Please can someone HELP me


New Member
Hi everyone, I cut my hair really really short around the beginning of the month. My hair was past my bra strap before the big cut. Before I cut my hair I met this guy who I really liked at the time but wasn't too serious about. To make a long story short he recently called me to go out to an amusement park (Six Flags). I accepted because I really do need to get away for a day and have some fun. But when we got off the phone I realized "Darn we haven't seen each other in 2 months and I'm not comfortable seeing him with my hair cut this short. Because I know my hair is one of the things that attracted him to me. We are supposed to go to Six Flags Saturday. PLEASE ladies I need some advice on what to do with my hair. It would be a REAL BIG SHOCK for him to see me like this. Any advice appreciated.
Your hair may have attracted this guy to you, but the real test is if he will accept and like the woman beneath the hair. One of the most powerful things about a women is her freedom to choose her own style, and changing our hairstyles is the most popular way we express ourselves. I understand that men are often partial to a particular style of hair, but he may just love the way your new cut accentuates your neck or makes your facial features the center of attention.
Don't be afraid to go out and have a good time with him. He knows that hair can and will grow back, but if he loses you over the legnth of your hair, it will be totally his loss. I think he'll be fine with it. Try telling him on the phone that you changed your hair and try to sound really confident about it. When we as women are confident about ourselves, men are drwn to us. Good luck.
Vanessa Honey, if he's a decent man/boy it was more than your hair that attracted him to you and he'll be wanting to get to know YOU better, the whole you. (I don't know what your age range is). If not, let him pay for your to have a good time and keep on steppin'.
But seriously, if you plan to ride the rollercoasters and not just walk around looking cute you NEED to be in some type of protective style or protective gear. Some of those rides reach speeds of over 100mi/hr. I love the thrill but it can really be damaging to your hair. If you think blow dryers do damage try doing "that" to your hair all day. True words spoken from a fool who thought she'd be cute and let her hair "flow in the wind" at Six's.
Thank you ladies for the words of inspiration. I really appreciate it. I understand about he's not worthy to be with if he can't accept me bald and all. Honestly, since my hair cut I've been doing my thing and not worrying about what other people think. Only because I wasn't dating them or anything. But now that I want to get back into dating, especially this guy, I want him to see me as he remembered me with long hair. Then once we get comfortable with each other and my hair grow back to at least a few more inches, I will show him my short hair. That way he won't be overwhelmed. If he still can't accept me then he know where to step. But I cut my hair because it was shedding a lot. It seems to have stopped but I don't want to trigger it again. I was afraid if I wear a weave it will take some more hair out and it won't stay from the water rides. My hair IS like an inch and a 1/2. Then I will REALLY be embarassed. I thought about a wig but it might fly off my head during one of the rides. I think I'll opt for a weave and just bring a cap or bandana and extra glue in my purse. Thanks again
I agree with everything Melodee said.

BTW - Why did you make such a drastic change in your hair? Was trimming until the relaxed hair is gone, not for you?
I agree with everything Melodee said.

BTW - Why did you make such a drastic change in your hair? Was trimming until the relaxed hair is gone, not for you?

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Hi chrysdon, I cut all my hair off bcuz it was shedding bad. At the time I didn't know if it was shedding or breaking. I just saw clumps of long hair some short everytime I rubbed my hands in my hair. I just took some scissors to it thinking it will grow back better than ever. So far so good but not growing fast enough. Hoping to stay natural.
... I was afraid if I wear a weave it will take some more hair out and it won't stay from the water rides. My hair IS like an inch and a 1/2. Then I will REALLY be embarassed. I thought about a wig but it might fly off my head during one of the rides. I think I'll opt for a weave and just bring a cap or bandana and extra glue in my purse. Thanks again

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Girl, it must be more than the hair if he called you to go have fun with him! Most guys grow to like more than what they see. When I drastically changed my hair styles... like going natural, guys still dug me--and they were all kinds of guys.

