Please help me w/ my son's hair!! (pics)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so. My son used to have really long hair as a baby. Below is a picture of what his hair looked like when he was a baby. He was only one in this pic, about 15 months.


Yeah, I cut it when he was like 3 or 4. Don't judge. :rofl:I got tired of braiding it and was just too lazy to keep up with it...which is basically why its just pulled back in a ponytail in the photo. Anyway, he is 9 yo now. I told DH that I was thinking about growing his hair out a little bit and I told him specifically to tell the barber not to cut it into a fade like he usually does, but instead to just line it up and make it look neat. Here is what his hair looks like now:


So after he got his hair cut today, DH comes home with an S-curl KIT. I almost fell out. I've been perming my hair as long as I can remember, so I have nothing against perms and texturizers, but on my son's 9 year old hair, I just CANNOT. :nono: I know DH meant well and he was telling me how his barber told him that he needed to put the kit on to really get his curls to pop and yada yada yada. He kept going on about how his barber has a kit on his hair and his hair looks sooo healthy and wonderful, etc. I temporarily talked DH out of it, but he said "just wait until you go to sleep". :lachen: Anyways, please I need some help on what products I can use on my son's hair to give him that s-curl look without putting s-curl in it. I just don't think he needs chemicals to get the look we're trying to achieve. Please and THANK YOU!!
Oddly enough Scurl is a great leave-in LOL That boy has BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!! He DOES NOT need chemicals at all. I moisturize with Scurl, seal with castor oil and style with EcoStyler and my hair looks awesome!! No chemicals needed.
No he does not. He bought the kit solely based on the advice of his barber.

Girl, just sweetly remind him before he puts anything in that babies hair that he'll go to sleep at some point too...and you will be wide awake and waiting. I have no advice, just wanted to say thank you for keeping the s curl away and that your son is SO cute. :)
Well my son (1 1/2 years old) is half African (Ghanian) and half American (me mixed with Indian and Trinidadian). His texture is a 4bish hair and to get my son's hair soft and wavy I use my Oyin handmade for him. I ordered a sample pack just for him and we use the Greg juice and the Whipped Pudding the most to keep his hair soft, moist and wavy. I didn't want to use too many commercial products on his hair, since I'm natural he should be natural right along with me.
OP, S Curl alone I think would work wonders. If your son won't mind wearing a baggy (We can keep it behind closed doors on the DL :sekret:), in the morning not only will his hair comb out with such ease, but it'll have cute little curls and be so soft and moisturized.

If S Curl can turn 4B hair that looked like this:

...into this:

...then your son's hair which looks like 4A or 3C/4A will definitely have cute coils. PLEASE do not perm his hair. I personally don't think S Curl needs to be used with anything at all. I never use it with anything, and if I were a guy, lawd knows I'd not be able to deal with metrosexual excessiveness. Just one product would suffice. So get him this and call it a day:

Oh and another thing, he only needs to use it once after washing his hair. If it dries and feels hard, he can apply it once more to the dry hair, and no more. with wearing a cap (and a doo-rag over that) at night, he won't lose the moisture and he won't need to reapply in the morn and he can enjoy nice soft fluffy hair.
This isn't meant to be rude but - you want to grow you son's hair out, your hubby wants to put a texturizer in. Nine years old is imo is quite old enough to have a say so in what happens to your hair (within reason of course). What does your son want?
This isn't meant to be rude but - you want to grow you son's hair out, your hubby wants to put a texturizer in. Nine years old is imo is quite old enough to have a say so in what happens to your hair (within reason of course). What does your son want?

I didn't ask him what he wants because quite honestly, he isn't the one that's going to be taking care of his hair-I am. I don't want to grow it out really long, just in like a twa--for now at least. :D DH doesn't know the first thing about hair, he was just so impressed by how his barber's hair looked with a kit in, that he thought that was the route to go. I don't claim to be an expert either, but I just didn't think chemicals were the route to take, given that DS's hair is already naturally curly.
To everyone that responded---THANK YOU!! Thanks for all the suggestions, I truly appreciate it and I am sure my son's hair will too. :D

Nonie---inside the activator kit, there were a few packets of s-curl spray and gel, so I'll see if those work well, and if so, I'll go by my BSS in the morning to stock up. KCCC and Fantasia IC also looks worthy. Thanks again ladies!!!
This isn't meant to be rude but - you want to grow you son's hair out, your hubby wants to put a texturizer in. Nine years old is imo is quite old enough to have a say so in what happens to your hair (within reason of course). What does your son want?

