Please help: I have so much breakage from flattening my hair..what can I do now?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to stop using the flat iron for a while and I started using protein treatments and conditioning..

Is there anything else i can put on my hair to help it grow back and stop breaking? ANy type of grease/leave in?
i cant offer any advice because i am in the same boat as you. but cutting out the heat can help. there is a thread here about doing weekly protein treaments to prevent and combat breakage if your relaxed. i am going to try this as well as eating better and taking my vitamins.
I'm having breakage problems too, I think i'm the stretching stretching no breakage = more protein. But my hair is plain dry when its dry and crunchy, I've tried everything I think. Think my hair feels only nice when it is soaking wet :(