If i felt God told me not to marry and I made that promise anyway...Should I do stick through this? Are there any similar stories in the bible?
Well the only biblical grounds for divorce is adultery.

Are you in physical danger? Is he cheating on you?

I dont know the full details of your marriage so I am only speaking vaguely what I can tell by your post. If it is just issues here and there, I personally say dont leave. I am not one for divorce. But I do not know what you are going through personally. But here are some scriptures:

1 peter 2:20 AMP
20 [After all] what [a]kind of glory [is there in it] if, when you do wrong and are punished for it, you take it patiently? But if you bear patiently with suffering [which results] when you do right and that is undeserved, it is acceptable and pleasing to God.

Sometimes we do things that God told us not to do, but the bible says we have to take it endure it patiently...

1 Corinthians 7:14
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

No matter what your husband is doing, you do what's right and by your lifestyle it can convert him and make things right. But dont put all the blame on him, see what you are doing wrong as well and make the changes you can. Be the change you want to see.

Just because something started out bad does not mean it has to end bad :yep:. Call upon God and He will move for you. If you marriage does not work, know that you did EVERYTHING possible to make it work and you didnt just give up on it.

I would like to post more, but I have to go. BBL.

Remember the bible says love bears, endures, believes , and hopes all things. if you love really love him, fight for husband. But our weapons are not carnal, but spiritual....
Well the only biblical grounds for divorce is adultery.

Are you in physical danger? Is he cheating on you?

I dont know the full details of your marriage so I am only speaking vaguely what I can tell by your post. If it is just issues here and there, I personally say dont leave. I am not one for divorce. But I do not know what you are going through personally. But here are some scriptures:

1 peter 2:20 AMP
20 [After all] what [a]kind of glory [is there in it] if, when you do wrong and are punished for it, you take it patiently? But if you bear patiently with suffering [which results] when you do right and that is undeserved, it is acceptable and pleasing to God.

Sometimes we do things that God told us not to do, but the bible says we have to take it endure it patiently...

1 Corinthians 7:14
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

No matter what your husband is doing, you do what's right and by your lifestyle it can convert him and make things right. But dont put all the blame on him, see what you are doing wrong as well and make the changes you can. Be the change you want to see.

Just because something started out bad does not mean it has to end bad :yep:. Call upon God and He will move for you. If you marriage does not work, know that you did EVERYTHING possible to make it work and you didnt just give up on it.

I would like to post more, but I have to go. BBL.

Remember the bible says love bears, endures, believes , and hopes all things. if you love really love him, fight for husband. But our weapons are not carnal, but spiritual....

Thank you for this. I don't want to put out all the details in the public but you were still a great deal of help. Can I pm you?
:bighug: Praying that you are more than able to get completely through this.

God has ordained peace for you. And the peace that God gives unto you is sure and it is true.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Take heart OP... Marriage can be really hard especially in the beginning regardless of whether or not you guys have prior issues... I dont have specific bible passages to direct you to.. but my first year of marriage was pure torture... and now 3 yrs later.. we have a son, are inseparable and cant even remember why we were fighting so much.. Feel free to PM me.. We can share stories, I can give you some perspective and encourage you.
Thank you for your responses. I guess my biggest things are I knew god was telling me not to get married but I didn't it anyway. And now it's hurts me when I think about breaking my vows. I need to pray more.
Thank you for your responses. I guess my biggest things are I knew god was telling me not to get married but I didn't it anyway. And now it's hurts me when I think about breaking my vows. I need to pray more.

And God may have told you not to get married, but that does not mean God won't fix it for you. You have to know that God is not like man :nono:. Man will tell you "See you went ahead and did it anyway, you on your own now!" But God is not like that at all. He is mercy and truth. The word of God says if you humble yourself, you will be exalted and you if you confess your sins He will forgive you and cleanse you. But you must first go to him and admit it (if you already haven't) you have done wrong. He said a broken and contrite heart, He will not do away with. Don't look at God as some mean ruler waiting to condemn you, but look at him as a Father. Kids disappoint their parents all the time, but that does not stop them from loving them. So if a natural man can love through a fault, how much more can God?

It is very important that you don't walk through your marriage feeling guilty or ashamed. You can't win your husband like that and you can't receive anything from God like that. The bible says a double minded man can't receive anything from God. You have to know and believe that God is going to move for you in this. I see people who have no reverence for God and stay happily married for years. :lol: I know the people of God can too :yep:. Dont focus so much on why did I do it? you in it now, so focus on What can I do to make it work?

Sorry if I am long winded about marriage :look:. I am just a advocate for it. You are in my prayers sis

And God may have told you not to get married, but that does not mean God won't fix it for you. You have to know that God is not like man :nono:. Man will tell you "See you went ahead and did it anyway, you on your own now!" But God is not like that at all. He is mercy and truth. The word of God says if you humble yourself, you will be exalted and you if you confess your sins He will forgive you and cleanse you. But you must first go to him and admit it (if you already haven't) you have done wrong. He said a broken and contrite heart, He will not do away with. Don't look at God as some mean ruler waiting to condemn you, but look at him as a Father. Kids disappoint their parents all the time, but that does not stop them from loving them. So if a natural man can love through a fault, how much more can God?

It is very important that you don't walk through your marriage feeling guilty or ashamed. You can't win your husband like that and you can't receive anything from God like that. The bible says a double minded man can't receive anything from God. You have to know and believe that God is going to move for you in this. I see people who have no reverence for God and stay happily married for years. :lol: I know the people of God can too :yep:. Dont focus so much on why did I do it? you in it now, so focus on What can I do to make it work?

Sorry if I am long winded about marriage :look:. I am just a advocate for it. You are in my prayers sis

I'm not married, but thanks for this. The bolded is a good reminder. I notice I still look at God as ready to punish b/c I messed up and went against my better judgement.