Please help - Texturizer Problem


New Member
Let's see....I grew my relaxer out for 2 years with braids. After I had a full head of natural hair I used a texturizer since I knew that this would be manageable and would allow me to have a curly style or have it straight when I wanted it straight. I have small tight 4a curls if my hair is without chemicals.

It worked out perfectly at first and the curls were tight and cute. Two years later and the curls are droopy and almost look like I just have wavy hair. The back used to have the tighest curls and know I have twirl my hair around my finger and clip it to create tighter curls.

The stylist that was doing my hair said that she was not overlapping when she put the texturizer in, but I feel that the curls are being loosened when she washes out the texturizer. Also, when she applies the texturizer she takes about 7 mins to put it in and then uses the comb to work it in for around 6 to 7 mins.

My questions are:

1) Should I have her stop using the comb to work it in after she has applied it? I never told her not to because I didn't want underprocessed hair.

2) How can I prevent the hair that is already been processed from becoming more relaxed?

Any help is appreaciated :ohwell:
I believe I've heard that the relaxer that runs off during the rinse out causes the ends of the hair to gradually straighten. If you coat your ends with a petroleum-based product it may help to prevent gradual straightening from relaxer run-off.
My hair did that. I think it's the product of better haircare and vitamins. My hair seems to be maintaining its texturizer now, but in one year (while I was on an 11 month stretch) my hair did this...


I eventually ended up cutting off most of the older straighter hair.
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is she also applying the relaxer from root to tip? i'm not sure if that may be the cause of it as well - overprocessed ends.
She knows about overlapping and isn't applying from root to tip. It's so crazy because now I think I will just have to grow out my hair again and gradually cut off the straighter ends. Maybe it won't take as long because I am using using a mix of sulphur and oil to make it grow more.

I also did a search on texturizers and found that people have been adding conditioners, proteins, oils to their relaxer or text to slow down the process. I'm definitey going to do this when I go on Saturday.

It just makes me mad because I grew the hair out, got the look that I wanted and now it's not cute anymore.
I think the run-off is also gradually straightening the rest of the hair as time goes by, I saw this happen with a friend of mine who texturized for years.

I protect the length of my hair with Porosity Control, Chi silk Infusion and Corn Germ Oil.
Soho Hair - I have some Porosity at home. I'll put that on before I go. I didn't know that could help with this problem. My roots look nothing like yours do after a texturizer.

I see that you texlax. I know it's different, but how long do you leave your relaxer on and how often do you do your texlax? Also, do you do a lot of smoothing with the comb?
stella23 said:
Soho Hair - I have some Porosity at home. I'll put that on before I go. I didn't know that could help with this problem. My roots look nothing like yours do after a texturizer.

I see that you texlax. I know it's different, but how long do you leave your relaxer on and how often do you do your texlax? Also, do you do a lot of smoothing with the comb?

Porosity Control tends to make your hair feel kind of wet, so I would mix it with something before you put it on you hair. I used Chi Silk Infusion because the silk proteins are supposed to help protect my hair from the relaxer and it gives the Porosity Control a better texture when I apply it to the lengths of my hair.

I use a mild relaxer (Phyto Index 1) and I leave it on for a total of about 18-20 minutes. I spend about 9-10 minutes applying it (I have a big head:look:) and the rest of the time smoothing. I apply it with a tint brush and smooth with that for a bit then I usually give up and smooth with just my fingers (while wearing gloves of course!!) This last touchup was after a 19 week stretch, which was longer than I had planned to stretch but it worked out pretty well, so I would say that I touchup anywhere from 16-19 weeks. HTH!