Please ladies, cover your hair at night...


New Member
I just had a touch-up and the back of my hair looks as if LHCF has touched it. My nape and crown is BEAUTIFUL, BUT my sides look like :perplexed :eek: :mad:. Why? I slack more often than not on tying my hair up at night. Then, to make things worse, I sleep on my sides anyway. I am not ranting, b/c there is no one to blame but myself. At any rate, you do not want to look like Rapunzel from the back and Bozo the Clown from the front, so tie up your hair everyone!
I agree, but make what ever you use does not have the opposite effect. Some people mess up their napes by using scarfs that tie in the back.

I actually put my hair up and then wrap a wrappinf scarf around in the tuck in the ends. Then I ties a regular scarf on top to secure. Nothing ever get tied or rubs against my nape. (I have a pic around here somewhere - I will try to find it)

Since doing that my nape actually seems to be growing faster then the rest of my hair! :eek:
HoneyDew said:
I agree, but make what ever you use does not have the opposite effect. Some people mess up their napes by using scarfs that tie in the back.

I actually put my hair up and then wrap a wrappinf scarf around in the tuck in the ends. Then I ties a regular scarf on top to secure. Nothing ever get tied or rubs against my nape. (I have a pic around here somewhere - I will try to find it)

Since doing that my nape actually seems to be growing faster then the rest of my hair! :eek:

I agree. I sleep in a silk scarf and I invested in a satin pillowcase. That way I don't have to tie the scarf so tightly trying to keep it on. If it slides off, I know that my hair is still protected.
^^^Each of you has made valid points and comments, but now seriously...I wonder how long it will take for my sides to catch up w/ my back. I can't believe I looked like a happy behind Bozo on my graduation pictures. Good Gracious!!!
I hear you, I cover my hair every single night no matter how tired I am.
I have worked so hard to get my hair back healthy so I don't hesitate to take the few minutes it will take to cover my hair.

Ladies remember to cover that hair b/c you have worked so hard. If you wear scarfs tie them loose and/or use satin pillow cases.

Great thread mango387
I agree. I start off at night with a scarf and in the morning it's own the floor. Now, I make sure that I check for my scarf at night. It's paid off, I have not had any breakage along my edges. However, my nape is a different story, I'll see my progess when I relax next week.
mango387 said:
I just had a touch-up and the back of my hair looks as if LHCF has touched it. My nape and crown is BEAUTIFUL, BUT my sides look like :perplexed :eek: :mad:. Why? I slack more often than not on tying my hair up at night. Then, to make things worse, I sleep on my sides anyway. I am not ranting, b/c there is no one to blame but myself. At any rate, you do not want to look like Rapunzel from the back and Bozo the Clown from the front, so tie up your hair everyone!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'm so glad you brought this up. I have a hair covering tip that I have found to be so helpful, and have been meaning to share it with my LHCF sisters.

I sleep "wild" I've been told. I roll all around, and no matter how I tie my scarf on, it will either be totally off my head or ridden up in the back so that my nape is rubbing all against the sheets, etc. Either that, or I tie it on so tight that I get pounding headaches which keep me from sleeping.

DH is not trying to buy an all satin bedset, and my head doesn't stay on the pillow. What to do?

Well, I took a satin pillowcase and turned it inside out, so that the silkiest part is on my hair and the less slippery part is facing outside. I stick my whole head in there, gather the excess fabric up around the top of my head, and affix it with a rubber band. I meant to cut a slit in the rear and sew on a length of lace to help it stay on, but haven't gotten to it yet, and it miraculously stays on perfectly this way!

Some big hairstyles like braids or if you sleep on rollers (tho I don't know how anyone could do that!) just WILL NOT all fit into the tiny scarves you buy at the BSS. This is a good alternative.
ETA: When I co-slept with DD, I was SO TIRED that I just didn't tie up my hair at all. To make matters worse, I was sleeping on a cordoroy-covered pillow! :eek: The breakage was severe... I cannot over emphasize how horrible it looked. My hair was SL all over, except for a patch on the top left of my head that was like 3 inches long. :(

It's a must! Ya gotta tie up that hair! :armyhat: If I'm too tired, I'll ask DH to bring me a scarf, and he will always do it. :) Once it's in my hand and not all the way across the room, I find the energy to put it on.
I keep a satin bonnet in my nightstand. Even if I am really tired, it's not to much to reach over and snap it on my head.
Maybe I can use a satin bonnet. The scarf I've been using seems to absorb the moisture from my hair at night. I don't like it. It's a satin scarf, not silky at all.

I like the idea of taken a silky scarf and tucking the edges in all the way around. That way your nape doesn't suffer.
This is the reason why I only use a satin bonnet. Constant knotting was thinning my hair out in the back and in the sides.
kels823 said:
Ive gotten to the point now that I feel weird if my hair isnt tied up. :look:

Me too. One of my husbands relatives passed and the funeral was this weekend. We planned to come back home but it got late and we crashed on the couch. I didn't have anything to moisturize or tie it up!! :eek::eek:. I rolled & tucked my ends the best way I could but, I didn't even sleep comfortably because of the hair.
I use a satin bonnet always, and if it slips off then i have my satin pillowcase that i sleep on.
Sometimes if i happen to fall asleep while laying on my hubby he will put my bonnet on for me :D