Please help me help my mama!


New Member
I am doing my hair tonight and my mother commented on how long my hair has grown and how good it looks :grin:. She asked my what I have done and I told her about DCing and daily moisture and that I have recently started doing the Cathy Howse method of shampooing my scalp every three days and then DCIng with a protein and then a moisturizing conditioner. I told her those are some of the things that have helped me on my hair journey.

I recommended that she take up moisturizing every day and that she do the shampoo and then DCing. She has a couple of concerns that I am not positive as to how to address, so I wonder if you can help me.

She is concerned about putting heat on her hair and also about her rinse coming out. She is relaxed and she wears her hair straight, so doesn't know how to get it straight after DCing without the use of heat. I suggested doing a rollerset and then lightly flat ironing her roots. Does that sound good? Are there any other options for her?

Also she had a black rinse to cover hair gray hair. It is temporary and rinses out when she sweats. I am not sure how to remedy this other than her stylist giving her the rinse more often if she is getting her hair wet more often. What do you all think?

I'm sorry for such a long post. My mom has done so many things for me and I want to help her the best way that I can now!

Thank you in advance.
I don't know about rinses or coloring but isn't there a more permanent solution? Perhaps color experts can chime in on that.

If she likes to wear her hair in curls, may I recommend Curlformers. No heat needed and she can get her hair to look this pretty:

(**Not sure whose photo this is, but it's one of my favorite finds on Google images for Curlformer results. I'm happy to take it down if the owner isn't happy about me using it. Please PM me.) For more great results, check out queen_t's album.
Thank you for your response. She doesn't want to do permanent color, she had some hair loss the last time she used it.

I do have curl formers, maybe she could use those!
Not sure about the color question, but I second the rollerset recommendation. Does she wear her hair straight because that is what she is accustomed to? If so, gradually introduce her to more textured styles, such as braidouts and pin curls (the curlformers are also an excellent idea). Since it is summer, this would be a great time for her to experiment with a low- to no-heat regimen. Good luck!
She could also try caruso's for curling her hair and switch to Henna or Indigo for coloring her grays which would be more long lasting and easier on her hair. HTH
Maybe she can get a permant color or indigo. In terms of keeping her hair straight maybe she can limit heat to once a week at first.