Playing with New Growth


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie and I am currently in microbraids. I have only worn them for a month and I already miss my hair. I know that I should keep them in to retain as much length as I can since my hair is so short now. I have a problem because I love to play (touch, feel and rub) with my new growth. I sprayed some extra virgin olive oil from Palmers in my scalp and hair a couple of nights ago and it made my new growth so soft. I wonder if this is unhealthy to the strength and health of my hair or do you all think that this is a good thing because I am messaging my scalp to stimulate growth. Give me your thoughts.
I thought I was alone on this one. This is an addiction of mine. I was natural for a short while and during that time I played in my hair so much, that a patch formed towards the back of the left side of my head. After deciding to relax my hair I continued to "play" with my new growth. I noticed that the left side of my hair is still shorter and a bit thinner than the right as well. This is so noticeable that even my hair dresser pointed it out one day. I don't know how to combat this compulsive behavior, but what has worked for me is having my hair in a pony. When I wear it down and I have new growth I can't help it.
I do this as well. Its not harmfull unless you start to really pull the hair and it falls out like in the case of the previous poster. I try to keep my hair up as much as possible. Today I have the back down and I can't keep my hands away!!
Ladies, I'm guilty of playing with my NG much that I'm actually doing it now :eek: :lol: I actually have my hair up in a protective style (a homemade phony pony) and I find myself running my fingers along the back of my neck because the NG is soooo soft. I applied some Lenzi's Request last night and it feels so good and hydrated that I can't keep my hands away!!!:lachen:
yes! I am also addicted with playing in my new growth. I stretch 3 months and I enjoy those coily waves:)
I can't keep my hands out of my hair. Now that I just recently retouched... my hands don't have much new growth to play with:( !

but by stretching it gives me something to look forward to.:grin:
I love to play in my newgrowth too!!!!

Just because you are relaxed/texlaxed doesn't mean you can't love and appreciate your newgrowth.:)