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I am SERIOUSLY shaking and in tears right here's the back story I cut my fair months ago because stress and bad habits caused it to break off. It's short and it's just starting to grow back in. Anyways my hairdresser INSISTED that I get a relaxer last week (although I told him I just got one 4 weeks ago) he told me that I still needed one and my hair wouldn't come out right if I didn't. Anyways, I noticed today that my hair was shedding...It didn't really hit me how BAD it was until just now....I can SOFTLY run my fingers through my hair and bring out hair. Long strands, short strands HAIR!! There is hair ALL over my shirt, all over my sink, toilet, room, etc!! I am SOOOOO scared!!! What can I do to stop this??!! Should I wash my hair??!!! If it keeps coming out like this come the weekend I won't have ANY hair!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
I'm sorry to hear that. I suffered with bad breakage for close to three years so i can relate.

ok what is your regimen? when was your last protein treatment?
I think the first thing you need to do is resolve to NEVER go back to that hairdresser again.

Find a good neutralizing or clarifying shampoo and gently, ever so gently wash your hair.

Next. blot with a towel and use a protein. I recommend silk, but you may not have that. Use whatever you have - with heat, under the dryer 10 minutes, reapply, 10 minutes, reapply, 10 minutes reapply. THEN, rinse and again blot gently. If you have some ceramides or a conditioner with ceramides, use that next. Do you have Kexxus Keraphix - that would be a good one to use for both the protein and it has ceramides.

Use a deep moisturizing conditioner. Make sure you get it all over your hair from root to tip. Back inthe bag, back under the dryer - ten minutes, reapply, repeat for 30 minutes total.

Rinse. Apply leave in and seal with oil. Do whatever you do for styling, wrap and leave it alone.

Tomorrow, do the same thing minus the shampoo.

The next tomorrow, so the same thing.

And tomorrow and tomorrow.

When you stop breaking, or stop breaking badly, continue to condition everyday with a deep moisturzing conditioner for the next two weeks.

Then... if you are okay - well, I was going to say do something evil to the hairdresser, but it's almost Christmas, and going to jail for Christmas - no matter how well justified - would be no fun.

There is a thread here about how to save your hair - it was on the front page yesterday, I think. Read it as well.

do not know what will happen, but protein and moisture and gentle care can only help.

Good luck.
I am SERIOUSLY shaking and in tears right here's the back story I cut my fair months ago because stress and bad habits caused it to break off. It's short and it's just starting to grow back in. Anyways my hairdresser INSISTED that I get a relaxer last week (although I told him I just got one 4 weeks ago) he told me that I still needed one and my hair wouldn't come out right if I didn't. Anyways, I noticed today that my hair was shedding...It didn't really hit me how BAD it was until just now....I can SOFTLY run my fingers through my hair and bring out hair. Long strands, short strands HAIR!! There is hair ALL over my shirt, all over my sink, toilet, room, etc!! I am SOOOOO scared!!! What can I do to stop this??!! Should I wash my hair??!!! If it keeps coming out like this come the weekend I won't have ANY hair!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

I would do a mild protein treatment and follow that with a CO. Then I would cover my hair in a scarf or wig cap, and I wouldn't touch it for two weeks. This process would continue until my hair was healthy.
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I'm sorry to hear that. I suffered with bad breakage for close to three years so i can relate.

ok what is your regimen? when was your last protein treatment?

I wish I had enough time in my days to have an elaborate regimen...but I work 10-14 hours a day!! I use whatever it is my hairdresser puts in every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. He washes it, puts the conditioner in and puts me under the dryer for a little while. He's usually VERY gentle, but this time I think this may have been the BIG ONE.....
I think the first thing you need to do is resolve to NEVER go back to that hairdresser again.

Find a good neutralizing or clarifying shampoo and gently, ever so gently wash your hair.

Next. blot with a towel and use a protein. I recommend silk, but you may not have that. Use whatever you have - with heat, under the dryer 10 minutes, reapply, 10 minutes, reapply, 10 minutes reapply. THEN, rinse and again blot gently. If you have some ceramides or a conditioner with ceramides, use that next. Do you have Kexxus Keraphix - that would be a good one to use for both the protein and it has ceramides.

Use a deep moisturizing conditioner. Make sure you get it all over your hair from root to tip. Back inthe bag, back under the dryer - ten minutes, reapply, repeat for 30 minutes total.

