Please help I am upset

Thank you megonw!
Hi Kay Kay,

I agree with everyone who advised you to increase (significantly) the moisture your hair receives. I moisturize my hair daily and it is slowly (too slow for me, lol) inching down to my brastrap. Before I discovered the internet hair boards, my barely-jaw-length hair was very see-through and thin, in fact, that a barrette couldn't stay in my hair...and it never got longer. It was growing, but my well-intentioned hair care methods were breaking my hair off as fast, if not faster, than my hair was growing.

What really helped was <ul type="square"> [*]Spacing my relaxers further out (I'd be going every 6 weeks). I first went 8 weeks, then 12 weeks, to 16 weeks and I'm now at 6 months. [*]Moisturizing! I started out using CareFree Curl Activator on my relaxed hair which gave it a serious boost in moisture. I also learned that oil and grease are not moisturizers. Rather, they help retain moisture. Water is the ultimate moisturizer for me. I use distilled water for that. I've also used distilled water/olive oil combo to moisturize and seal. [*]Protective styles (once my hair grew long enough). By protecting my ends every day I gained considerably more length than when I left my ends out. [*] <font color="red">No heat!</font> [*]I leave my hair alone. I got that valuable tip from Adrienne, another LHCF member. It's been fantastic. I've recovered from hand-in-hair disease, lol. [*]Treat your hair like the most delicate, fragile piece of cashmere. As many before have pointed out, you can have the best products in the world but if your technique is wrong (e.g., rough handling) those products won't help. [/list]

I may be the lone person here who thinks that you don't have to cut your hair right away. After reading Lisa Akbari's book, which is also listed (I think) on the LHCF home page, I realized I had choices. She explains how to nurture your hair back to full health without resorting to the scissors. Mahalialee, also another LHCF member, has shared invaluable advice about radical recovery treatment for damaged hair. You don't have to cut your hair unless you genuinely want a short style.
Thank you Nyambura for all your info, And thanks for telling about cutting my ends. Because I really wasn't looking forward to that but I would have if I had to!
kaykay said:
can anyone think of anything else
i might do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with meagan.
I don't think that you need to wear a weave or a wig. Your ends are a little thin but your hair looks good. When I looked at your photos I was expecting to see something worse than what I saw. Why don't you try a gentle shampoo, conditioner, and a roller set with a soft holding setting lotion or foam. Then apply a little moisturizer in between shampoos when your hair needs it. You can use extra big rollers to give your bumped look rather than curls. A roller set will give your thin hair a little more body.

Good luck!
Thank you a fasion slave I think a rollerset is a great idea! Especially if it will make my hair look thicker.
I agree with the ladies, especially Nyambura (great advice, darling). In addition, wrapping your hair daily will cause thinness. Just ask Sherrylove. I believe there is a thread about it called "No more wrapping." since i ceased my wrapping, my hair is thicker

wearing your hair curly will definitely fool your eyes into thinking your hair is thicker (afashionslave's advice was also great!)
It looks like the majority of the breakage is at the nape of your neck, so I'm wondering what you are doing that is concentrated in that area? Do you pull your hair up high and tight? Are your weaves sewn more strongly there, like more hair put in there?
I'd have to agree with everyone else- stay away from the weaves, clearly they aren't helping, and stop, or at least, cut waaay back on the heat. I know it's hard to adjust to, but it will be worth it.
You didn't mention any supplements. Healthy hair starts from the inside. If you don't eat healthy day in and day out, like the majority of us, supplements will provide you with the nutrients you are probably missing. I suggest you start taking at least a multi-vit. For thickness I hear that B-5 will do the job. I have been taking B-5 for 4 wks. and I can definitely tell the difference.
No more blowdrying

I can't remember, because this was on the 1st page of the thread, but do you have a moisturizing conditioner? I remember reading about hair mayonnaise (which is a mild protein) and paul mitchell leave in. What is Motions moisture enhancer is that a moisturizing conditioner or creme hairdress? If you don't have a moisturizing conditioner in your regimen, I would get one pronto (if you already have one, excuse me for my ignorance). I used to use hair mayonnaise by itself, and my hair got really dry. When I would go to the salon, the hairdresser would always comment that my hair looked dry when I was using the hair mayonnnaise. I hope that helps.
ayeshia said:
yeah give up the sew ins. It seems like it would be hard to give your hair constant moisture because the weave is blocking your natural hair. Maybe you should look more into wigs if you are still interested in weaves. That way you can remove the wig wash your hair anytime and ensures that your hair is getting the proper moisture.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 100%
Check out my picturetrail pics my hair looks just like yours in many ways.
I just had my thin ends chopped off 2 weeks ago, so hopefully things will be looking up soon.
What is your hair type? I'm 4a, so my hair reacts better to products that are not very heavy.
I don't have much I can tell to do about your hair, for me it's been a trial and error type of thing for me so, just stay positive and don't give up
Thenk you everyone again for answering!
I am taking a multi it is called Ultra mega from gnc along with some biotin! but they are not very high dosages so I am not sure if they are going to do anything the biotin is only 500 mcg's so I am going to try and order another one. and no I won't be doing any more blowdrying, I don't usually blow dry but I wanted to see the length that I had gotten so I figured why not!
The motions is a creme hairdressing, So I thought they were the same but I will look into a moisturizing conditioner. Do you know of any inexpesive ones that I could try?
Thanks for the advice and I am also 4a, I feel the same way you do about your hair about mine. It feels like it is a trial and error thing. I just wish this trial and error thing would be done with!
Thank you everyone for replying!