Please Help the Newbie!


New Member
Hi everyone! I know I originally joined back in 2006, but I'm really a newbie to this site. I also have a couple questions.
I know that I have type 4 hair, but how do I know whether its a, b, or c?
Also what is pre-poo and how do I do it? Thanks!:blush:
A = fine hair, b = medium, and c= coarse

A pre-poo is when you use a conditioning item before you shampoo. Try coconut oil for 30 minutes before you wash your hair..

...omg, this is making me wash my hair again.
Welcome Back!!!

My version of pre-pooing is by adding an oil (Amla, EVOO etc) or a conditioner. Sometimes I'll just add the oil to my scalp and the conditioner on my hair.
A = fine hair, b = medium, and c= coarse

A pre-poo is when you use a conditioning item before you shampoo. Try coconut oil for 30 minutes before you wash your hair..

...omg, this is making me wash my hair again.

How can I tell if fine, medium, or coarse? (I told you I'm a newbie! ):perplexed
Welcome Back!!!

My version of pre-pooing is by adding an oil (Amla, EVOO etc) or a conditioner. Sometimes I'll just add the oil to my scalp and the conditioner on my hair.

How long do you leave pre-poo on before shampooing? Do you rinse the pre-poo before shampoo? Or leave on and add shampoo?
How can I tell if fine, medium, or coarse? (I told you I'm a newbie! ):perplexed

Lol my bad. You can tell by the thickness of a strand of hair.

Actually, I don't think I could tell between b and c. Any girls care to show me via picture?

I just know that I have some thin strands mixed in with thicker ones.
How long do you leave pre-poo on before shampooing? Do you rinse the pre-poo before shampoo? Or leave on and add shampoo?

I guess this depends on what youre using. 30 minutes is a suitable time for me. Now the rinsing part? hmmmm... I always shampoo out my coconut oil. If its conditioner, I wash it out first. I never shampoo'd out conditioner.
A pre poo is something (usually some type of oil) that you apply -generously- to your hair prior to washing it with shampoo. Sometimes overnight but it can be for as short as 1/2 hour.

Here are some links that should help you better understand the yypical explanations of hair types.

The end of hair type confusion! MY hairtyping diagram
How to figure out hair type

Below is the LOIS system.
Find Your Pattern:

L - If the hair has all bends, right angles and folds with little to no curve then you are daughter L.

O - If the strand is rolled up into the shape of one or several zeros like a spiral, then you are daughter O.

I - If the hair lies mostly flat with no distinctive curve or bend you are daughter I.

S - If the strand looks like a wavy line with hills and valleys then you are daughter S.

You may have a combination of the LOIS letters, possibly with one dominant. If you cannot see one letter over the others, then combine the letters. Example: LO or IL or OS..

Find Your Strand size:
A strand of frayed thread is about the thickness of a medium sized strand of human hair. If your strand is larger than this, then your hair is thick. If your strand is smaller than this, hair is thin, or fine..

Find Your Texture:
Shine is a sharp reflection of light while Sheen is a dull reflection of light.

Thready - Hair as a low sheen, with high shine if the hair is held taut (as in a braid), with low frizz. Wets easily but water dries out quickly.

Wiry - Hair has a sparkly sheen, with low shine and low frizz. Water beads up or bounces off the hair strands. Hair never seems to get fully wet.

Cottony - Hair has a low sheen, a high shine if the hair is held taunt and has high frizz. Absorbs water quickly but does not get thoroughly wet very fast.

Spongy - Hair has a high sheen with low shine with a compacted looking frizz. Absorbs water before it gets thoroughly wet.

Silky - Hair has low sheen, a very high shine, with a lot or low frizz. Easily wets in water.
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How long do you leave pre-poo on before shampooing? Do you rinse the pre-poo before shampoo? Or leave on and add shampoo?

1. If I'm doing an oil pre-poo, I might leave it in over night. It all depends on what your hair likes.

2. I rinse it out before I shampoo