
Well-Known Member
I am stressed. I have had a tension headache all week. I dredge coming into work. I need prayers for help. I have been looking at Psalm 118:6-8 and Psalm 46:1 and Psalms 57:1-3 to help me. I need prayers. I feel like crying. I am very stressed out at work I feel unhappy. Please pray for me. I am trying to hold on to my faith but I am feeling so weery. Please help me. I dont know what else to do. I feel sad all the time. Please pray for me. Please!!!!! God bless you all.
I am stressed. I have had a tension headache all week. I dredge coming into work. I need prayers for help. I have been looking at Psalm 118:6-8 and Psalm 46:1 and Psalms 57:1-3 to help me. I need prayers. I feel like crying. I am very stressed out at work I feel unhappy. Please pray for me. I am trying to hold on to my faith but I am feeling so weery. Please help me. I dont know what else to do. I feel sad all the time. Please pray for me. Please!!!!! God bless you all.
Come here, Sweetheart... Big Hugs.... :grouphug: :grouphug:

Just let everything go. Don't be afraid, just let it all go. There's no way that you are able to hold on to what's stressing you out. So just let it go and release it all to God our Father who is waiting for you to trust Him to take care of it...all. And Sweetheart He will do just that...He will take care of it all.

He's right there on your job, allowing NO one to harm you. You have no reasons to fear. He's there in your situations making all of the high places low and all of the crooked places straight and He is crushing into dust the gates of iron.

He is easing the pain of the strain that has been weighing upon your heart, your soul and upon your shoulders. God wants to trade places with you and He has...Yes Dear one, He already has taken your place in these situations :yep: AND He is not going to allow anyone to bring harm or theats to you.

Whatever you have any 'fears' of, remember this; fear is only....


Angel, all that you fear is in the hands of God and most of all YOU are in the very Heart of God. He loves you, Azul...yes He does. And He is not going to allow anyone or anything to hurt you. And you need not fear nor feel guilty of anything. You are blameless.

Azul, don't be afraid...Fear not, for God is with you and He is not going anywhere, He's staying right there.

Azul, you are loved sweetheart. You are so special and so precious, so beautiful to be loved so believe it, you are truly loved. :love2:

Azul, it's okay, sweetheart. :kiss: It always was and it always will be ... okay.

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
Come here, Sweetheart... Big Hugs.... :grouphug: :grouphug:

Just let everything go. Don't be afraid, just let it all go. There's no way that you are able to hold on to what's stressing you out. So just let it go and release it all to God our Father who is waiting for you to trust Him to take care of it...all. And Sweetheart He will do just that...He will take care of it all.

He's right there on your job, allowing NO one to harm you. You have no reasons to fear. He's there in your situations making all of the high places low and all of the crooked places straight and He is crushing into dust the gates of iron.

He is easing the pain of the strain that has been weighing upon your heart, your soul and upon your shoulders. God wants to trade places with you and He has...Yes Dear one, He already has taken your place in these situations :yep: AND He is not going to allow anyone to bring harm or theats to you.

Whatever you have any 'fears' of, remember this; fear is only....


Angel, all that you fear is in the hands of God and most of all YOU are in the very Heart of God. He loves you, Azul...yes He does. And He is not going to allow anyone or anything to hurt you. And you need not fear nor feel guilty of anything. You are blameless.

Azul, don't be afraid...Fear not, for God is with you and He is not going anywhere, He's staying right there.

Azul, you are loved sweetheart. You are so special and so precious, so beautiful to be loved so believe it, you are truly loved. :love2:

Azul, it's okay, sweetheart. :kiss: It always was and it always will be ... okay.

