Please Help Me Find/Name This Wig


Well-Known Member
I am in search of a wig and I am very picky. I am looking for something short and curly that I don't have to do a ton of work on when I get it. I can do a little but I'm not a stylists.

So I found this wig at And I can tell they have doubled if not tripled the price of this wig because I have seen some of the other wigs on different sites. I don't mind paying for a wig, but I don't want to pay triple the price if I can get it somewhere else on the web.

It looks like they intentionally leave the brand and names off.

If you know the brand, the name or where I can get it, please let me know.

^^Thanks. I hadn't been to that site before. I didn't see it there but they did have some different wigs there.