Please help what have I done


New Member
My hair is comin out n long strands. I relaxed w/silk elements mild. Did not leave it on long just enough 2 cover the whole head then washed. Well I colored my hair n jan. Wat do I need 2 do. I was tryin 2 strech had not relaxed since 12/4. Should I do a protein tx I just did one wed. Everytym I comb it is long strands of hair. I was also tryin 2 only comb 1x per wk. Please excuse any mistake I am usin my phne n it is actin funny.
I thought long strands = shedding
And short 'strands' all over the place = breakage??

how's your scalp? If they are long strands with the bulbs on the ends then it is shedding. If you feel it is an excessive amount then you may need to DC and oil your scalp really well while you DC with heat because your scalp may be dry from the coloring process and then the relaxing.

If you are just now beginning to comb only once a week, then it may just be that you have a week's worth of shed hair unlike before when you had less hair at a time, but you were combing more frequently.
Have you ever used the SE relaxer before? I used it once and had very bad shedding, and after researching found out that relaxer for whatever reason causes really bad shedding for some. The shedding usually starts at about 5-6 weeks post.....
Thanks ladies I was combing everydy until 2/1 then I wanted 2 stretch. I am doing a aphogee hard tx n I am gonna do a dc. I have a lot of dandruf from mtg 2x daily. I am jus gonna baby 4 now! I will also oil my scalp.
Have you ever used the SE relaxer before? I used it once and had very bad shedding, and after researching found out that relaxer for whatever reason causes really bad shedding for some. The shedding usually starts at about 5-6 weeks post.....

I hv used it once b4 don't remeber sheddin like this.
So sorry your going through this- maybe try some garlic supplements and see if that will curb the shedding, or try mixing some garlic powder and olive oil into your conditioner and DC'ing w/ it.
please check the strands to see if there are white balbs on ends and come back and let us know pleaseeee. are you seeing little short hairs as well?
check to see if there is a little white bulb on the root end of the hair. check many of the hairs. If they have the bulbs I wouldn't worry. If they are broken pieces do another Aphogee or switch up to the Nexuss Emergencee.
Thanks ladies I was combing everydy until 2/1 then I wanted 2 stretch. I am doing a aphogee hard tx n I am gonna do a dc. I have a lot of dandruf from mtg 2x daily. I am jus gonna baby 4 now! I will also oil my scalp.

Please don't do a DC after an Aphogee hard protein treatment...that is too much protein. Step up the moisture after the Aphogee
When you colored, was it a permanent color? Did the relaxer get on any of your color treated hair? It is possible that your hair is over-processed. The rule of thumb for coloring and relaxing is to color a relaxer; NOT relax a color. The potential for severe damage increases significantly when you relax color treated hair.

I would recommend a heavy protein treatment and deep conditioning treatments as stated by other in the thread.
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Please don't do a DC after an Aphogee hard protein treatment...that is too much protein. Step up the moisture after the Aphogee

A DC (Deep conditioner) is moisture. The purpose of a DC is for moisture to be infused into the hair beyond the hair shaft and cuticle.
This happened to me the other day. I had shedding and breakage. Yesterday I did a protein treatment and fixed it. I am currently 13 weeks post. I plan on relaxing on Thurs...
Thanks ladies. I did a hard core protein tx, NTM moisturizing mask & oil scalp. I sat under the dryer for all of this and my hair looks nad feels good.
please check the strands to see if there are white balbs on ends and come back and let us know pleaseeee. are you seeing little short hairs as well?

I could not c any bulbs. I am thinking it was coming from where I had not been combing my hair alot trying to stretch. I do not think I will stretch over 10wks. It was also just long hairs not short hairs.
Thanks ladies. I did a hard core protein tx, NTM moisturizing mask & oil scalp. I sat under the dryer for all of this and my hair looks nad feels good.

Question, when you used the SE relaxer before, was your hair colored? I know you said it's colored now, but the times you've used the relaxer in the past, was it colored? Just curious, because I read something on this forum about no-lye relaxers being better for pernanently colored hair.
Sorry somany posts. I also think that moisturizing 2x a day may have had something to do with it. I am gonna stop moisturizing so much and go back to 2-3x weekly. My hair loves oils.
Yeah if you're relaxed and moisturizing that much you might end up w/ mushy hair which makes it very easy to break.

Thanks for this thread, since I just texlaxed with SE Mild about 2 weeks ago. I usually have some shedding in the winter or shortly after a touch-up, but I have noticed more than usual with the SE. They are definitely shed hairs, because I can clearly see the white bulb attached. I may try aphogee as well.

It's too bad if SE is linked to shedding, because it gave me the perfect texlax :sad:( man this stuff breaks down fast though). I really don't like to swtich relaxers often either. I tried the SE because I couldn't get my hands on the Vitale Pro High Comfort.
After your post I think this will be the last time I use silk elements. I am gonna ask for some relaxers at home. I luv mizani butter blends n it worked well for me. If I can buy it and use it at home I am!