Rinse. Apply leave in and seal with oil. Do whatever you do for styling, wrap and leave it alone.

Tomorrow, do the same thing minus the shampoo.

The next tomorrow, so the same thing.

And tomorrow and tomorrow.

When you stop breaking, or stop breaking badly, continue to condition everyday with a deep moisturzing conditioner for the next two weeks.

Then... if you are okay - well, I was going to say do something evil to the hairdresser, but it's almost Christmas, and going to jail for Christmas - no matter how well justified - would be no fun.

There is a thread here about how to save your hair - it was on the front page yesterday, I think. Read it as well.

do not know what will happen, but protein and moisture and gentle care can only help.

Good luck.

I have NOTHING at the moment....I am away in Illinois on a business trip and I don't have any of that in my hotel! You think I should find a 24 hour Walmart??!!
I think you should definitely find a 24 hour someplace. Nexxus or ORS - whichever you can find should work fine.

Go now! Go fast!
I think you should definitely find a 24 hour someplace. Nexxus or ORS - whichever you can find should work fine.

Go now! Go fast!

Stop messing around in your hair, go now and get your protien treatment and take care of your hair, then last but definitely not least LOSE THE HAIRDRESSER
I have NOTHING at the moment....I am away in Illinois on a business trip and I don't have any of that in my hotel! You think I should find a 24 hour Walmart??!!

I think you should. There has to be a CVS or Walgreens or something!!

Is there anyway you can keep your hair up in the meantime?
Hey Ladies....First, I want to thank EVERYONE for your timely response. I am seriously scared as heck over here! My coworker (a fellow Black Girl) is staying in the same hotel as I am and she lent me some shampoo and conditioner. It's Optimum Care Anti-Breakage, it says it has Protein and Ceramides. I figured this sounds good to just do SOMETHING tonight. I will go get some more product tomorrow. know how crackheads/alcoholics have to hit rock bottom to realize they need a change? Well, I have hit my hair rock bottom tonight! Once again, THANKS LADIES!!! And I will keep you posted. PLEASE, in the meantime, if anyone else has any more suggestions feel free to let me know. I need all the help I can get!
Hey Ladies....First, I want to thank EVERYONE for your timely response. I am seriously scared as heck over here! My coworker (a fellow Black Girl) is staying in the same hotel as I am and she lent me some shampoo and conditioner. It's Optimum Care Anti-Breakage, it says it has Protein and Ceramides. I figured this sounds good to just do SOMETHING tonight. I will go get some more product tomorrow. know how crackheads/alcoholics have to hit rock bottom to realize they need a change? Well, I have hit my hair rock bottom tonight! Once again, THANKS LADIES!!! And I will keep you posted. PLEASE, in the meantime, if anyone else has any more suggestions feel free to let me know. I need all the help I can get!

Oh she gave you some good stuff. I would mos def slather that stuff on tonight. Do you have something for moisture?
Definitely - if your hair is not drenched in conditioner at this moment - get off the computer, put the conditioner from root to tip, and then come back.

You know those semi-useless shower caps hotels have? Put it on. Wet a towel in the hottest water you can stand, cover your head (with cap on) with the towel, and then cover that with another towel. Keep it up until you manage about 30 minutes of heat with that conditioner. Then, rinse and do the moisture one.

I know you're up late, and you're so tired your eyes are crossing - condition first - sleep second.

And keep us posted.

Tomorrow - or later today as the case may be - wear your hair up - think sleek and slick back - but hair up. Do you have any oils, leave ins - anything? If not, use conditioner if you are desperate. No naked hair. No down hair.
First, I'm sorry this is happening to you. I understand what you're going through and I feel for you right now. To see hair coming out like that is painful. Second, I would say to get a good protein treatment (but be careful not to overload on protein, I had to learn the hard way) and follow up with a good moisturizing DC. But, I'm no expert, so tread lightly with that suggestion. Keep us posted as to how everything turns out.
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How you doing girlie!!!??? Give us an update!

