please help with shedding/breakage


Well-Known Member
Ive been having battles with my hair lately. I have been wearing protective styles 90% of the time for the past few months because we have to wear our hair up in my nursing school. Although it seems to be gradually getting better with moisture and seems to be growing, Im still fighting shedding and breakage. I get a small handful of hair(long and short) every time I comb it.

Part of me thinks it could be stress from school, working, and relationship hassles...I dont know what else it could be. I take good care of my hair...I dont use heat, I wear protective styles, I moisturize daily(sometime twice), and I deep condition at least once a week.

Last week I did an emergencee treatment and it seemed to stop for a couple of days but now its back. should I do another one?

Also, its been about 7 weeks since my last relaxer and I do normally start to shed after week 4, and last time I had a relaxer my hair was underprocessed so I have double new growth.

I like stretching relaxers bc when I used to go 3-4 months or more b/t them and wear a ponytail piece my hair grew from my ears to my shoulders. Plus I really cant afford to relax every 6-8 weeks anyway since I only work a little bit now.

any advice? this is getting depressing. /images/graemlins/look.gif
Alot of peoples hair sheds now (mine is)- it might be seasonal.
You could try to cut back on the combing. I wouldnt do emergencee two weekends in a row.
Try drinking a lot of water, eating protein and maybe taking some vitamins esp if you are stressed.(msm helps with shedding) plus get some rest and stop obsessing over your hair!

I dont really have any major advice but I didnt want to leave you hanging girlfriend /images/graemlins/smile.gif

If it continues maybe consult with a professional...
Leslie, I wish there was something I could do to help. I agree w. the advice Buffalo has given you. Set some time apart everyday to just relax and clear your mind. Hang in there.
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Also, make sure you're keeping your scalp clean as too much buildup can also lead to an increase in shedding.

What do you use for a moisturizer?

What are you taking/doing for your stress?

This could also be hormonal or due to a physical condition. I would see a doctor to see if that's the case or not. I'm praying for you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I washed my hair tonight and found that I had hardly lost any hair from breakage or shredding! I could not believe it! My routine, well, every Wednesday and Sunday, starting from last Sunday I cw a mixture of hot oils and conditioner (Parnevu Organic Hair Mayonnaise is my favourite) as recommended by DangerouslyShy and leave this on for 45mins to 1 1/2hrs. I then rinse with boiled water, when still slightly damp I add a leave-in and S-Curl moisturer, then add either shea butter or my own pomade to my damp hair. My hair is very soft and then I canerow my hair. On a daily basis I surge in the morning and last thing at night, followed by S-Curl for moisture. I have lurked on LHCF since July and am now beginning to reap the advice of you lovely women, which has helped me to achieve a routine for my natural hair which is starting to benefit and retain length.
The purpose of rinsing with boiled water for myself, is because in the UK the water contains a lot of flouride I wanted to experiment with cooled/boiled water and found that it makes the water softer with less flouride! I also found that in the Carribean the water is purer and that when I visit I have a noticeable increase in length.
Thanks for responding. I think I need to buy a shower filter, because the pipes in my building are so old that you have to let the water run before you can use it. I'm going to try boiled water until I can get a shower filter. Maybe that is why my hair is shedding and breaking so much.
No problem Shawnee66. You have to try and I too will buy some kind of filter for my shower when this type is available in the UK. But the type of water makes a big difference. Doing conditioner washes and the change of water has had a noticeable effect on my hair shredding and breaking, which I have always experienced and assumed was a fact of life. Now I know differently thanks to all you wonderful ladies.
Leslie, I would agree with the water thing (along with everything else). I had the same problem when I first moved to MA. I started out using distilled water from Walmart which helped sooooo much. Now I've gotten a water filter and this has helped a lot. I still have a little breakage but it is getting better now that I've pinned down a routine and the type of moisturizing that works best for my hair.
Hi :wave:

I love Motions CPR (critical protection and repair). For me, it instantly stops shedding/breakage. I always do a clarifying shampoo to get rid of product build-up, then apply the CPR treatment. The treatment works very well for me :)