Please follow my blog


Well-Known Member
So one of my friends talked me into starting a hair blog. I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to hair care, but I have been a stylist for about 15 years so a lot of people come to me for advice. Plus my friend thought that I should show my hhj and progress. I just set the blog up yesterday and I am still tweaking here and there but I think it's about ready.

The address is http://man​eandtell.w​ordpress.c​om/
You should put a bloglovin button on there!
I cant follow your blog because mine is on blogger, but I would if you had blog lovin :) I think you just sign up and then copy the html code :)

P.s. :look: my blog:
@MixedGirl There is a follow button where you click to follow and there is a box at the bottom. You just have to put your email address. Or maybe I am misunderstanding you.

Your blog is really nice!
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@MixedGirl There is a follow button where you click to follow and there is a box at the bottom. You just have to put your email address. Or maybe I am misunderstanding you.

Your blog is really nice!

Thanks, but a lot of people use the website 'bloglovin'
You create a profile for your blog and it makes your blog easier to follow. Personally I don't follow blog by e-mail but do on blog lovin.
I am on bloglovin as well because google is doing away with their share thing. I like what you done to it so far.
Napp where did you get that yellow plus sign from to add to bloglovin??? I am trying to change out all my google with bloglovin.

I got the yellow plus from an icon pack. it is just a small image hosted on my photobucket account and i hotlinked it to my bloglovin page. its really easy
Napp Thank you. I tried to follow your blog before but I wasn't sure I was doing it right. Do I click subscribe to post?

shadiya thanks
I added the bloglovin link as a post. I don't know how else to do it. Whats a better way?
So one of my friends talked me into starting a hair blog. I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to hair care, but I have been a stylist for about 15 years so a lot of people come to me for advice. Plus my friend thought that I should show my hhj and progress. I just set the blog up yesterday and I am still tweaking here and there but I think it's about ready.

The address is http://man​eandtell.w​ordpress.c​om/
Now following you on bloglovin btw!
Napp Thank you. I tried to follow your blog before but I wasn't sure I was doing it right. Do I click subscribe to post?

shadiya thanks
I added the bloglovin link as a post. I don't know how else to do it. Whats a better way?
on my blog you can either like it on facebook or follow using the big bloglovin button on my page. you should change your layout to have a side bar and pict a similar button on there so people can easily see it.