please HELP me!!!!


New Member
i have been searching for this thread that was posted maybe a week or so ago. i can't remember the exact title but it was something like "hair 101" and it had a lot of very useful info in it about moisture vs. protein (and vice versa). i can't even remember the name of the person who started the thread but i remember next to her avatar it said something like "hair consultant."

if you know where i can find this thread, please help me.

(this time i will book mark it ;) )
DenverGirl said:
i have been searching for this thread that was posted maybe a week or so ago. i can't remember the exact title but it was something like "hair 101" and it had a lot of very useful info in it about moisture vs. protein (and vice versa). i can't even remember the name of the person who started the thread but i remember next to her avatar it said something like "hair consultant."

if you know where i can find this thread, please help me.

(this time i will book mark it ;) )
thank you SO much, y'all!

i would have never thought to look at the sticky's page. i've been doing a random search and looking through the product review pages.

i was beginnig to think that i saw it in a dream! thanks again!