PJ Recovery 101!


Well-Known Member
I must confess again that I am a PJ! It's so hard in Baltimore with a BSS on every corner. Even our supermarkets have large sections dedicated to hair and beauty products. I just purchased a caruso setter on last week and my son was like, "mommy, didn't we just come in here (Sally's) yesterday?" Then it hit me, I was over the top. I have gotten better, because I don't buy anything everytieme I go into the BSS, a lot of times I just look at prices, search for new items, etc. and then come back here and look for reviews. So I promised my son that I wouldn't go into Sally's or any BSS until the end of September!:eek: I am one week clean!!!!! What steps are you taking to cure your PJism. Maybe we should have a PJ challenge?
Everytime I am like "less is more" I read a thread about the best 'this or that' or someone will sell something in the product thread. I also tell myself if I'm not going to the BSS I am fine! Even though I am ordering online its not the same,right?:look:
Catina72 said:
Everytime I am like "less is more" I read a thread about the best 'this or that' or someone will sell something in the product thread. I also tell myself if I'm not going to the BSS I am fine! Even though I am ordering online its not the same,right?:look:

If a week goes by and there are no new packages on the door when I get home I'm sad. I need help!
B_Phlyy said:
None. My case is so extreme I doubt seriously there's a cure for me.

If I can go a whole week + without going to the BSS, there's hope for you B! Anybody want to do a challenge?
crlsweetie912 said:
If I can go a whole week + without going to the BSS, there's hope for you B! Anybody want to do a challenge?

Lord knows I need to...does it count if I go out and purchase the same item I already have in my house? Example, I'm almost out of the UBH Conditioner, so if I RE-PURCHASE thats not the same as trying something NEW!!
Catina72 said:
Lord knows I need to...does it count if I go out and purchase the same item I already have in my house? Example, I'm almost out of the UBH Conditioner, so if I RE-PURCHASE thats not the same as trying something NEW!!

I think so, but it would be according to whatever rules we set!
Yall have serious cases, I need to steer clear of yall threads..lol, I have managed to curve my addiction just because I am saving for a more costly addiction which is weave, I mean real hurr. Other than that I have a problem with buying stuff I dont need from sally's to try and then take back if I dont like it, I have gotten to the point I will not buy something from any BSS if I can find it at sally's.
Ive chilled out Thank goodness, that just cuz I found products I LOVE and Im not interested in trying anything new..

except emergencee
KhandiB said:
Ive chilled out Thank goodness, that just cuz I found products I LOVE and Im not interested in trying anything new..

except emergencee

dang you should have told me! I just sold mine.
I am a PJ, yet I have no intention of trying to cure my addiction. Beauty products are the one indulgence I allow myself, and I am not going to feel guilty about it.
KhandiB said:
Ive chilled out Thank goodness, that just cuz I found products I LOVE and Im not interested in trying anything new..

except emergencee

I was impressed until I read the fine print. :lachen:
If I'm not hair product shopping for myself then I'm hair product shopping for my daughter....I believe I fall under the catagory of "hopeless PJ" ...I'm not even gonna front if I see something on sale I'll most likely purchase it....:look:
I wish I could say I have it under control. I have so much stuff I havent tried yet that it's crazy. But I am finding products I love so I guess that is my light at the end of the tunnel. (I guess)

Let me stop fooling myself. I need to slow down for real. I dont think I have gone a week with out buying something. I am forever stalking curlmart.com too! The ladies at Sally know me by name. SAD!!
Letitia said:
I wish I could say I have it under control. I have so much stuff I havent tried yet that it's crazy. But I am finding products I love so I guess that is my light at the end of the tunnel. (I guess)

Let me stop fooling myself. I need to slow down for real. I dont think I have gone a week with out buying something. I am forever stalking curlmart.com too! The ladies at Sally know me by name. SAD!!

This is the story of my PJ life too. But the worst part is that I'm known by name at 3 Sally's in two different cities.
I'm waiting for my husband to ask me about all the stops to the beauty supply and I just received a package on my doorstep with hair products. lol I can tell he wants to ask but he still hasn't. I'm new to LHCF so I'm learning right now and still trying to find my staple products and ones that I just love. Ordinarily, I wouldn't buy so much stuff but I'm still trying to keep my shedding under control. It seems to have stopped for several days after the Emergencee treatment but I'm starting to see it starting up again now that we are about 5 days post treatment. I wonder if its okay to keep doing treatments until the breakage stops for good or would that be over doing it.
crlsweetie912 said:
If I can go a whole week + without going to the BSS, there's hope for you B! Anybody want to do a challenge?

I don't know if I could do it, I've got the junkies really bad. Everytime I come on the board and see what is working for someone, I want to go out and buy it. I haven't really found a stable regimen that really works for me. The shampooing and clarifying are no prob, I have the conditioner sort of figured out. My main problem is finding the right moisturizers/oils that won't weigh my hair down when I wrap it at night. I'm trying to keep the flat iron away from my hair so I can have healthy hair and I can only achieve that by doing a rollerwrap, but the problem is after about 3 days my hair is so oily it's pathetic:perplexed
sareca said:
If a week goes by and there are no new packages on the door when I get home I'm sad. I need help!

This is me:lol: Even my husband and my son look forward to seeing what I've ordered now.

My husband even calls me PJ sometimes. SAD, SAD, SAD,

If someone start the 12 step program, I'll join.