Please help me do my first conditioner wash

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
I know you regulars have probably answered this a million times and I apologize for asking again but can someone please explain how to do my first co wash?

I purchased the suave milk/honey conditioner since I heard so many great things about it. Are there any other products I need? What are all the steps in a cowash and what do I do with my hair afterwards? I don't want to go to bed with a wet head so should I blowdry a little? Can I throw some rollers in it? If so what type of product should I put on the hair after I cowash to help it stay moisturized?

I truly aopologize that I am asking so many questions but I really am curios and am ready to do my cowash now.
Hi There,
When I condition wash my hair, I also use Suave Milk and Honey, it smells so good!! When I finish I usually apply my leave in conditioner or just a little of the Milk and Honey as a leave in and then roller set or air dry in a pony tail with my silk scarf. If I am air drying, I also add a little oil. Hope this helps!!
I guess I should have read your post better. You asked for the steps to do the wash:

I just rinse my hair really well by standing under the shower head and remove any tangles with my fingers and then apply the condtioner to "wash" my hair. I usually just let it sit while I shower and then rinse and detangle with my bone comb under the running water.

The key for me is to rinse my hair really well first and then apply the conditioner. Everytime I do this, my hair comes out really soft.
I wash my hair with a conditioner (Vo5) just like I would with a shampoo and then use keracare humecto or keraphix as a deep conditioner. After that I rollerset my hair. You can continue to use the leave-in of your preference.