PLEASE HELP: I used Emergencee and I still have breakage!


Well-Known Member
Ok I used used ermergencee four days ago and I have breakage again. Here's my regimen:

I try to go the salon once a week for a deep conditioner.
I clarified two weeks ago.
Moisturize Daily or sometimes 2x a day with curl activator and seal with coconut oil
wrap every night (i want to avoid this but Im not sure how)

After my last relaxer I did not get a protein treatment and I thought that was the reason I had breakage before so i got emergencee. I am 8 weeks post relaxer. I haven't used any direct heat since august and I only use indirect heat every week for my deep conditioning treatments. I also use a wide tooth comb. Most of the strands are long but they don't have the white bulb so most of it is breakage.

I am really frustrated because I don't think I ask for my much in terms of my hair. I never wanted BSL, i don't even think I want APL. Just two inches below my shoulder and I'll be happy. What am i doing wrong? Should I use emergencee again. I am kinda pissed because I paid a lot for it. I bought the big bottle. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Is it possible that it's breaking at the line of demarcation? I know when I get a good bit of new growth (anything after 4-6 weeks) if it's not properly moisturized It'll pop right at the line where the new growth meets relaxed hair.
What are you using to deep condition?

Have you considered laying off the wrapping for a while? You could try a crosswrap, a bantu knot, or a pineapple updo to sleep in for a while.

Also, when I was using S-curl too often, it caused breakage for me because my hair was too soft. I would try a moisturizer in place of the curl activator for a while and see what happens. That may be upsetting your protein/moisture balance.

Could it be your relaxer?

When you go to the salon, how do they dry/handle your hair?
Thanks for responding guys.
Iluvs, I thought that might be it but my new growth doesnt feel as dry and hard. I try to moisturize it but I think I might have been focusing on my ends more.

Divine, For the past two months I was using jane carter nourishing conditioner and I didnt use any protein for 6 weeks including the week I got the relaxer. I then used aphogee intensive keratin reconstructor one week. then i still got breakage a couple of days later so the following week I decided to try emergencee.

I'll try to look for a new moisturizer. I would love to do the cross wrap but my hair is short. I am going to try pincurls as an alternative, hopefully it will come out okay. I'm not sure if it's the relaxer. I use mizani lye regular. I don't relax often. I usually relax every 10 to 12 weeks. When I go to the salon after I get my hair washed. They apply a leave in and then start to roller set. They don't towel dry and they don't use a blow dryer. After they are done roller setting I sit under the hooded dryer.
If I were you I would use a protein leave in conditioner for a while such as Infusion 23 or I would but a heavy moiturizer conditioner (cholestrol) on the ends and were a ponytail or bun for a week or two.
When's the last time you DC'ed? That may or maynot be the best answer but, it could be a solution.

I've used emergencee once. I did DC afterwards with a hot towel wrapped around my head and rinsed with cool water. I lightly moisterized and put my hair in a silk scarf and left it that way.

The next day I went all over my head and did S&D which knocked out any breakage (its seriously time consuming though) In between that the time I did the DC and the S&D I really didn't mess with my hair. and only used a wide tooth comb. I guess you could do the S&D before hand though (I'mma lil backwards I guess:lol: )

You do have to also be careful to not overuse the carefree curl too. Its got quite a lot of glycerine in it so can turn your hair to mush.


how did you use the emergencee? i love it! try it this way: clarify, apply emergencee, ALLOW TO DRY, and then rinse and deep condition.
gn1g my hair is too short to wear a ponytail or a bun.

arcadian I used the emergencee treatment last wednesday. after i used the emergencee the lady washed it out and applied another conditioner for a minute and rinsed it out. i didnt deep conditioner after the emergencee. and i thought it didnt matter because my hair didnt feel hard after i left the salon. it felt really soft and silky. and what's S&D?

dstdiva I did not clarify before I used it. Since I clarified the week before. After it was applied to my hair and I sat with it underneath the dryer without the plastic cap and i let it get hard like aphogee. Then it was rinsed out and the shampoo girl put in a conditioner then rinsed it out. i didnt go under the dryer again. so i guess i didn't deep condition. but i hair didnt feel hard afterwards it was nice and soft.
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
Is it possible that it's breaking at the line of demarcation? I know when I get a good bit of new growth (anything after 4-6 weeks) if it's not properly moisturized It'll pop right at the line where the new growth meets relaxed hair.

This is what I was thinking. I have the same issue.
locabouthair said:
gn1g my hair is too short to wear a ponytail or a bun.

arcadian I used the emergencee treatment last wednesday. after i used the emergencee the lady washed it out and applied another conditioner for a minute and rinsed it out. i didnt deep conditioner after the emergencee. and i thought it didnt matter because my hair didnt feel hard after i left the salon. it felt really soft and silky. and what's S&D?

dstdiva I did not clarify before I used it. Since I clarified the week before. After it was applied to my hair and I sat with it underneath the dryer without the plastic cap and i let it get hard like aphogee. Then it was rinsed out and the shampoo girl put in a conditioner then rinsed it out. i didnt go under the dryer again. so i guess i didn't deep condition. but i hair didnt feel hard afterwards it was nice and soft.

S&D is search and destroy. All that means is going through you're hair and cutting single hairs above the split end. That can keep hairs from tangling and causing further breakage.

Just take the time to examine your hair strands closely. Strand by strand is time consuming so even if you do a little at a time it would still be helpful.I have a regular mirror and a magnifying mirror with a light when I got on S&D missions.

Being that you go to a salon to get your hair done ...well.. I don't trust salons, but thats just me.

IMO, most of them are in the business of making sure you come back and use their services, not to help you grow hair and keep it healthy.

At any rate, since you didn't do it yourself, all I can say was hopefully they did what they were supposed to do. If your hair felt soft then they may have, but, if you're doing high manipulation styling and/or heat on relaxed hair, you'll likely get breakage. (there are some folks out there that can relax/fry/dye their hair all in the same day and their hair can handle the abuse day after day)
