Please Help! I went bald in the back of my neck


New Member
Can someone please let me know from experience if you have experienced tremendous hair lost. First let me brief you on my experience.
First- I did my usual 12-16 week stretch after wigs and box braids for 4mo
Next i took out the braids clarified-washed w/acv, dc w/dudleys DRC protein,intensley moisturized w/elucence moisture balance waited two days and impatiently went to the dom salon and let them do my retouch :ohwell:
i know, i know i should've waited atleast a week, but i didint :wallbash:
now might i remind you that they applied the relaxer first to the back of my hairline --- a complete no no and immediately my neck was on fire. so, i tried to take the pain for about 3 minutes and then by the time they reached the front of my head within 5-6 minutes i rushed the lady to wash it out, as you know my perm was underprocessed:sad: but more importantly the back of my head has burned with scabs, over the next couple of weeks the scabs are gone, but i am now experiencing extreme itching in that area along with a chunk of hair that came out i am going to the dermatologist tomorrow morning to find out if my hair will be permantely lost forever......... right now, i am leaving my hair alooone :sad: all i do is wash weekly w/dc and co wash in between w/moisturizers, put it in a bun and wiggie all day, is my hair gonna grow back?????????????????????????? oh, and most importantly i'm getting a lawyer
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Pobrecita, I don't think your hair is gone forever. :nono: You need to let you scalp heal first, I would use aloe in that spot for a couple of weeks. Then, I would start using MN or another growth aid. Is it visible when you wear a ponytail?
Oooooow, I'm so sorry this happened to you. :nono:

Like Sunshine Lady said, you really need to let your scalp heal first before you can assess if that hair is gone forever. I'm pretty sure with time and care, it will grow back.
Aloe vera is good, if your scalp needs oil use something natural like olive or avocado oil to keep the skin from getting too dry,tight and itchy.

And I have to tell say you want to hire a lawyer, but according to your own story a case against the salon will not go in your favor.

You said you KNEW you should have waited for a relaxer, you told the beautician to apply it, she rinsed as soon as you told her it was burning (you tried to wait out the pain as long as you could), you would not win this case.
can't wear a ponytail because it will be noticable:nono: but this mess itches like crazy

Okay, then I want you to go and get a neutralizing shampoo today and wash with it and let it stay on for 10 minutes. Your derm probably won't take you for at least a week.

Then, definitely go get a fresh aloe plant and cortizone cream and use it at least once a day. Oh and do not scratch when it itches. The cortizone cream should help with that. I would not get a wig, if you can avoid it, for at least a month. Unless you could afford and fit a stock lace wig.

And, I think the other ladies are right, it doesn't sound like the salon was at fault, so I wouldn't go in there raising hell.
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Can someone please let me know from experience if you have experienced tremendous hair lost. First let me brief you on my experience.
First- I did my usual 12-16 week stretch after wigs and box braids for 4mo
Next i took out the braids clarified-washed w/acv, dc w/dudleys DRC protein,intensley moisturized w/elucence moisture balance waited two days and impatiently went to the dom salon and let them do my retouch :ohwell:
i know, i know i should've waited atleast a week, but i didint :wallbash:
now might i remind you that they applied the relaxer first to the back of my hairline --- a complete no no and immediately my neck was on fire. so, i tried to take the pain for about 3 minutes and then by the time they reached the front of my head within 5-6 minutes i rushed the lady to wash it out, as you know my perm was underprocessed:sad: but more importantly the back of my head has burned with scabs, over the next couple of weeks the scabs are gone, but i am now experiencing extreme itching in that area along with a chunk of hair that came out i am going to the dermatologist tomorrow morning to find out if my hair will be permantely lost forever......... right now, i am leaving my hair alooone :sad: all i do is wash weekly w/dc and co wash in between w/moisturizers, put it in a bun and wiggie all day, is my hair gonna grow back?????????????????????????? oh, and most importantly i'm getting a lawyer

I have experienced this type of hair loss. Some people can handle the stress from wigs, braids, and weaves, and some cannot. I abused weaves for a few years before going "healthy". The weaves caused bald spots and patches in the nape and hairline.

I remedied the balding when I went natural for a year, and during that time I wore braids for a few months, followed by wigs for the remainder of that year. My nape recovered but is still very sensitive, and my hairline is still recovering over 2 years later. I later realized that my scalp cannot handle that kind of long term stress, of any kind, not even tight scarves or tight ponytails.

Your wigs and the box braids stressed out the most sensitive sections of your head. And then, you further flamed the fire by relaxing. The chemicals applied on an already stressed scalp and weakend follicles = breakage.

It is a good idea to go to the derm, to rule out permanent follicle damage. In the meantime, you are right. Leave it alone. You may even want to leave the wigs and other stressful hair styles alone as well. If you wear ponytails only, wear them loosely (same goes for scarves). Massage the damaged areas with oils. has a great list of natural concoctions.

Good luck and keep us posted.
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Can someone please let me know from experience if you have experienced tremendous hair lost. First let me brief you on my experience.
First- I did my usual 12-16 week stretch after wigs and box braids for 4mo
Next i took out the braids clarified-washed w/acv, dc w/dudleys DRC protein,intensley moisturized w/elucence moisture balance waited two days and impatiently went to the dom salon and let them do my retouch :ohwell:
i know, i know i should've waited atleast a week, but i didint :wallbash:
now might i remind you that they applied the relaxer first to the back of my hairline --- a complete no no and immediately my neck was on fire. so, i tried to take the pain for about 3 minutes and then by the time they reached the front of my head within 5-6 minutes i rushed the lady to wash it out, as you know my perm was underprocessed:sad: but more importantly the back of my head has burned with scabs, over the next couple of weeks the scabs are gone, but i am now experiencing extreme itching in that area along with a chunk of hair that came out i am going to the dermatologist tomorrow morning to find out if my hair will be permantely lost forever......... right now, i am leaving my hair alooone :sad: all i do is wash weekly w/dc and co wash in between w/moisturizers, put it in a bun and wiggie all day, is my hair gonna grow back?????????????????????????? oh, and most importantly i'm getting a lawyer

Why are u getting a lawyer? Not trying to be funny but from your post I don't see how they are liable unless (1) you asked if it was okay to relax after washing 2 days ago and they said yes and/or (2) you asked them repeatedly to rinse out the relaxer and THEY insisted that you take the pain. Just something to think about if you are trying to build a case. Also, applying the relaxer in the back I don't think its considered a complete no-no - (there are several references. Here's 2

I understand you are upset and all and I'm sorry to hear this has happened. You do have a chemical burn and if its not too bad your hair should grow back. Going to see the derm is a good step and they'll be able to tell you how bad the scalp was damaged. Using neosporin has worked for me in the past to help with healing and itching. The derm will be able to give you professional advice though. Best wishes! and keep us updated. Also, pay attention to how tight the wig is around that spot.
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Okay, then I want you to go and get a neutralizing shampoo today and wash with it and let it stay on for 10 minutes .

Then, definitely go get a fresh aloe plant and cortizone cream and use it at least once a day.
This sounds like excellent advice. I am sorry that this has happened. There could be a number of reasons why this has happened :sad: I don't think that this is a case for a lawyer though, I don't see where there was any negligence.
thanks ladies for your insight, you're right.. a lawyer is not necessary but i am just so upset and looking for someone to blame. shame on me. :nono: i totally blame myself:hammer: