Plea for help, My hair is the Devil. Desparate for Help


New Member
Hello all-

I need major help, I hate my hair and it hates me I'm sure. Its dry, crunchy, sticks together like glue. I was all natural a few monthes ago. That didnt matter, hair was still dry. Then I decided to do texturizer for somereason I thought it would make it easier to take care of, wrong. The texturizer didnt really texturize, just a tad. It didnt improve one thing. I just wanna cry and shave my head and be bald the rest of my life. I'm surprised my hair hasnt cracked off by now. Its growing now, but I would like to keep my growth. I pretty much have to soak my hair with water and comb it a few times just so it wont crack off. Over the past few monthes I think I tried half the products on earth. Ojon = didnt do a thing, nexxus lines, pantene, carols daughter terrible for me, countless other shampoos and conditioners, miss key stuff terrible. Pretty much my haire dries dry and crunchy. Tried pree poos, baggying, they do nothing. Moisturizer galore, what a bore. From Shea to mango butter, they do nothing. I remember to seal with olive oil. Been there done that, hair still dry and crunchy. Clairifyed time again, deep conditioned, dry and crunchy. I dont think there is any solution. Why is my hair such the devil. Please Please someone help me :(
Have you clarified? Sometimes product build up will prevent moisture from reaching our hair. You might also want to check to see if you have hard water. I had that problem and it was a water problem. I use filtered water or DI water for washing and that has fixed the problem.
awwwwww - Don't you dare call your hair the Devil. :(

What are you clarifying with? Your hair is acting like mine was before I realized that I either have hard water or that my pipes are causing my water to have mineral deposits. It all started after I bought my house and I never even put 2 and 2 together. I took years before I could figure it out.

I have to use Chelating shampoo every other wash (I use it at every wash to be safe) or my hair gets STOOOOPID!

It gets HARD CRUNCHY and even has a brassy tint to it if I go more than 2 or 3 shampoos w/o something like Kenra clarifying, Redken cleansing cream or a shampoo made for swimmers (like the Ion one).

So many thing could be causing your problems, that is just what my problem was.
I've tried clairifying and no luck there :( I dont think the water is too hard but I dunno. I may look into getting a filter, thank you for your suggestion :)
see dicapr and I are on the same page.

I just saw your response dicapr! We have the same problem.
kaykaybobay said:
I've tried clairifying and no luck there :( I dont think the water is too hard but I dunno. I may look into getting a filter, thank you for your suggestion :)

It is not just "clarifying" for me. It is what I clarify with. For example, I cannot use the Keracare 1st lather because it does not contain a chelating ingredient to help with these deposits (that maybe why they have those demineralizing cloths). I have to use certain shampoos that are for this sort of thing.

Also, a filter did not help me for some reason. Actually I tried a filter and my hair felt worse. :confused: I snatched that thing out QUICK!

My area does not have hard water according to my research, but my skin and hair are screaming otherwise. I found out that even though your area does not, your neighborhood, street, etc. may because of pipes. That is why I noticed after I moved here.

Anyway, it may not be your water. But there has to be a solution. What do use as your leave in? Does it have 'cones or glycerin? Some of us cannot use leave-in/moisturizers with these.
I'm gonna have to check all my ingrediants and try some prodcuts without the cones etc. to see the difference. I will try the chelating shampoo. I did have a filter years ago, now that I remember I dont think it did much then lol. The rest of the house finds the water fine for their hair. Think I will stop by Ulta after work and look for some of those poos. Right now I have Suave clairifying. Is there a better one?
kaykaybobay said:
I'm gonna have to check all my ingrediants and try some prodcuts without the cones etc. to see the difference. I will try the chelating shampoo. I did have a filter years ago, now that I remember I dont think it did much then lol. The rest of the house finds the water fine for their hair. Think I will stop by Ulta after work and look for some of those poos. Right now I have Suave clairifying. Is there a better one?

girl, my hair laughs at that Suave! I can get away with using it every other wash and that is it!! I know it works for many, but something is up with my water in my shower. I cannot get away with half stepping! It is so bad that I buy half gallons of Kenra Clarifying.

Hey if you ever see the CON clarifying, that one is REALLY good! My hair really loved that one. The only reason I stopped using it was the size of the bottles - they don't really carry big ones. But, that is one BSS clarifier that really impressed me.
Yes I tried S-curl, didnt really do much, hair was a tad stuff semi crunchy, I tried that stuff in the gold and red bottle too similar to S-curl gave it to my sister lol who has thick as rope indesctructable hair like my mom. I got the fluff that is dry lol.
Let us know how it goes. If it not your water, it has to be something else. Even if is just that one perfect product that your hair needs - something will help. Good luck. :)
That suave daily clarifying has a cone is it-which I think is stupid, they pissed me off with that one.

Anyways, yeah, get something real deal and lather twice. Once probably isn't gonna cut it. Proceed with a deeeeeep condition with heat once you are done.
The second thing you might want to try after clarifying and deep conditioning is porosity control conditioner. Open, lifted cuticles can also cause tangling/snarling, and this will help to lay the cuticles down so they can slide past each other with ease.
Hey folks-

My hair is less the Devil today. I went out and bought some Kendra clarifying shampoo. I had to apply it three tim too. I think it may be the answer to my problems or atleast a better clairifying shampoo than suave lol. I then deep condtioned. My hair was much better. I went ahead and flat ironed my hair which I havent done in about 7 monthes. It was nice to notice alot of growth too. I think I will do conditioner washes a little less. I think it is just too much to for my hair. I probablly just try it once a week. Thank y'all for all your help and sugestions :)