Please help me. My hair has not been washed/combed in over a year and is completely matted.


New Member
Hello. I am mentally ill. My hair hasn't been washed/combed in over a year and is completely matted. (I wear a scarf around the house and when I go to the doctor/grocery store, and my classes are online.) I am too embarrassed to go to a salon. I don't want a hairdresser or random customers seeing it. Also, I am autistic and was abused so I do not like random people touching me. I really don't want to be bald, but I don't know what to do. I honestly tried a few months ago to detangle it, but I got frustrated and gave up.

Unfortunately, my mother is no help at all so I will have to do this myself. I wear a scarf around the house at all times, so she hasn't seen me without it in around 10 months (before it was this bad) and will just yell at me if she sees my hair..

Anyways, my doctor wants me to try to uncomb a small portion in the back and put it into a braid for my appointment next week, so that I can have it all done by the end of April. However, I don't know where to start or what products to buy.
All advice is appreciated.

Thank you.

I don't have any pictures of myself from the past few years with my hair loose and unmatted, but it looked like this in 2018 when I was growing it out, just in case this helps. In the second picture it is flat ironed and curled at the bottom.


This is what it looks like now. I know that this looks gross, but please do not make fun of me.



1. get some good thick creamy hydrating conditioner and olive oil in a microwave safe container with a lid and heat for 15 seconds. Herbal Essence Hello Hydration is good and not that expensive and some olive oil from the grocery store will do.

2. saturate and coat your hair with the mixture,

3. Apply a plastic cap or plastic shopping bag like from Walmart or another store with similar bags for 1 hour.

4. You will need a rubber hard plastic wide-tooth comb an a rat tail comb. You can find these in the beauty supply store.

5. Start at the bottom of a small section you want to work on and first gently pull strands apart with your fingers. Use the rat tail comb and gently comb hairs away from the knot or matted section. Remove shed hairs as you go.
You may need to cut some strands of knots to get through to just cut the end of the section you want work on. The ends of your hair will need to be cut or trimmed off anyway.

This will take a lot of time. You will not finish this in one day. Don’t sleep or walk around with the plastic cap or bag on your hair because you don’t want to cause mildew or more mold growth. Just be patient and work on a section each day.

don’t feel bad! I’m so proud of you for reaching out and seeking help and support!
I’ve actually watched quite a few different videos on this lately.

In this one, the stylist tried several different products, and found Cowboy magic detangler to be the most effective. I would order that to have on hand, just in case conditioner and oil doesn’t cut it. And I’d do all the rest of the steps @Evolving78 detailed above.

I advise that you watch as many of these types of videos as possible, and some loc comb out videos too. To see different techniques to try if one doesn’t work for you. And just to psych yourself up to do this, because it’s going to take a lot of time and patience to do this yourself. Good luck.
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This is what it looks like now. I know that this looks gross, but please do not make fun of me.

Hello, sis. :wave:

Please know that we are here to support you and will never ever make fun of you or your beautiful hair. You've received some great advice above and we can't wait to hear of your updates. We are here for you and happy to help. Please keep us posted.
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I don’t know you personally, but I wish you well. The videos posted above are going to be really helpful. I’m a product junkie and am willing to share some of my stash of conditioners, detanglers, etc (sealed/unopened) PM me if you’re interested.

Good luck to you. Have patience with yourself and your hair. It will be a process, but you can do it. E-hug!
Chicoro penned a wonderful post the other day on this very same topic. I'll see it I can find it.

Found it:

This is the link for the full thread, link:

Never fear, you're not the only one going through it. Good luck and take it slow.

Let's put it here so it's easy to review:

I sometimes help people who are bedridden or who have been incapacitated and who are unable to attend to their hair. As a result, their hair has become matted. Also, the reason I began to finger detangle is because my hair would get matted at the root and I am extremely tender headed. Necessity, is the mother of invention!

  1. Get two to four bottles of pure glycerin. (start with 1 Cup of glycerin)
  2. Mix in 1/2 cup of olive oil.
  3. Warm up the glycerin and olive oil so they are warm but not hot, to the touch.
  4. Squeeze the glycerin and olive oil into the hair and saturate the hair. Try to squeeze the mixture deep into the entire head and especially the matted hair.
  5. Place a plastic shower cap on the hair for 30 minutes. You want the hair to soften with the glycerin.
  6. Get in front of a mirror with a metal rat tail comb or some kind of stick with a dull point so you can poke into the hair.
  7. Pick a section that is not as matted as the rest. Why? To give yourself a psychological boost of success detangling a less severe section. This may inspire you to not give up.
  8. Examine the section. Sometimes we mat the hair more by pulling in the wrong direction.
  9. Try to examine what that section is doing.
  10. Is it wrapped up by other hairs? Is the hair turned inside itself and knotted? Once you understand the matted section, you may have a chance of undoing it.
  11. Be prepared to lose and break some of your hair.
  12. If you get tired and discouraged, stop. Put the plastic cap on, and re-start again.
  13. Have extra bottles of glycerin around in case you need them.
Glycerin is a 'lipotropic' in that it breaks down fat such as grease and oil and particles that add to tangles. The glycerin breaks down product in the hair. The oil will lubricate the strands. Use warm to hot water in a spray bottle lightly, only on the section upon which you are working.

More importantly than being gentle with your hair, please be gentle with yourself.