please help me....


New Member
figure out how to do a wash and go ! despite being natural my whole life, i've never worn one ! i THINK i finally have enough confidence to rock my natural hair in public, so i'm going to try one out. how exactly do you do one? the products i have are....

denman brush
kinky curly leave in conditioner
kinky curly curling custard (tried this before, didn't work well on my hair)
queen helene deep conditioner
suave conditioner
fantasia ic gel
coconut oil
olive oil

and here's a picture of my natural hair. please also confirm that i am a 3C, correct?


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Do you have any products in your hair with the pictures you provided? If not, you look like 3c/4a.

When I was natural I did my wash and go like this (I wasn't on LHCF then, so I'll tell you what I used when I wasn't on it):

First wash with a moisturizing shampoo
Second DC with any moisturizing conditioner
Third Comb through Kinky Curly knot today
Fourth with my fingers I applied the Kinky curly custard
then fifth use a few clips, or handband to style.

I only did this style in the summer so I can let it air-dry in the sun.
you literally just wash and condition your hair as you normally would and GO :yep:
the key is to all your hair dry without fiddling with it--no styling, etc if you must, run some leave in condish through and leave it alone.

A wash and go is simple. Here's what I do pretty much on a daily basis.

Rinse hair with water in the shower.

Once I get out of the shower I apply a lot (like 2 palmfuls, but it just depends) of castor oil on my soaking wet hair. I make sure I get my ends really well and the parts of my hair that my headband will touch.

Then I wrap my hair in a t-shirt (turban style) while I get dressed so that all the excess water is absorbed. When I'm ready to go I take the t-shirt off, put on my headband, and go.

You just have to figure out what will work best for you. I use castor oil so that my ends don't get dried out. I don't brush through my hair or anything because my hair is too tightly coiled for all of that. At most I'll detangle in the shower with my fingers, but I usually let the water do most of the work.

And I can't tell if your hair is 3c or if it's heat stretched. Looks like it could be 3c though. Do you have any dry pics?