Please, help with breakage!


New Member
Hi ladies,
Nice to be one of you:grin:. I have just became a member and am soo excited to be here. I have been taking care of my own hair for about 2years now and my hair is the longest and healthiest it has ever been.

However, I have been having breakage problems lately and am afraid I will loose all the progress I have made. Am am relaxed, 10weeks post at the moment.

I had a baby 3months ago but the breakage started 3weeks ago after I flatironed my hair after 6months of not using any direct heat. My hair breaks very easily, just moisturizing my hair is a problem because of the breakage. There are small and longer strands as well.

I wash and DC weekly, moisturize daiily, wear satin scarf to bed,comd only on washdays.

Any comment will be much appreciated.

Hi Akosua, welcome to LHCF.

What kind of DC are you using? Have you tried any protein treatments?
Hi I believe you are suffering from post partum shedding which is very common. If your are b-feeding then you are going to have to find external measures to control the shedding. I would advise that you search for threads of post partum shedding.

Good luck OP & Welcome !!! :welcome:
Stella is right. I remember after I had DD, I started shedding really bad. I remember being in a sheer panic that my hair was going to fall out. For me, continuing with my prenatal vitamins helped a lot, as well as drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet. My hair started growing back pretty quickly.

Like Stella said, do a search for post partum threads, I'm sure they'll be a world of help for you. Congratulations on your new little one and welcome!:welcome2::welcome3:

Hi I believe you are suffering from post partum shedding which is very common. If your are b-feeding then you are going to have to find external measures to control the shedding. I would advise that you search for threads of post partum shedding.

Good luck OP & Welcome !!! :welcome:
Thanks Urban, its a blessing to be around you knowlegeable ladies:)
I dc weekly with aphogee 2minute followed by keracare humecto.
I have also used the aphogee 2step treatment once. It decreased the breakage but after one week, it got worse again.

Thanks ladies, I guess it is the postpartum. I will search throught the threads and see what to do next.

Thanks again and stay blessed.

It sounds like you're dealing with post-partum shedding. You may want to try using a garlic shampoo. Or you can can try adding some garlic powder to your conditioner. Let this sit for 10-15 minutes, rinse, then deep condition. Hope this helps.
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

I was going to suggest garlic shampoo as well.
Big big hugs to you! Iwebt through the same thing with both of ymy kids. My daughter is 18 months and the shedding just stopped 4 months ago. Mybhair went from APL to SL. Now it's getting healthier and the thickness is finally coming back.

Just be patient and gentle with your hair. This too shall pass! Good luck and welcome!!
you might be experiencing shedding--not breakage.

You might also want to look into some of the really nice detangling recipes that people have been posting lately. When i was relaxed, my hair used to break a lot farther down into my relaxer stretches.

ps: your hair looks lovely!
The ladies maybe onto something with the shedding issue. Just to be sure what the problem is, can you describe what the hairs you're losing look like? Are they long with a white bulb at one end? Or are they mostly short with no bulb?
The ladies maybe onto something with the shedding issue. Just to be sure what the problem is, can you describe what the hairs you're losing look like? Are they long with a white bulb at one end? Or are they mostly short with no bulb?

Helllo Urban, thanks for taking the time to help:) I mainly get hairs without the white bulb, lots of short strands in my hands everytime I mousturize or touch my hair. Its very frustrating. I realy dont know what to do anymore.
Congratulations on the new addition!!! I would have to agree with the other posters with regard to the post partum shedding. I would recommend to continue taking your prenatal pills (if you still have some) along with some garlic pills. If you are out of those, then possibly get some GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, Maxi Hair(that is what I used) or some other form of vitamin.

Your issues are more internal than external - so continue to do what you have been doing to maintain your hair.

You will still shed but not as much...

Helllo Urban, thanks for taking the time to help:) I mainly get hairs without the white bulb, lots of short strands in my hands everytime I mousturize or touch my hair. Its very frustrating. I realy dont know what to do anymore.

That means your hair is breaking, not shedding. I'm not sure if your hair is breaking because it lacks protein or moisture. Try not using the 2 min treatment one week and see if that helps with the breakage at all. If not, u may need to break out the heavy duty protein, but im not completely sure. I know some of the ladies on here will be happy to help you out soon
It sounds like your hair is breaking. I've used Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor in the past and have found it to be kind of a light-weight protein conditioner; so it may not be a strong enough conditioner to combat your breakage. I usually use Aphogee 2 step treatment immediately after a relaxer or within 1 week after a relaxer, and it seems to combat the breakage. I know you said that you used it once and it stopped the breakage for about a week, but I've noticed in the past with myself and other people that depending on the severity of the breakage it may take more than one treatment to completely stop the breakage. Some really good conditioners that I can think of that may combat your breakage are Joico K-Pak, Nexxus Emergencee, and Keracare Intensive Restorative Masque (really good). HTH
:wave: Hi!

Like another poster said, I think it may be too much protein. I would lay off the protein for a week or two and add a hot oil treatment (HOT) with some olive oil or the oil that works for you. Try mixing the oil with your DC. HTH
Helllo Urban, thanks for taking the time to help:) I mainly get hairs without the white bulb, lots of short strands in my hands everytime I mousturize or touch my hair. Its very frustrating. I realy dont know what to do anymore.

You're welcome girl!

If they're mostly short with no bulb, then I would tend to think it's more a breakage issue than shedding. I could be wrong though. When I have breakage issues, I normally first try to make sure my hair is moisturized.

I agree with the ladies who've suggested you lay off the protein for a while and see if that makes a difference. Instead maybe try moisturizing DC's, moisturing daily (or as required) and 'sealing' after the moisturizer. Also, be extra gentle when combing since your hair seems to be weak right now.

I don't know if you've come across this article before: The Fine Art of Protein and Moisture Balancing for Black Hair Care by Sistaslick. Good read and it may help you.

HTH. Let us know what you try and what works for you!
That means your hair is breaking, not shedding. I'm not sure if your hair is breaking because it lacks protein or moisture. Try not using the 2 min treatment one week and see if that helps with the breakage at all. If not, u may need to break out the heavy duty protein, but im not completely sure. I know some of the ladies on here will be happy to help you out soon

Thanks lady, I realy appreciate your input. I will your suggestion.
Thanks alot ladies for all the suggestions. I do moisturize everyday with NTM silk touch leave in and seal with coconut oil. Right now, my hair seems so weak that moisturizing it is a problem. I feel like I should just shave it off and start over if nothing else help.

God bless you all for your time:)
Hello fellow newbie! I am still learning and maybe someone else can chime in but NTM leavein is such a light weight moisturizer that maybe it's not doing the trick after using Aphogee reconstructor (light protein) every week. I would suggest using a more moisturizing leavein so that you even out your protein moisture balance. Dont give up!! Shaving it off is a LAST RESORT!!:orders::orders:
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Get yourself some parsley. Grind it up (blender or food processor) then add a little water to and strain it. After you shampoo your hair, do a final rinse with the parsely water and condition as usual.
Get yourself some parsley. Grind it up (blender or food processor) then add a little water to and strain it. After you shampoo your hair, do a final rinse with the parsely water and condition as usual.

Thanks, that sounds exotic:) What is the parsley supposed to do for my hair?
Thanks again.
i went to high school with an akosua. we called her koko. she was awesome. all that to say :welcome: i have nothing more to add