Platinum Growth System


New Member
Hello Ladies!!
I am wondering if any of you have heard about a product called Platinum Growth System? My nail tech (African American w/ 4b hair) had gotten highlights last Fall and her hair fell out. She ended up having to cut her hair to right below her ear. Since then her hair has grown about 2 inches. Now it had been 2 months since I saw her last and her hair is almost touching the bottom of her neck. I asked her what she used and she told me she used the Rapid Growth Scalp Serum along with Platinum Conditioner. She didn't recommend the shampoo stating that it made her hair dry. I have to say I am pretty impressed given the fact that her hair is longer and looks thicker as well.

Here is the problem:
They don't list ingredients
Who knows if this really works
She was wouldn't let me take a photo of her hair to paste onto this site and didn't want me to mention the product to anyone. So of course I am having doubts as I am hoping that she wasn't just being selfish.:ohwell:

Check out the site and let me know your thoughts!!!
Yeah, she's being selfish. A lot of women IRL don't wanna share their hair growing secrets, I guess they wanna be the only ones with long hair :rolleyes:

I'm interested in that serum, though :scratchch
Dang the serum is like 39.99. I would need to hear and see some other good results before trying it.

Thats sad how she didnt want you to tell other people about the products. I mean if i knew something that made a persons hair grow faster hair and achieve the goal they have. i could understand about taking a picture of hair i would be kind of sceptic about that too.
i was just about to post about this. i did a search on here and couldn't find anyone that had used it. i just bought the new oxygen magazine and was flipping through and saw it. i'm thinking about buying it after i finish my BT bottle. not buying new stuff until the old stuff is gone. my new mantra...
Yeah, she's being selfish. A lot of women IRL don't wanna share their hair growing secrets, I guess they wanna be the only ones with long hair :rolleyes:

I'm interested in that serum, though :scratchch

Hmmmm, eying the serum as well. But for that price, I think I'll hold out for more reviews first.
yeah I guess the picture would have been a bit much but I just wanted everyone to see results for themselves. I was going to photo from the back so that her face wouldn't be shown. LOL As for the $39.99 price I am hoping this does work. I will wait and see who else posts but I may have to take one for the team and try it out :look:. I am contacting customer service on Monday to get a list of ingredients and I will post any info they give.

Dang the serum is like 39.99. I would need to hear and see some other good results before trying it.

Thats sad how she didnt want you to tell other people about the products. I mean if i knew something that made a persons hair grow faster hair and achieve the goal they have. i could understand about taking a picture of hair i would be kind of sceptic about that too.
That is sooo sad. That's why I am glad that this site exists so that we can help and motivate each other.

Yeah, she's being selfish. A lot of women IRL don't wanna share their hair growing secrets, I guess they wanna be the only ones with long hair :rolleyes:

I'm interested in that serum, though :scratchch
Hey Ladies-
Still waiting on the list of ingredients. As soon as I get them I will let you all know.
OK now I am starting to feel more and more like this is a scam. First off I have been waiting on ingredients since Monday to no avail. When I call in they say their lines are busy due to high call volume and to leave a message which I have done as well as e-mail the company. I received a call today from a lady who stated that she would send over the ingredients with no problem. While we were on the phone she took down my email address and said she was literally sending it over and guess what!?!?!?!?!? No e-mail and no ingredients. I tried to call back the number on the caller ID on my cell and it just went to some unknown voicemail box. I also looked the company up on a company search engine and it listed a 310 number (LA). When I dialed that number the person who answered it informed me that I had reached The Pet Depot.... WTF? So until I get a list of ingredients I am going to assume this is yet another scam to get our money. If I ever receive the ingredients i will let you ladies know. On the bright side at least no one has wasted any of their money!! LOL
OK now I am starting to feel more and more like this is a scam. First off I have been waiting on ingredients since Monday to no avail. When I call in they say their lines are busy due to high call volume and to leave a message which I have done as well as e-mail the company. I received a call today from a lady who stated that she would send over the ingredients with no problem. While we were on the phone she took down my email address and said she was literally sending it over and guess what!?!?!?!?!? No e-mail and no ingredients. I tried to call back the number on the caller ID on my cell and it just went to some unknown voicemail box. I also looked the company up on a company search engine and it listed a 310 number (LA). When I dialed that number the person who answered it informed me that I had reached The Pet Depot.... WTF? So until I get a list of ingredients I am going to assume this is yet another scam to get our money. If I ever receive the ingredients i will let you ladies know. On the bright side at least no one has wasted any of their money!! LOL

Yeah, yesterday I read your previous post where you were waiting for the ingredients and I found it odd that you were still waiting. I also sent an email requesting to know the ingredients but I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:
I just sent an email also to find out the ingredients along with some other questions about their products........but.........I've already ordered it a few days ago (wishful thinking). It's your fault Senin (smiling). Don't forget if you get those ingredients before me, inquiring minds wanna know!
I just sent an email also to find out the ingredients along with some other questions about their products........but.........I've already ordered it a few days ago (wishful thinking). It's your fault Senin (smiling). Don't forget if you get those ingredients before me, inquiring minds wanna know!
LMAO!!!! :lachen: Girl, that made me crack up! Be sure to post the ingredients when you get the bottle!!! (but why do I have the feeling that there will be no ingredients listed on the bottle? :rolleyes: )
LOL sorry girl. I would just like to see the face on whoever receives these emails with all of these requests for ingredients. If this is a scam I bet they are scared out of their mind. Hopefully it's not though maybe they are just unorganized :look:.... well let's hope anyway.