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Thank you so much. I am sitting here crying at my desk. I am stressed and trying not to be is causing me a massive headache which started early Monday morning and has continued since. I'm so thankful your prayers and yours as well DONNA. It has been very stressful and I dont want to talk about it to people IRL because I dont want them to bring negative thoughts in my mind or have me walking around on pins and needles. I really like that thing about fear. I'm going to save it. I thank you for your prayers. I am very stressed out at this point. Thank you all. God bless you all.
Thank you so much. I am sitting here crying at my desk. I am stressed and trying not to be is causing me a massive headache which started early Monday morning and has continued since. I'm so thankful your prayers and yours as well DONNA. It has been very stressful and I dont want to talk about it to people IRL because I dont want them to bring negative thoughts in my mind or have me walking around on pins and needles. I really like that thing about fear. I'm going to save it. I thank you for your prayers. I am very stressed out at this point. Thank you all. God bless you all.
Azul, no matter what it is...

You are too Blessed to be Stressed... :giveheart:

Now relax and just let it go.......all of it. Just let it go and allow God's love for you to flow in place of it all.

More Sister hugs.... :grouphug:
Azul, no matter what it is...

You are too Blessed to be Stressed... :giveheart:

Now relax and just let it go.......all of it. Just let it go and allow God's love for you to flow in place of it all.

More Sister hugs.... :grouphug:

I second everything that Shimmie has written. Please let go and let God. Remember there is nothing too big that God can not handle. Sounds like this is too much for your shoulders. Please Trust Him.

I am keeping you in my prayers.
Thank you so much ladies for your prayers. God is a good God and I know he will see me through.

All throughout today I had the song "Victory" by Yolanda Adams in my head and even though today was a bad day for me at my job, I know God will see me through. I place all my trust in him. Ladies all I can do now is pray. I hope you will pray and agree with me for my job situations. If it werent for God walking beside me I dont know I remained so calm and at peace while the bad was coming.

I pray Lord that you hear me. I trust in you and know you have the best in store for me. Maybe it hasnt hit me and thats why I am so calm or maybe its because you are with me and promised you would never leave me. And even this morning when I asked you to be with me today you stood beside me and gave strength I didnt even know I had. Lord I thank you for your blessings in my life. For my health, for my family and friends. I thank you Lord for being there with me through the storm and guiding me. Lord I may not understand everything right now but I know you will work it all out for the good. I thank you Lord for having mercy on me and showing me your lovingkindness. I thank you for your love. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Ladies, I hope you touch and agree with me for my work situation. I am praying for a miracle and I need your prayers as well. Thank you ladies for listening and praying for me. God bless you all.
You got it sweetie!! What a beautiful and inspirational prayer! Keep doing what you're doing - standing steadfast in your knowledge of God's word and His promise to never leave nor forsake you. This too shall pass. You will weather this storm. Just sent a prayer up for you.
Azul, working a job you don't like is going to cause more stress and age you. Why not do what I just did? Apply for another position in another it do-able? Go for it or your home, your soul, your physical being will suffer...I have suffered enough and I will pray for your well being.....God is hearing, stay stong.
Thank you so much. All I am doing is praying. I am looking for new employment. I know God is with me because I am still calm, I haven't cried or had fear or despair in my heart. I know that isn't my own will because this would be primetime for me to be crying, scared or feeling sorry for myself and getting mad at God for this situation. But God has really comforted me that I dont have this overwhelming sense of dread. Dont get me wrong I do not like this situation at all but I know God is going to work it out. I'm just praying that I can find employment where I wont have the sadness and dispair in my heart everyday.

I ask for your prayers for my situation. God bless you all.
I am stressed. I have had a tension headache all week. I dredge coming into work. I need prayers for help. I have been looking at Psalm 118:6-8 and Psalm 46:1 and Psalms 57:1-3 to help me. I need prayers. I feel like crying. I am very stressed out at work I feel unhappy. Please pray for me. I am trying to hold on to my faith but I am feeling so weery. Please help me. I dont know what else to do. I feel sad all the time. Please pray for me. Please!!!!! God bless you all.

Did you do the anointing of yourself? I think I posted this for last time. Anoint your head and other parts of body wit bless oil EVERYDAY. I praying for you even now in Jesus Name that he will move on your behalf.