Please check in: Who likes to K.I.S.S.?


New Member
From the time I started on LHCF until the present, I ve seen a lot of focus and threads on PJ's. For the longest I didn't know what a PJ was. Then I thought I was a PJ (faaar far from it).

I like to Keep It Simple Sista.

So I feel the need to bring all my other simple sistas out of the wood work.

And if you don't mind can you share some of your simple regimens and product usage? I'm trying to create a working regimen and I could use some ideas!!!
I'm a KISS type:

Henna (every other week)
Aveda DR (every week)
DC w/Aveda (every week)
Nexuss Aloe Rid (once a month)
Giovanni Leave-in (every week)
Elasta QP Mango Butter (on the ends at night)
Oils (vary)
Rollerset (everyweek)
I love to K.I.S.S!!!

pre-ppo w/ pantene deep moisture treatment for 30 min
wash & cond 1 to 2 weekly (rotate between motion, NTM, or Nioxin line)
deep condition w/heat every wash
rinse, detangle, apply leave-in and put in ponytail in the shower
ponytail air dry
apHogee (every 6 weeks)
baggie/bun or quick weave daily
ORS on my hair daily
profectiv & coconut oil on my ends daily
tie with a satin scarf at bedtime
comb only when wet

that's easy enough for me...
I like to K.I.S.S so much that up until recently, I had no routine.
I'm still adjusting, but here's mine for now.

Co wash 2-3 times per week
DC once per week
MN mix nightly on scalp
Coat and bag ends at night
Bunning during week, wear out on weekends

That's it for now! :p
Co-wash 2x week w/ Garnier Sleek and shine con or Trader joes Nourishing Conditioner
DC after every co-wash with Ors replenishing pak or Patene R/N Intensive Moisturizer.
Leave-in Staysoft fro+Garnier Sleek Shine Leave-in
Oil scalp w/ Mtg
Smooth hair back with Denman Brush in a bun/baggy end with Ors carrot oil or castor oil.

Henna/Indigo treatment 1x a month
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Simple works best for me. :)

Every two to three days I wash my hair with shampoo and then deep condition for about 45 minutes with a plastic cap and a hot towel on my head. I add a little oil and honey to my conditioner.

I wear my hair up in a bun between washings. If it feels dry I spritz it with a little water and smooth a bit of hemp seed oil through.

In the summer I wash more often, if it's really hot or I'm working out a lot, I'll co-wash every day.

No complicated regimens or ton of products. As long as it's clean and moisturized, my hair does just fine.

That's it!
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weekly i wash (lamas soy hydrating shampoo), deep condition (kenra mc or aubrey organics) and roller set (lacio lacio) (i only flat iron if the roller set doesn't turn out smooth (redken heatglide))

loosely wrap hair nightly

moisturize mid week (qhemet olive cream detangler)

light protein once a month (essations instant hair mender)
Ive always been a big advocate of keeping it simple. My regimen is very simple which is good for someone like me who has no patience to take hours to do hair.

-Wash and deep condition with heat every 3 days (or at least one a week)
-Wear Buns moisturize ends once per day
-I only use direct heat 3-4 times per year
-No special vitamins or growth potions
-Relax every 12-16 weeks

Thats it, and thats how its always been, the rare times I do wear my hair out are few and far between and I have retained a lot of growth with this simple regimen.
I'm game! I'm going to try staying in braids (or twists) more than out this year. My hair just loves low-manipulation routines.

simple braid regimen:

amla pre-poo
garlic poo
diluted conditioner (either Qhemet Olive Cream or Humectress)

aphogree green tea reconstructor and braid spray mix
*if needed diluted Keracare moisturizer w/ jojoba oil
I like to K.I.S.S. But every once in a while I like to switch shampoo and conditioner lines. Here are my products for the next six months:

NTM Shampoo
NTM Daily Deep Conditioner

For clarifying and strengthening: (once a month)
ORS Hair Mayonnaise with egg (pre-poo)
Suave Clarifying Shampoo
ORS replenishing pak

NTM leave-in
Kemi Oyl
Tie down with silk scarf at night

I'm back to baggying and bunning daily.

I'm thinking about adding Henna and getting rid of the ORS hair mayonnaise.

ETA: No vitamins for me! Thinking about using MSM to soften new growth, but not for growth.
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My K.I.S.S. is a 5-Step process: Every 2-3 days

1. Pre-treat with coconut oil or mayo & egg
2. Wash with C.O.N. or MNT
3. Deep condition with "Cathy Howse Recipe" conditioner & heat for 20 min.
4. Apply African Royal Daily Doctor & Infusium 23 leave-in mix
5. Oil & Airdry

****HENNA 2x per week!*****:look:

Co wash daily or every other day
deep con every couple of weeks
detangle with wide toothed comb as needed.

there isnt much to "do" to my hair so mixing up oils, doing pretreatments, baggying and so forth isnt necessary. Perhaps as my hair gets longer I will consider the bggy technique.
My regimen is pretty K.I.S.S.

