please critique my new regimen!


New Member
i don't know if this is "kosher" on this board, but i wanted to post my regimen and was hoping you all could critique it. you guys just seem so knowledgeable! i'm new to all this and really want to dedicate the next 6 months to getting my hair in better shape. hopefully by then i'll transition into a regimen that's second nature.

current status: layered dark brown hair that's about 2 inches below my shoulders. it's been breaking lately, which, thanks to you guys, i realized is due to three reasons (1) i always wear my hair in a ponytail in the same style (2) i am 12 weeks post-relaxer (3) when i wash my hair, i use tons of protein conditioners and protein leave-in conditioners, but don't balance them out with moisturizing conditioners!!

you guys have taught me so much!! thank you!

goal: grow out my layers and stop the breakage! i'd like my hair to be 3 inches longer (which is about 3 inches from the main horizontal bra strap). i also want to start getting my hair styled professionally more often (versus doing it myself), which includes rollersetting at the 'dominican shops'.

my short-term plan: getting my hair professionally relaxed and trimmed tomorrow. getting 2 tracks put in (to offset my layers) on tuesday. keep tracks for 6-8 weeks (too long?). with the tracks, i'll shampoo with Optimum Moisturizing, protein condition with Nexxus Keraphixx, moisturize condition with Keracare Humecto, spray Surge Revitalizer to scalp, moisturize with BreakFree, naturally air dry, blowdry at 10% moisture for manageability, moisturize again with MegaGrowth, then flatiron.

do i need to add Razac Leave-in Conditioner to this regimen?

my long-term plan: take tracks out, and wash hair. i will continue with the same regimen above, but change conditioner to Pantene Smooth and Sleek, Relaxed and Natural, Affirm 5 in 1, or Aussie Slip. Meanwhile, control/moisturize the new growth with S-curl (i'll have to hide the bottle - i can't let people see me using that, they'll just die laughing!!). two weeks later, i will then go to stylist and get temporary color (which will be the same color = dark brown, that i have now). i was told temp color actually fills in my porous strands. is this true? if so, that's what i will do, along with a trim. i'll wear it like this and continue my regimen for 2 more weeks. then my dh might be going on our postponed honeymoon, where i may want to wear braids.

ok, let me have it...what's good? what's bad? advice? thanks so much everyone!!
Your regimen seems fine, I see you've been studying huh? Anyway, my little two cents is just keep your hair moisturized & conditioned. The less manipulation the best. Be gentle with your hair, treat every strand like fine china. You should reach great lengths.
Your regimen seems fine, I see you've been studying huh? Anyway, my little two cents is just keep your hair moisturized & conditioned. The less manipulation the best. Be gentle with your hair, treat every strand like fine china. You should reach great lengths. If someone would have told me 2 years ago that I could even be thinking about waiste length hair - I would have thought they were nuts. I've been averaging about 6 1/2 inches a year but only because I did some reading, studying, trial and error and the advice from this forum.
Your regimen looks good. I use a black rinse every three weeks and I can tell that it makes my hair look a lot fuller. I wonder if that's what it means when it fills the pores?
thanks, eveyrone! i'm too excited about all this! yes, i've definitely been "studying" shoudl see my little notes! lol...i guess kenyana is right - there's no true need to change conditioner (i guess i just wanted to try all the fun ones you guys recommend all the time!! tee hee so many conditioner chocies, so little time!). btw, cami, really?! taht must be why. my hairstylist mentions this all the time - permanent color doesn't fill in pores, but temp does. she often agrees to temp color on client who want it, but rarely agrees to perm color. interesting.

obviously, i got my relaxer today (feels good!)...pretty, pretty! lol...