PLEASE HELP!!! Breakage


New Member
I'm texlaxed 4a/b and I haven't been able to get my breakage under control. I've reached APL and my hair is really thick so I'm thankful...but if my hair wasn't thick..I'm not sure what it'd look like.

My regime is pretty consistent.
- I shampoo w/ giovanni and DC w/ usually Aubrey Og HSR once per week
- I use main and tail maybe once every 3-4 weeks and I just leave it in for about 5 min before I DC.
- I texlax using Mizani BB regular once every 16 weeks for about 12 min.
- I moisturize at least once a day using Protective growth lotion and sealing w/ EVOO or a combo of infusium moisture formula and a few conditioners.

My breakage has been consistent for months and months...the strands usually measure b/w 1 and 2 in.

I feel like I've tried everything...moisture, protein...I don't know what to do :(:( I'd have so much more growth if I could control the breakage.

Any help is appreciated!!!
Based on the regimen you listed, it seems like you need to incorporate more protein. Perhaps you could try the Mane N Tail weekly before deep conditioning with moisture and see if that improves the breakage.
You think? I'm always so concerned b/c though I texlax my hair is still so thick..but maybe that's just the nature of my hair and I still need to up the protein. I'll try that.

When I try and stretch a strand it typically snaps easily so I assume it's a moisture problem. I use heat once a week also, but I pretty much always have. It's just been the past..really year that I've had this problem.

But now that I mention it, the only thing I've changed is that I have started texlaxing a bit longer over the past year for increased manageabilty. So maybe it is devoid of enough protien. I'll give it a go.

I agree with the other poster; I'd try a harder protein like Aphogee Two Step or Nexxus Emergencee...followed by a moisture DC.
Hi Mizani BB fellow user

Lye users need more protein than moisture. When I first started with this relaxer I did not know this and I suffered breakage once I started encorporating protein my hair bounced back.

My regimen is this:
-clarify every other week with BS and water (1:1)
-after relaxer(before nutrilizing) and every other week after:
veggie protein mixed with EVOO and EVCO and WGO (20 min NO heat)
-2 weeks after relaxer and every month after that use"
Keratin conditioner (Not aphogee 2 step, I use Millcreek Biotin) mixed with EVOO and EVCO, veggie protein, Lustrasilk Shea butter liquid cholesterol..., Wheat germ oil (20 min NO heat)
-2x a week:
Wheat protein conditioner as a leavin mixed with moisture leavin
Seal with oil dependent on my style usually every other day
When wearing hair straightened with flatiron apply a little Shea butter to ends
-My leaveins are moisture products that dont have added protein.

on the off weeks:
sometimes I shampoo with a lo sulfate shampoo (that has wheat protein) but I mainly Co wash and follow up with a moisture condtioner left in for 5 min while I finish my business in the shower.

As you can see I use protein often and I dont Deep condition at all. In the beginning I did and my hair suffered. I tried to DC 2 weeks ago to see if things would change and nope my hair suffered.

I DONOT detangle in the shower AT ALL, this is asking for breakage (I dont use cones unless flatironing) so my hair is quite tangled until it is 90 percent dry. My hair must be free of oils and I only use my wheat protein or KK KNOt today to detangle on almost dry hair in sections then I add my leaveins and oil to seal. No breakage (if any 1 or 2 strands, very small pieces if I am too rough. I lose the the regular amount of shed hair.

As a side note to test hair elasticity, the strand should be clean and free of product. My hair snaps as well when dry but when it has been cleaned and stretched it is fine.

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you were given great advice a hard cor eprtien treatment would do wonders every 6-8 wks. a very lightweight protein is mill creek poos and condish i like the keratin one and its natural. don't fret you'll be fine.
You may want to try a black tea rinse ( regular tea bags you get form the store) Not only does it stop breakage, but it is said that the caffeine prolongs the life of hair strands.
I'm sorry could you check the brand name of your moisturizer again? It sounds really similar to another product and I want to make sure before I recommend anything.
You need a stronger protein treatment. Something like Aphogee 2 step or Dudley's DRC 28 (expensive but stops breakage instantly. so worth it!). You need to use a strong protein every 4-6 weeks and a mild protein (like Mane N Tail) every 3-4 weeks.

Remember to always follow protein by moisture.