You may want to hint to him over the phone... like during convo... that you got your 'hair done' and it looks 'so different'...
That may lesson his reaction when he sees you--you know how guys can be honest

Have fun, like you said you aren't serious about this guy so have it in your mind that you're just going out with a friend. Have fun!!!!
IMO, you shouldn't weave. Let him see and get to know the real you (That is the beautiful person inside). Weaves are okay as a style option, but don't get it just for this purpose. Has this guy mentioned that he dosen't like girls with short hair. Alot of men LOVE the Halle or classic Toni style cuts. My husband is one who always liked short hair. Many women love the way it makes them look and the carefree styling.
Like Sweetyb said, be honest and let him be honest too. If he refuses to go out with you cause you cut your hair, call on your girls to give him a
Just tell him that you cut your hair short. I personally don't like surprises. I would want to know what to expect.
Do this to avoid a possible uncomfortable situation for both of you. You'll be spending a whole day together. I don't think you want to keep wondering what he thinks of your hair and, if he doesn't like short hair, he doesn't want to feel- umm unattracted.

If he's in it for the hair then he has no substance and you want to know that before hand.
I don't think you should get a weave either. Glue is not the best thing in the world to put in your hair. I could see getting a weave if you really wanted one. But you have been walking around with your new hair cut all this time without one. If this guy likes you for your hair then you need to find someone else. After all, your hair is not the only part of you. For any guy not to date you because you have a hair cut is very superficial and not worth your time. My man doesn't like braids, that doesn't mean I am not going to get them. When I feel like getting them I do and he has to deal with it. Just like how I have to deal with when he with whatever he does to his hair. I think you should tell him that you got a hair cut or at least hint about it. Why waste your day at Six Flags with him and you worried about your hair? Tell him beforehand and if he is no longer interested then that his problem. There is more to you than hair. Getting a weave for this man is like getting a breast reduction because your back hurts and then putting back in an implant because he hasn't seen you with smaller breasts. Silly, right? Never live for a man because they come and go and if he is the right one this will not be an issue.
WOW!!!!! you cut your hair from below bra-strap to only an inch and a half??!!

IMO you should have just cut a few inches, but anyway, what's done is done!!

I think you should just tell this guy the truth!! If he doesn't like you now that your hair isn't long, he isn't worth your time anyhow!!

Let us know what you decided to do.
Hi ladies,
Well I put the weave in. Did not want to but I did. It looks nice but it just defeats the purpose of being natural. A friend and her boyfriend ended up coming along too. I had a good time but my date just aint my type. I now see why I didn't take him serious the first time. Ladies you are right. I did do it for the wrong reasons and now I'm paying for it. My scalp is ITCHING bad. I still have it in though. I will take it down next week to wash it and deep condition. Thanks to all that replied.
I am glad you had a good time despite him not being your type. We all learn from our mistakes. Just realize that if you are comfortable with yourself, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.
I think you should just tell this guy the truth!! If he doesn't like you now that your hair isn't long, he isn't worth your time anyhow!!

Let us know what you decided to do.

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WOW!!!!! you cut your hair from below bra-strap to only an inch and a half??!!

IMO you should have just cut a few inches, but anyway, what's done is done

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It still saddens me that people do this. Why do you cut off all your hair cuase it's breaking/shedding ?? Why not stop it from breaking and sheddin?
Hi, I did everything I could do to try and stop my hair loss. But I just didn't know what could have caused my hair to shed. It shedded for about 5-6 months (Big Time) before I cut it. I was tired of seeing long strands in my hands just by rubbing through my hair. I figured cutting my hair would probably solve this problem. I did panick too though. But believe me cutting my hair was the last thing I wanted to do. In my heart I believe it was the best thing I did. I still don't know what caused it but it is growing back and growing thicker on top and sides. Cutting hair or losing it just made me realize that I have to take care of my body inside and out. Which I've been doing now. I took my health for granted but now I'm doing better. If I don't take care of me nobody else will. I believe my hair was a sign of distress on my body. Thanks