Please Breakdown The Steps Of Megatek For Me!


Well-Known Member
HI ladies,

I know the trend is over and there are many many threads on the subject, but I need your help. I decided I'm finally going to take the plunge and purchase megatek. But after reading so many threads on it I have no clue how to properly use to avoid damage. There are so many methods. I spent so much time reading through everyone and I'm still not sure how to use it.

So can someone please tell me step by step how to best use Megatek?
Bumping because I am wondering the same thing. :bump:

Girl! I feel so clueless. So many methods!! Do I rinse it out, deep condition or use it as a leave in? What's the best way to start? How are you just applying it to your scalp without getting elsewhere? Do I mix oils in it first or do I apply and than add oils? So many questions!
You have to find out how it works best for you. Scalp, DC'ing, Mixing w/Oil.

Errrbody gotta find their own Personal Best when using MT.

There is so many different ways to use it.

The main thing I would say, is to make sure you pay close attention to keeping your Moisture Levels on point. Be cautious of potential Protein Overload.

You just hafta' find out which way works best for you.
Yup, I mixed it into a color applicator along with some oils, usually EVOO, peppermint, lavender and orange. I applied it to my scalp daily in the morning after cowashing or water rinsing and at night after M&Sing. I found it was best applied after moisturizing.

Definitely increase your moisture when using it.
I've used it in a variety of ways. Just try each way for a little while and then see which works for you. Applying to the scalp works but if you're not a fan of strong smells then this is going to get annoying fast. Mixing it with oils helped to keep my hair soft also.

I found that the easiest way (for me) was to just mix it with my protein treatments/DCs while applying it sparingly (mixed with oils) during the week. Experiment and hopefully you'll find a way that works for you.
Yup, I mixed it into a color applicator along with some oils, usually EVOO, peppermint, lavender and orange. I applied it to my scalp daily in the morning after cowashing or water rinsing and at night after M&Sing. I found it was best applied after moisturizing.

Definitely increase your moisture when using it.

color applicator - That's a good idea. I might try that.
I rubbed it in my scalp and sometimes on my whole head I didn't care. Keep hair moisturized of course. Wash it out when ever. Go by how your hair feels. To me there's only one rule: keep it on the scalp.
Do people still see growth with this?

I don't know if it was the MT or that it made me massage my scalp more often but I retained a lot during the period I was using it. However, I do credit MT and ayurveda powders for making my fine strands stronger and thicker.
I don't know if it was the MT or that it made me massage my scalp more often but I retained a lot during the period I was using it. However, I do credit MT and ayurveda powders for making my fine strands stronger and thicker.
Where do you order your megatek?
Do people still see growth with this?
All I know is that my hair was long, shortly after mbl I reached WL. I was not keeping track of how fast it grew, but I know that It wasn't hard to retain at all. My hair just kept getting bigger. Your encouraging me to buy it again by making me dig up memories. I'm now thinking about just buying it for the smell and protein alone shoot! The growth would just be an added plus.