-CO wash 2x per week
-Deep cond. with 1 of the CO washes
-Leave-in cond. after each wash
-Moisturize and braid after leave-in
-Only comb when wet.
-Moisturize and seal ends every night
-Heat straighten 2-3 times a year
-Aphrogee about every 8-12 wks
-Vitamins daily. (I've always done this)

When I want to try a new product, I will wait until I've used up the product that I have.
So nice to know I'm not alone!:D
I luv my PJ sistas but sometimes I just can't relate, ya know?:lol:

Seriously though, the simple routines I've seen so far have really helped to give me an idea of a good regimen.

Thanks a lot and keep em coming!!
How I like to K.I.S.S

Saturday - do the deep conditioner of the week - whether just a regular DC, henna, coconut oil soak, something new. Let stay in overnight, Sunday, rinse out, comb out, put in sealers (shea butter/whipped pudding/honey hemp/ whatever....) put into braided style of some sort.

Tuesday/Thursday - do the scalp treatment I'm doing - right now, it's Lenzi's Request.

Wednesday - take out my hair, condition for a few hours, comb out, re seal, rebraid.

That's about it, some weeks I'll skip the Wednesday take down - if my hair still looks tight - and will use some sort of spray, or rub some Oyin HoneyHemp into my braids instead.

Hmmm. I wonder if I could drench my hair in a nice conditioner, and go to sleep in a shower cap to moisturize it, then let it airdry on my way to work the next morning?? I might have to try that - then I could braid (and comb!) my hair only once a week.

What I use might change - but that's because I'm a kitchen chemist, and I tend to jsut start mixing stuff together, if I'm in the mood too. I tend to not BUY much, because I use the same basic ingredients, just in different proportions.
I like to K.I.S.S.!!! Well, you wouldn't know it if you had seen me over the summer. I sit in front of my computer for hours browsing the threads and writing down all of the things that I want to buy. I create this very complicated regimen, but then i go to the store, and I'm like nuh uh, don't have that kind of money nor the time :) . So now, I pre-poo with keraphix and rosemary oil, wash hair with keracare shampoo and conditioner, use rusk and almond oil as leave-in, airdry, and put my hair in a bun. Around the 3rd/4th months, I start going to a salon every other week to keep my roots in check. And during the week, I use qhemet moisturizer, put my hair in a bun, and I'm good to go. ;)
  1. cowash or shampoo w/deep conditioner 2x a week w/airdry
  2. braid (1 - 4 box braids) and cover with satin scarf every night
  3. moisturize and seal 2x day
  4. bun or pony tail daily (with hair ornaments of course!) :D
K.I.S.S. ME!
I like t0 KISS to
-Wash twice a week with adeep condition and roller set satuday nights(got to be clean for sunday church)
-Buns or baggie the rest of the week
-MTG and surge at night
-3000mg biotin and hair vitamin daily
I was thinking about adding more products but i dont think i can handle it, or my hair can
I was supposed to be putting in a weave but it isnt looking good unless i can figure out how to do it myself
I like kipping my regimen simple,

prepoo with shea butter
wash with CON shampoo every 5 days (once a week)
deep condition
baggy everynight
moisturize only once per day, I don't have to moisturize twice a day since I do the baggie method
I love to K.I.S.S.

Wash every other day.
Moisturize and Braid back while wet.
add additional moisture on in between days.
Deep condition once per week.

Blow dry and flat iron on special occasions or trims.
Wash and condition 2x a week. Maybe I will use heat both times.. if not only one of the washes I will use heat when I deep condition.
Apply my leave in
Moisturize with a little Recovery.
That's it..

Products of choice:
PM tea tree poo - use this once a week
Design Essentials Moisturizing Poo
Elucence MB to condition and deep condition with, or use as a rinse out
Kenra IET to deep condition with
Biolage UHB...

Right now, I don't have a set time with relaxing as I've been relaxing my hair much much more often than I use to in the past. For the past few years, I've typically gone 14-16 wks.. now I relax more frequently I guess b/c my hair is shorter now since I cut it.
I like to K.I.S.S here's what I do once a week;

Pre poo - V05 & Olive Oil

Wash - CON (green label)

Cond. - Motions moisture plus (Thanks CRL)

Leave in - Cantu shea butter sealed with almond oil

Then I spray on water and lottabody and braid for a braidout.
I'm trying the K.I.S.S. method for my winter regimen :look: , if I notice a significant positive difference in the length and health of my hair this spring I'll continue with the K.I.S.S. way of doing things permanently. :yep:
I got burned out on "the next big thing"

Most days: Co-wash, liquid or cream leave-in, pony puff in the morning and a head massage & silk scarf at night.

Once a week or two: Co-wash, oil leave-in, comb through, twist, air dry, afro.

I think I'm going to start bagging my ends at night.
Wash and deep condition once a week, this is the only time i comb.
Braid(Two French plaits) and Moisturise everyday.
Protein condition every month.
I guess it would help if I actually wrote what my K.I.S.S. winter regimen is huh :blush:

wash/dc/condition and style in twists once a week....moisturize daily. That's it.