I just sent an email also to find out the ingredients along with some other questions about their products........but.........I've already ordered it a few days ago (wishful thinking). It's your fault Senin (smiling). Don't forget if you get those ingredients before me, inquiring minds wanna know!
LOL sorry girl. I would just like to see the face on whoever receives these emails with all of these requests for ingredients. If this is a scam I bet they are scared out of their mind. Hopefully it's not though maybe they are just unorganized :look:.... well let's hope anyway.

Just got it today!!!

Drum Roll:

Purified Water
SDA (don't know what this is):drunk:
Hydroxy-propyl Methyl Cellulose
Chamomile Extract
Sage Extract
Capsicum Extract
Polysorbate 80
Mixed Fruit Acids
Methyl Nicotinate

Distributed for Platinum Services, Los Angeles, CA 90025

I'm gonna try it either tonight after washing my (dirty) hair or tomorrow after work. I just feel lazy - we'll see. Alright Senin girl - it's on you now:lachen: You done got us started:grin:
Oh my...........if it's on me then I hope that stuff grows your hair like Rapunzel. :yep: thanks for the update and please let us know how it works!!

Just got it today!!!

Drum Roll:

Purified Water
SDA (don't know what this is):drunk:
Hydroxy-propyl Methyl Cellulose
Chamomile Extract
Sage Extract
Capsicum Extract
Polysorbate 80
Mixed Fruit Acids
Methyl Nicotinate

Distributed for Platinum Services, Los Angeles, CA 90025

I'm gonna try it either tonight after washing my (dirty) hair or tomorrow after work. I just feel lazy - we'll see. Alright Senin girl - it's on you now:lachen: You done got us started:grin:
Just got it today!!!

Drum Roll:

Purified Water
SDA (don't know what this is):drunk:
Hydroxy-propyl Methyl Cellulose
Chamomile Extract
Sage Extract
Capsicum Extract
Polysorbate 80
Mixed Fruit Acids
Methyl Nicotinate

Distributed for Platinum Services, Los Angeles, CA 90025

I'm gonna try it either tonight after washing my (dirty) hair or tomorrow after work. I just feel lazy - we'll see. Alright Senin girl - it's on you now:lachen: You done got us started:grin:

That could be alcohol. Also known as SDA-40B or SD Alcohol 40. Not saying it is for sure, but it's possible.

Wouldn't make any sense putting it in there though, would it?

That could be alcohol. Also known as SDA-40B or SD Alcohol 40. Not saying it is for sure, but it's possible.

Wouldn't make any sense putting it in there though, would it?

Girl you might be right! My hair does get a little dry when I use it....I've only used it 3 times now and due to the drying effect, I wait until my hair is completely dry (after it's washed) and then I apply it on my scalp and massage for about 5 minutes, then I style as usual. I haven't noticed any "miraculous" results yet, but then I haven't used it every day. I might start using it more like before I go to bed and see what happens. If I get some good results and I'm sure I will (trying to think positive) I'll let everyone know. For what it cost me, it better - I'm nowhere near rich:lachen:lol.
Well, now I've noticed a, "teeny" bit of growth. But not enough to show any progress pics. I'm still trying it though. The instructions say you're only supposed to use 15 drops once or twice a day! I've only used it off and on. Except for the last couple of days - I use it every night before going to bed. I must confess, I'm so desperate that I've using a bit more than just 15 drops. I've got to contain myself -- breathe!
I have been using this for about two weeks now. I dont apply it everyday but on alternate days. Its a little early to tell if I have a lot a growth because I have plenty of new growth already. But i do feel a tingle on the scalp after apply it and massaging the scalp. The downside is that it takes a long time to get the product. If you order it, expect a 6 week wait.
I don't know about that product. By the looks of the site it looks like one of those classic scam sites. Good luck to those who are trying the system and let us know how it works for you.
Just got it today!!!

Drum Roll:

Purified Water
SDA (don't know what this is):drunk:
Hydroxy-propyl Methyl Cellulose
Chamomile Extract
Sage Extract
Capsicum Extract
Polysorbate 80
Mixed Fruit Acids
Methyl Nicotinate

Distributed for Platinum Services, Los Angeles, CA 90025

I'm gonna try it either tonight after washing my (dirty) hair or tomorrow after work. I just feel lazy - we'll see. Alright Senin girl - it's on you now:lachen: You done got us started:grin:

From my research S.D.A. stand for "Specially Denatured Alcohol".

For short it is call "Denatured Alcohol"

From what I read I don't think this is safe to apply to your hair.