Please give me some good news, or I'm gonna bust into tears!!!!

Isn't baking soda and vinegar the typical 'explosion' science project? (Am I remembering that correctly?) How on earth can two things that react so violently be good for the hair?

Am I missing something?

OP, I am NOT trying to be funny-- I am really glad that your hair has snapped back! :grin: But for those contemplating mixing those two ingredients, or who have already-- where did that practice come from? What is it supposed to do: clarify, moisturize, --?

Again, OP, I'm glad your hair is doing fine, and I'm sure it will revert completely eventually.
Update: My hair is doing great. I baggied last night. It was good as ever this morning, and very moisturized. My curls are still a little loose, but oh well. I put my hair in coil twists today with mago butter, and they coiled up very well.

I have my babies back, YAY!!!!:lachen:
Isn't baking soda and vinegar the typical 'explosion' science project? (Am I remembering that correctly?) How on earth can two things that react so violently be good for the hair?

Am I missing something?

OP, I am NOT trying to be funny-- I am really glad that your hair has snapped back! :grin: But for those contemplating mixing those two ingredients, or who have already-- where did that practice come from? What is it supposed to do: clarify, moisturize, --?

Again, OP, I'm glad your hair is doing fine, and I'm sure it will revert completely eventually.
I was not mixing the two, I had rinsed the BS out and then did a acv rinse.
I did not research the BS well enough to know that it clarified to. I was just wanting to try some thing other than poo to clean my scalp.
I knew the acv acted as a clarifier, because I have used it before with very good results( once I got the measurements right).
But it all turned out alright in the end, with the help of these ladies.
So both ACV and baking soda act as clarifiers? Independently, not mixed together, right? So BS= scalp cleanser, while ACV= hair cleanser?

Forgive me, just trying to decipher what the use of each is.

BTW, I am a natural who is CG and I see BS and ACV on the boards all the time... just wondering the purpose. Not trying to stir up mess.

Glad your hair is doing well, OP.
Your hair will bounce back, next time use 1tbsp to 2 cups water. The one cup that you used didn't dilute the BS enough. Don't worry :hugs: your coils will come back :yep:
For my hair, acv and/or baking soda are the debbil. My hair also hates any kind of clarification (products, shampoos, etc.)
Your hair will bounce back, next time use 1tbsp to 2 cups water. The one cup that you used didn't dilute the BS enough. Don't worry :hugs: your coils will come back :yep:

Thanks, I really don't think I will have the nerve to try BS anytime in the near future. If I do tho, I will certianly delute it more.

No, I don't think I will try it again, mostly because of the way it loosened my coils. Even if it was just temporary, I didn't care for it.:nono:
Im so glad your hair is doing much better. We all have learned by trial and error. Thats how we all get better at this hair stuff. Don't be afraid of BS. Just know to apply moisture right after then seal.

Keep us updated.
For my hair, acv and/or baking soda are the debbil. My hair also hates any kind of clarification (products, shampoos, etc.)

my hair feels the same!

And I only used some gentle IC one years ago and my hair was trying to jump off my head! I Was so mad at how stripped it was!