Plastic Cap Overnight


New Member
Last night I tried the plastic cap method, and wore it to sleep. I left it on until I came out the shower this morning, and I couldn't believe what I felt...The top of my hair was wet like I had run water over it! I was amazed! I had never imagined that so much moisture was lost before, and now I plan on using the plastic cap every night. After all, moisture and warmth is good for your hair right?


I know for sure Peachtree and I do this as well. I take mine off first thing though; haven't left it on as long as you. It definitely gives the hair a surge of moisture, doesn't it?
I tried this last night, too -- it is wonnnnnnnderful!

WONDERFUL, i tell you!

definitely a keeper...a HUGE keeper. i believe this is one of -- if not THE best thing i've done for my hair. my hair needs some serious moisture and reshaping...i think this will help lots in my hair health and it's growth.

What did you use to moisturize your hair the night before? I think I will try this method out when my Jojoba Oil arrives in the mail.
Glad you had good results with it.
I just used Surge and some WGO...I also noticed more waves (new growth) this morning...I guess it was thicker from the moisture.
i do this thing i noticed that was odd tho. i think my conditioner or something had a weird reaction to all the moisture because when i took the cap off it was some kinda...stuff (for lack of a better word) in it. ew, it grossed me out.
I do this when I am wearing a pony tail. It does give amazing moisture.
what do u mean by the plastic cap method? Do u mean that u moisturize your hair at night like normal, and then sleep in a shower cap/processing cap?
I have a funny story related to this . . . so one time (several years ago) while my hair was pressed, I decided to sleep with a plastic cap. I really don't know what I was thinking, but I think I was having trouble with my hair being dry the next day even though I moisturized nightly. I probably don't have to tell y'all what happened, but I woke up the next morning with a 'fro!
I was panicked because I hadn't planned extra time that morning for a hair crisis. My hair didn't look the best that day, but I managed to get it to an acceptable state by pulling it back into a ponytail and tying it down with a wrap cap while I showered to smooth over the edges. Needless to say, I learned a very good lesson that day -- don't try anything new unless it's the weekend.
Leslie_C said:
what do u mean by the plastic cap method? Do u mean that u moisturize your hair at night like normal, and then sleep in a shower cap/processing cap?

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Yes, you moisturize as usual and sleep in a plastic processing cap. It really works too! As I mentioned on another thread where Den1 describes this plastic cap method, I love the moist and soft feeling of my hair when I wake up. Of course, I'm not going to be wearing a straight style when doing this. I do this when I plan to wear my hair in a protective updo or braided style. Den1 grew her hair very long quickly by using this method since it duplicates humid, tropical-like conditions.
TigerLily said:
Wow! I have to try this, too! Can I use a reg. plastic cap from the bss?

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That's what I use - those regular, clear plastic caps from Sally's or a dollar store.
Tene said:
I'm gonna have to try this.

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Ditto and I remember when Peachtree posted about this. I don't know why I haven't gotten around to this yet... LOL

do you use the plastic cap on relaxed hair? What do you do with your hair after ypu take the plastic cap off. Do you put your hair in a ponytail when you put the cap or keave it out, or wrap?
Oh, and if you don't have a plastic cap, Saran wrap works just as well.
I have been doing the cap thing for as long as I can remember. Now that I'm sporting cornrows, I prefer Saran wrap coz it keeps my cornrows neat.
ladies becareful with moisture because the scalp can grow mold and fungus..when i had cornrows and braids it happen to me.
I've done the plastic cap with oil over night to give a hot oil treatment. My hair was drenched in the morning...I concluded it was an effective way to do a deep oil treatment overnight.
Ok I started doing this at the beginning of the week and my hair has been super moisturized, but starting about mid-day today my hair start to ITCH soooo bad!!!! And it hasn't really stopped ever once in a while it itches so bad that I am just clawing at my head all over. I'm still going to try this again tonight, but I am a little worried. What does everyone think???????????????
i think with that amount of moisture, your scalp is probably telling you that it's time to wash your hair again. how often have you washed this week?

i've tried this in the past. i don't like covering my whole head unless i'm going to wash my hair in the morning. when i sleep, i sweat in my scalp. so my hair smells when i take the cap off.