Playing in my hair...


New Member
Hi ladies!! I missed you guys, I was just recently promoted so I havent had time to check in with the forum, so I just thought I'd poke my head in and post a quick post/question....
As some of you might know..I have a 3 yr old (other moms may also relate to this question)She is a very girlie girl and loves to comb her babies hair and mine. I try to be accomodating sometimes, but how can I grow my hair, when she's goes and gets the rat tail comb and brush and tries to break( I mean comb) every strand of my hair?????:) :) :)
I have to resist having a mommy dearest moment and yelling at her for trying to come near me with a comb. I have to break her little heart. Help please.
As the Super Nanny would say, instead of yelling, come down physically to her level and tell her with a firm, low tone that she is to leave your hair alone. Let her know your hair is off limits but she can do all she wants with her dolls' hair. Maybe getting her a cheap wig to play with and brush all she wants may be a good idea (she could be a future stylist!). You are the one who is supposed to be in control, not your daughter.
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Hehehehehehe......You brought back some memories, tammie!!! I can remember wanting to play in my mom's and Nana's hair ALL of the time. Surprisingly, the would always let me do it because they said I had a "soft hand". :lol: I still have the purple pick comb that I would use to play "beauty shop" on their heads. To this day, my mom still asks me to comb through her hair sometimes.
I haven't seen one of these in an looooongggg time, but they used to sell a big (almost life sized) Barbie head that came with rollers and other hair supplies for lil' kids to play with. I'm thinking that if you can find these, you could purchase one for her and one for you to play "beauty shop" together. You could pretend that both of you are hairstylists, and that the Barbie's are your customers. That way, she gets to have the fun of playing with hair, and also distract her from combing through yours. :)
I have a 3 yo who likes to comb in my hair also. I have natural hair that I wear in twists/braids most of the time. However, these past two weeks, I have been wearing it pressed straight.

We have rules. She can use a soft brush and barrettes, bows, ribbons, etc to fix my hair. She cannot comb it or put products in it. SHe seems happy with the limitations. For more in depth hair experimentation, she has to use her dollies.

My 7yo is trying to learn to plait, and ties hair in knots, so no she got a barbie doll ( the big head one) so that she can practice on it. Not on me.
LOL...this brought back memories. I used to play in my dads hair while he sat and read the paper or watched tv. He had pretty black, silky, curly type 1 or 2 hair. (I dont know it skipped all the kids and went straight to the grand kids)One day he went to the store to get cigarettes for my mom at the neighboorhood store and he still had barettes in the front of his hair. You know the old fashioned snap ones that had bunnies, flowers and other shapes molded in the middle of them. He came home and mom noticed as soon as he walked in the door. She was refused to go get her own cigarettes there for a long time. All my dad said was "I was wondering why those men kept staring at me strange."

Anyway. I agree one of the barbie heads would be nice for your daughter. Also if you are going to let her play in your hair maybe give her a shower comb or a seamless large tooth comb so she is less likely to snag your hair and use ouchess accessories. Either way this is a perfect opportunity to teach her how to handle hair properly.
miracle said:
Hehehehehehe......You brought back some memories, tammie!!! I can remember wanting to play in my mom's and Nana's hair ALL of the time. Surprisingly, the would always let me do it because they said I had a "soft hand". :lol: I still have the purple pick comb that I would use to play "beauty shop" on their heads. To this day, my mom still asks me to comb through her hair sometimes.
I haven't seen one of these in an looooongggg time, but they used to sell a big (almost life sized) Barbie head that came with rollers and other hair supplies for lil' kids to play with. I'm thinking that if you can find these, you could purchase one for her and one for you to play "beauty shop" together. You could pretend that both of you are hairstylists, and that the Barbie's are your customers. That way, she gets to have the fun of playing with hair, and also distract her from combing through yours. :)

I had one of those big Barbie heads! *memories...*
Oh, I remember my grandmother letting me brush her hair. Even then, I would knot it up something awful. My mother had some wigs and she would put one on herself and let me style it instead of her own hair. What about getting a cheap wig to play "beauty shop?"

BTW, I also had one of those Barbie heads.
GiGi said:
Oh, I remember my grandmother letting me brush her hair. Even then, I would knot it up something awful. My mother had some wigs and she would put one on herself and let me style it instead of her own hair. What about getting a cheap wig to play "beauty shop?"

BTW, I also had one of those Barbie heads.

I was going to recommend the same thing, if you have an old wig like I just throw my wig cap and my wig on and let my daughter go at it. :weird:
LADIES! LADIES! LADIES! Great ideas and suggestions...she already has dolls that she plays with, but she seems fascinated with my hair as soon as I begin to fix mine. **Great idea about putting on a wig to allow her the bonding time of doing "my hair"**I agree, it is time for me to invest in a doll head for her to play stylist! Thanks again ladies...(running out to get doll head) :)