Please Help, Looking For A Specific Tool


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I am shopping around online, but cannot find exactly the type of tool that I'm looking for. I want to give a gift that will make washing hair for my grandma a little easier.

I'm looking for a shampoo brush that you put the shampoo in, and dispenses as you use it.

I've found some that are just for scrubbing. Only 1 so far that has a place to put the shampoo in it. But I didn't like the bristles. It was advertised as a minodixil brush (in case you come across it online).

Do any of you have a type of shampoo brush like this, or know of one to recommend?

Thank you @shortdub78 I really appreciate it.

I did see some brushes marketed for washing dogs like the one you shared.

And I realize they all would work the same, and we've been using horse/equine products on this board for years.

But I feel kinda funny buying a dog washing brush to wash my grandmother's hair. I can't get over the dog head in the picture.

I want one marketed just for humans. But maybe there aren't any shampoo dispensing brushes on the market made just for humans.
Thank you @shortdub78 I really appreciate it.

I did see some brushes marketed for washing dogs like the one you shared.

And I realize they all would work the same, and we've been using horse/equine products on this board for years.

But I feel kinda funny buying a dog washing brush to wash my grandmother's hair. I can't get over the dog head in the picture.

I want one marketed just for humans. But maybe there aren't any shampoo dispensing brushes on the market made just for humans.
I understand. It looks like the same thing as the shampoo brush I have in the shower. Don’t let marketing get to you if it could help Nana!
Could you just get a spray bottle, mix shampoo and water in it, spray, then use a shampoo brush on Granny’s hair?