PJ relapse!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Help!! I went to the beauty supply to get one product and ended up spending so much $$ on products! I even got the famous Dominican deep conditioners I found a shop that sells about 15 different varieties! I got the one with "silk Worms" protein. Has anyone tried this and what were your results. I got beautiful hair pins and hair bands...please let it stop:lol: :lol: !
I used a conditioner w/the silk worms protein. It worked fine but wasn't spectacular. I would have bought it again but it is hard to find where I am.

On the PJ thing, don't feel bad. I'm from Chicago and I just went back a couple weeks ago. There is this huge BSS about 5 minutes from my parents house and I went there to get just conditioner. I came out with $60 worth of stuff! I mean scarves, combs, 4 conditioners, a couple of oils, moisturizing creme, detangler. I mean stuff that I don't even use. I was so ashamed... :lol:
I just spent 74 dollars so don't feel too bad. A week before that I probably spent 40. I've accepted my addiction problem.
I've used the Capilo Silk Worm Conditioner......worked wonderfully one time and after that, :down: :down: . It started to make my hair feel coated and "tacky". It does contain petroleum, so that may have been the culprit.

But I do hope that you have great success with it!!!!!! :yep: :yep: :)
I vowed not to spend another dime-until I use up some of the stuff I have already purchased-but if I keep reading about how great that Phytorelaxer is...I am a goner :confused: I went to the site and said look-they have free shipping :smirk: -but the relaxer cost $60 bones!! :eek: My rational side took over-you have two children in daycare for the summer get a grip! :eek: So I cancelled the order...-whew :( -that was close.
i work right near the mall and everytime i get paid, i run to the BSS to get sth new. and when the guy at the BSS sees me, his eyes light up. they're just like family now!! :lachen: