Please help me decide what to do with my hair!


New Member
I've natural and relaxed off and on. Right now my hair is natural and about chin length. Im tired of buying weave and glueing it in because i dont have enough money to get it sewn in soooo im gonna rock the real hair out till it grows. the only problem is i dont know if i should wear it natural and straighten it or just relax it. When i think of the relaxer smell and chemical burns i get the heeby geebies BUT i do not want to wear my natural hair out. I know i could straighten it but im worried about the rainy weather and i also workout alot and i dont want my hair to revert everyday. so im stuck in a rut. any advice?
By reading your orignal post it seems like you'd be better off shaving your head completely bald. Natural and relaxed hair is going to have some things you don't like about it so you need to pick which one is a better fit for your lifestyle and personal style choice. It makes no sense to be natural if you don't like wearing your natural hair out in natural styles and plan to straighten it all the time anyway. I
i like messing around with my natural hair but i prefer straight hair and im more worried about the health of it than anything..i think of it like well if i keep heat on my hair i might as well have a relaxer but i dont want to damage it
If you want to stay straight just relax it then, there are plenty of women on here with healthy relaxed hair, keep up the protein treatments and all that good stuff, I mean do what you want to, if you prefer straight then relax it. I agree with MissAJ
i like messing around with my natural hair but i prefer straight hair and im more worried about the health of it than anything..i think of it like well if i keep heat on my hair i might as well have a relaxer but i dont want to damage it

IMO, constant heat on natural hair is more damaging than indirect heat via rollersets on relaxed (texlaxed, i dont believe in bone straight relaxing) hair. If you don't misuse/abuse the relaxer then you won't damage your hair.
IMO, constant heat on natural hair is more damaging than indirect heat via rollersets on relaxed (texlaxed, i dont believe in bone straight relaxing) hair. If you don't misuse/abuse the relaxer then you won't damage your hair.

I agree with this entire post. I chose texlaxing because I knew the constant heat on my natural hair would stunt my hair growth/retention. Better yet, I can still do "natural" styles with texlaxed hair, so I'm a happy camper. :grin:
Sounds like your options are to be a heat straightened natural, get a relaxer, or BKT.
Why not just get braids until you make a decision on what willl work best with your lifestyle?
I agree with this entire post. I chose texlaxing because I knew the constant heat on my natural hair would stunt my hair growth/retention. Better yet, I can still do "natural" styles with texlaxed hair, so I'm a happy camper. :grin:

All of this right here, if i ever decide I want to wear my hair straight more often than curly then I'm gonna texlax.
I would suggest getting some braids until you can determine whats best for you. If you want to get your hair perm go for it sweet heart either way it will be beautiful.
how do you texlax?

All you do is use the relaxer for half the recommended time for your hair type. The majority on this board prefer lye relaxers, and some mix some type of oil or protein in it. When I first discovered adding oil to relaxers I think I used a 1/3 or a 1/4 cup of oil in my relaxer and even leaving it on for the recommended 25 minutes I still had wash and wear hair. Some ladies are looking for more of a texturized look and their hair still looks natural.
oh ok i had a friend that is "texlaxed" and her hair looked curly but she could wrap it while it was wet and sit under the dryer and her hair would come out silk straight. the difference is she runs a weave brush (plastic tip brush) through with motions relaxer in. thats what i would be aiming for if i did it