PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had a "so-called" friend, and we talked a lot and spent a lot of time together. One day she introduced me to her cousin, and we hit off, and the rests is history. After that, she came to me about money, money I didn't have to give. She assumed I had it, so she began to try to sabotage my relationship. She started giving my mother anonymous calls telling her he's beating me and taking my money. I knew it was her because of some of the things she said because she was the only one who knew some of the things she said. My question is: How do I stop this interference spiritually? I am really fed up with it, and I want it to stop. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!


Hmm. You could ignore her behavior, but still treat her kindly when you see her. She'll be confused and give up trying to get to you.
Well, is he beating you and taking your money?

I ask because of this comment you made:

She started giving my mother anonymous calls telling her he's beating me and taking my money. I knew it was her because of some of the things she said because she was the only one who knew some of the things she said.
No, he's not, but she knows how protective my mother is of me, and she knows that is the only way to try to get to me.