Please help me to pray


Active Member
Can you ladies please take a look at my situation posted in the relationship section. Here's the link;

Can I get some advise on how to deal with this spiritually. Can you provide me with prayers to pray? I would like to focus on asking for forgiveness, on forgiving, getting to know myself deeply, loving myself and understanding & learning from this experience so that I don't find my self in similar situations. And of-course any other advice or prayer suggestions will be appreciated.
LADI - I'm sorry that you are going through this but you are on the right track by seeking God for forgiveness, healing, counsel, and guidance.

As far as prayers I'd recommend the book the Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omaritian. This book offers prayers and an excellent self-help book.

Can you ladies please take a look at my situation posted in the relationship section. Here's the link;

Can I get some advise on how to deal with this spiritually. Can you provide me with prayers to pray? I would like to focus on asking for forgiveness, on forgiving, getting to know myself deeply, loving myself and understanding & learning from this experience so that I don't find my self in similar situations. And of-course any other advice or prayer suggestions will be appreciated.


Precious LADI... This is girl talk... straight from the heart. :giveheart:

This man is not worth your love. Never was, never will be.

God has given you a greater value than this man ever did or ever could.

Live in the life and love that God has planned for you which is far, far, FAR better and please move on and do not ever look back.

Please stop taking the stale crumbs of the crumbs that this 'crumb' has been brushing off of his car seat at you. Please move forward with your life and be glad that he is no longer in it.

He treatment of you is no different then your husband's treatment which in both of them were disrespecting you.

Please get another gym. There are many others that you can attend. If not, there are some wonderful Dance classes to take; there are many fitness DVD's that will bless you. There is also a very special House of Worship, a Church which God has in place for you. A place of healing and new direction and a path which God has for you to follow bringing you to a place of love for yourself, and to be loved by a man who will never mistreat you.

Move on... you've been bruised and heartbroken enough. Move on and away from the place and person who is not good for you.

You will always be God's princess. Live in your royalty and in the heart of God's love.

Love and blessings... are yours forever.
LADI - I'm sorry that you are going through this but you are on the right track by seeking God for forgiveness, healing, counsel, and guidance.

As far as prayers I'd recommend the book the Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omaritian. This book offers prayers and an excellent self-help book.


Thanks PinkPebbles,

Actually I have that book. It used to bring me peace when I was at a low during my marriage. But I put it down. On your suggestion I started reading it again today. I did Chapter 20; Lord, Set me free from negative emotions. It helps. My goal this time around is to not let the ball drop when I feel like things are starting to go good.

Precious LADI... This is girl talk... straight from the heart. :giveheart:

This man is not worth your love. Never was, never will be.

God has given you a greater value than this man ever did or ever could.

Live in the life and love that God has planned for you which is far, far, FAR better and please move on and do not ever look back.

Please stop taking the stale crumbs of the crumbs that this 'crumb' has been brushing off of his car seat at you. Please move forward with your life and be glad that he is no longer in it.

He treatment of you is no different then your husband's treatment which in both of them were disrespecting you.

Please get another gym. There are many others that you can attend. If not, there are some wonderful Dance classes to take; there are many fitness DVD's that will bless you. There is also a very special House of Worship, a Church which God has in place for you. A place of healing and new direction and a path which God has for you to follow bringing you to a place of love for yourself, and to be loved by a man who will never mistreat you.

Move on... you've been bruised and heartbroken enough. Move on and away from the place and person who is not good for you.

You will always be God's princess. Live in your royalty and in the heart of God's love.

Love and blessings... are yours forever.

Thanks for the advice Shimmie. I am trying to follow all the advice that I have been receiving. Some harder than others.
Thanks for the advice Shimmie. I am trying to follow all the advice that I have been receiving. Some harder than others.

You are going to get through this, precious LADI. Please hold on to this and believe it.

LADI... I've been 'there'. I've BEEN 'there'. And I am sooooo glad that God lead me out of it, even more that I followed God out of it. And had I not, I would not know the 'love' that I have in my life today.

You are not a failure! You are not unworthy of love... real love. You are not forsaken and you are not alone.

Give yourself one month to get over this 'issue' completely. Then start living the life of love that is waiting in the arms of God's Destiny for you.

The fresh air and fresh life is ............. 'refreshing'. :yep:

You will do this, precious LADI. It's long overdue for you to do something 'real' and happy for you. It's long overdue.

Take your life back and live it. It's God's gift to you. :grouphug2: