Please encourage a new tither . . . . (take two)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
(I accidentally posted this in the LHCF Area Meetup Forum so I'm reposting here.)

Okay ladies, so I got a Word from the Lord that I need to tithe. So, I've been doing it over the last couple of months. I definitely find it liberating and rewarding to give to God. With recent unexpected expenses (health-related) and the holidays coming, though, my budget is getting squeezed tighter and tighter . . . and I'm feeling very strapped in my finances. I am not going to stop tithing (because I'm not tryna test the Most High :lachen:) but I am feeling discouraged about the situation. It is going to be very hard for me to meet my obligations (tithes and otherwise) and try to save. (I have a feeling I am gonna OWE money when it comes to be tax time so that could very well wipe out the rest of my savings.)

I guess I'm also feeling the crunch because I used to just charge whatever I wanted and now I'm strictly paying off my credit cards (no longer charging). So, there also has to be a change in my mindset in general about finances.

So yeah -- any encouragement is welcome :yep:
What you're feeling is normal. You are right to continue to tithe and you may come against some financial stress but just know that God will take care of your needs, you may not have cash for something but God will still provide a way.
And my God will fully supply your every need according to his glorious riches in the Messiah Jesus.--Philippians 4:19

I could list testimony after testimony about how God has provided for my family while I was tithing and unsure of how ends would meet on the homefront. Our God can perform miracles remember. Continue to be cheerful in your giving and be glad that you can give. Remember too that tithing isn't always financial. Your time is titheable to. Your skills and talents are as well. You can give to the Kingdom in more ways that one.
What you're feeling is normal. . . . Continue to be cheerful in your giving and be glad that you can give. Remember too that tithing isn't always financial. Your time is titheable to. Your skills and talents are as well. You can give to the Kingdom in more ways that one.

Thanks so much for your words -- especially the above!!!
Hi Glib-

It is nice to hear that God has spoken to you on this issue. The word says that "where your treasure is your heart will be also". God does not NEED our money, it all belongs to Him anyway, it is just a testimony of our faith when we give. We can't say we believe and trust Him and then not trust Him with our (His) money.

He says that when you tithe He will rebuke the devourer for your sake. You cannot go wrong when you are obedient to His word.

I have found that if I do not put my tithes away first (first fruits) first, I will get to Sunday or Wednesday and start looking crazy because I'd spent God's money.
I just want to encourage you to continue to be obedient with what God has spoken for you to do. God is not slack concerning his promises, and you are following what his Word says, so you never know what God has in store for you. Since you are taking steps at being a good steward with your finances, things I would encourage you to consider is take a self evaluation of your budget and see what may be able to be cut and/or decreased. Certain things like cell phones, cable/satellite, etc. may be something you are willing to sacrifice for a short period of time in order to reach your goal. Also you might want to look at options to lower your CC payment such as CCCS ( if you haven't already done so. Finally, just keep meditating on his Word concerning finances. Whenever those thoughts enter your head and try to get you to shift you from the place God has you, remember to cast them down and put them under your feet, and just as Jesus when he was tempted in the wilderness respond with the Word to Satan, you respond with Gods Word to those thoughts.
Hey ladies,

Just wanted to give you an update. I'm still tithing and after laying out my finances and really taking a close look at what I'm spending, I believe that I'm going to be A-OK. I still appreciate your prayers and encouragement, though. It is a challenge to give the Lord what is his . . . but I find it very liberating as well.

Be blessed!
everything will work out for your good and our god will provide all our needs according to his riches and glory. and our blessings will be pressed down shaken together and running over with blessings God has in store. and God wants us to be a cheerful giver and he will bless us. my pastor gave my son a dollar after church and he has 90 cents to keep and 10 to give in tithes:giggle: what can i say hes blessed:grin:

god bless you sis