I didn't ask him what he wants because quite honestly, he isn't the one that's going to be taking care of his hair-I am. I don't want to grow it out really long, just in like a twa--for now at least. :D DH doesn't know the first thing about hair, he was just so impressed by how his barber's hair looked with a kit in, that he thought that was the route to go. I don't claim to be an expert either, but I just didn't think chemicals were the route to take, given that DS's hair is already naturally curly.

Hmm....I know as a parent, it's ultimately up to you and I respect that, but I have an 8-year-old and he is old enough to say how he wants his hair. (He's been vocal since the age of 2 - he hated getting braids). He has type-3 hair and he doesn't like it too long because kids tease him. So, we cut it at least every 3-4 weeks during the school year. During the summer, we let it grow out and just keep it edged up.

I want to grow his hair out, but he has asked me to keep it cut. might want to just ask your little boy. I think you're doing the right thing by avoiding chemicals.

I shampoo my son's hair every couple of days (to combat dandruff). I rub conditioner in, leave it for a minute or two, and then put whatever oil or moisturizer in it and his curls naturally pop. Yet, he doesn't actually like his curls to pop so I try to keep it cut and just put some grease (yes, grease) in it, and brush it down so it's wavy. The barber doesn't cut it bald. He keeps some hair so that it's enough to show his texture, but not get him called out by his little classmates at school.
Hmm....I know as a parent, it's ultimately up to you and I respect that, but I have an 8-year-old and he is old enough to say how he wants his hair. (He's been vocal since the age of 2 - he hated getting braids). He has type-3 hair and he doesn't like it too long because kids tease him. So, we cut it at least every 3-4 weeks during the school year. During the summer, we let it grow out and just keep it edged up.

I want to grow his hair out, but he has asked me to keep it cut. might want to just ask your little boy. I think you're doing the right thing by avoiding chemicals.

I shampoo my son's hair every couple of days (to combat dandruff). I rub conditioner in, leave it for a minute or two, and then put whatever oil or moisturizer in it and his curls naturally pop. Yet, he doesn't actually like his curls to pop so I try to keep it cut and just put some grease (yes, grease) in it, and brush it down so it's wavy. The barber doesn't cut it bald. He keeps some hair so that it's enough to show his texture, but not get him called out by his little classmates at school.

You're right of course. I hope I didn't sound like I don't value DS's opinion, I just know that even if he did want a kit in his hair, I wouldn't let him. He has expressed to me before that he doesn't ever want his hair long like it was before (he says long hair looks "girly"), and like I mentioned, I'm not interested in growing it out very long either. He seems to likes the change from short bald haircut to having a twa. But as far as adding chemicals in the mix--he doesn't know the pros and cons involved, so I wouldn't expect him to be able to make an informed decision on whether or not he wants chemicals in his hair. I hope that makes sense. :D
You're right of course. I hope I didn't sound like I don't value DS's opinion, I just know that even if he did want a kit in his hair, I wouldn't let him. He has expressed to me before that he doesn't ever want his hair long like it was before (he says long hair looks "girly"), and like I mentioned, I'm not interested in growing it out very long either. He seems to likes the change from short bald haircut to having a twa. But as far as adding chemicals in the mix--he doesn't know the pros and cons involved, so I wouldn't expect him to be able to make an informed decision on whether or not he wants chemicals in his hair. I hope that makes sense. :D

Yes, that makes perfect sense! I'm sure you and your hubby will make the right choice. I forgot to mention it before, but your son is cute and his hair is beautiful! Keep us updated.
Yes, that makes perfect sense! I'm sure you and your hubby will make the right choice. I forgot to mention it before, but your son is cute and his hair is beautiful! Keep us updated.

Thank you! :grin: DH and I basically just want DS's hair to look good, but after DH saw the kit in his barber's hair, well, he was sold. I honestly doubt he will press the issue so long as DS's hair looks nice and healthy. In the meantime, I've hidden the kit. :sekret:

Your hair is beautiful as well! :yep:

ETA: Totally off topic, but I just noticed you're in Texas. What part? I'm close to Fort Hood, about an hour from Austin.
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