HELLO ALL! So last night (or this morning rather!) I washed my hair, EVER SO GENTLY, with the Optimum Shampoo and Deep Conditioned it. I put my shower cap on and used the blow dryer for added heat. I rinsed, warmed up some Tui oil that I have with me, applied that and used more conditioner. I rinsed. Gently detangled, set, and put my silk scarf on and FELL OUT! LOL....this morning, I just took the scarf off. I did NOTHING to my hair! I'm too scared to touch it! I came in to the office today and there was a BUNCH of hair all over my work area from yesterday......YUCK! What should I do tonight? Should I just leave it? Or should I do another Conditioning session?

HELLO ALL! So last night (or this morning rather!) I washed my hair, EVER SO GENTLY, with the Optimum Shampoo and Deep Conditioned it. I put my shower cap on and used the blow dryer for added heat. I rinsed, warmed up some Tui oil that I have with me, applied that and used more conditioner. I rinsed. Gently detangled, set, and put my silk scarf on and FELL OUT! LOL....this morning, I just took the scarf off. I did NOTHING to my hair! I'm too scared to touch it! I came in to the office today and there was a BUNCH of hair all over my work area from yesterday......YUCK! What should I do tonight? Should I just leave it? Or should I do another Conditioning session?


How does it feel today? Is it still breaking and shedding.

I think it is time for some moisture, too. What are you using besides the oil?
I haven't noticed any shedding to day so far. But my hair is short and it's slicked back, still in place from last night. I havent touched it! LOL.....I didn't put any thing on it today. I have the tui oil and some Mizani Rose H20 cream with me.
I haven't noticed any shedding to day so far. But my hair is short and it's slicked back, still in place from last night. I havent touched it! LOL.....I didn't put any thing on it today. I have the tui oil and some Mizani Rose H20 cream with me.

Well that sounds good. It sounds like you already have a protective style going one. I would not manipulate it too much, but personally I would not condition or wash it again right now. Other ladies may comment on what they would do, but I would lay low and leave in alone. I would tie it back up as soon as you get back to the hotel.
Well that sounds good. It sounds like you already have a protective style going one. I would not manipulate it too much, but personally I would not condition or wash it again right now. Other ladies may comment on what they would do, but I would lay low and leave in alone. I would tie it back up as soon as you get back to the hotel.

Bre beat me to the point. DROP THAT HAIR DRESSER NOW! I hate it when good people are taken in by bad stylists!:hammer::whip:
So what is the prognosis? Update please.

Okay, so I didn't do too much to it at all today. The only thing I did was lightly rub a little of the Mizani H20 followed by the Tui oil. I lightly combed through it and there was no shedding out of the ordinary; as opposed to last night when the shedding caused me to have an anxiety attack! At this point I'm afraid to even touch my hair! When should I wash it again? Also, I planned on getting my first sewn-in ever in 2 weeks, what should I do in the interim to help get my hair strong enough to take the weave? Thanks in Advance everyone!
Okay, so I didn't do too much to it at all today. The only thing I did was lightly rub a little of the Mizani H20 followed by the Tui oil. I lightly combed through it and there was no shedding out of the ordinary; as opposed to last night when the shedding caused me to have an anxiety attack! At this point I'm afraid to even touch my hair! When should I wash it again? Also, I planned on getting my first sewn-in ever in 2 weeks, what should I do in the interim to help get my hair strong enough to take the weave? Thanks in Advance everyone!

:nono: I would not get a weave it I were you! With your length, it is easy to keep is moist and protected with little manipulation.

I would deep condition it again in a week. I am going to PM you. I have some extra stuff that may help you, too. I am always willing to share because I have way more than I need around here!
I also suggest avoiding the weave for now. Are you home yet, or still out of town? Definitely do another treatment - the full deal. This time, use moisturizing shampoo instead of neutralizing. Be careful of loading too many products on after you wash and condition so you don't... I don't know - like smother your hair so the moisturizing treatments can't get to the hair strand.

Anyway, right now, I would say wash with the moisturizing poo, use the protein, and the deep condition again. In another day or so, deep condition with heat for moisture. You can also condition wash too. If you treat - deep condition on day, condition wash the next, deep condition, condition wash - and apply a mositurizing leave in and then seal - after a week, check out the hair and see how it's doing. Maybe then you can decide for or against the weave. Right now, I think you may wish to avoid the stress of the weave while you're nursing your hair.

What style do you wear? Up do, bun, sleek back - something low maintaince for another week or two at least.

Keep us posted - we're with you.