Pity Coloring


Well-Known Member
I was reading a article about men waking their wives/girlfriends out of deep sleep to "color". Ladies do you give in (just to get it over with) or do you say no and go back to sleep?
I'm not a morning person (it takes 2 alarms to get me up) and I despise this. 30% of the time I give in, but I mostly say "no" or "later". Do any of y'all go through this and how do you handle this?

I want to paste the article, but the title has s*x in it and I don't know if that word is allowed.
i wouldn't call that pity sex :lol: i happen to love middle of the night sex, myself. my bf can make a production out of sex sometimes, and i find things more efficient when we've both randomly woken up to do it :look: :lol:
Ignoring the Shoulder Rub: Why I Don’t Do Pity Coloring

We’ve all been there. It’s 5am in the morning; your partner comes out of a coloring dream, and slowly
slides their hands to your shoulder to gently wake you from your deep slumber. As you’re pulled from your beautiful dream vacation in Tahiti, you realize that no, you’re not being woken up for an emergency, instead your partner is slowly beginning to kiss your neck in hopes of making you aroused. You glance over at the alarm clock. It’s hours before you have to be at work.

Really? Did you REALLY just pull me out of my sleeping glory just so you can get some?

At least, that’s what crosses your mind. You have a choice to make. You either decide to conjure up your hormones to enjoy this awakening or you choose to put sleep first.

I choose the latter. I almost always ignore the shoulder rub or tell my partner to chill out.

I’m not the best morning person. It typically takes me a minute to get my mind right when I wake up and if you say anything to me in the first 20 minutes after waking, I likely won’t remember. When it comes to coloring, I’m all or nothing. Either I’m fully present and ready to make your toes curl or I’m asking you to get off me because I’m not in the mood. I love coloring as much as the next person, but I truly believe in honoring my body’s needs and not forcing my cookie jar to do anything it doesn’t want to.

But there are those that beg to differ, those who grant their partner that early morning quickie while silently hoping that they’d finish as soon as possible. I get it. In particular, when dealing with a male partner, most wake up with you know. But there’s no point in entering a coloring session tired and irritated just because your partner would prefer to stroke instead of releasing on his own.

I’ve had this conversation with my girlfriends, and most are tired of getting that early morning shoulder rub.

“Without fail, it always happens. We colored the evening before, go to sleep exhausted and peaceful. And then he wakes me up at 5am,” said one of my home girls. She wasn’t even talking about the same dude either. It seems to be a recurring pattern with most of her male partners.

So I asked her if she gave him some after he woke her up. She replied yeah with a bit of agitation in her voice. I told her that the opposite of that word would save her a lot of grief and sleep. What’s so hard about telling your partner no when you’re not in the mood?

I recognize that there are two (or more) people to please in a physical relationship, but with the right communication and conversations, I’m sure that the parties involved can express what times are not best for coloring. After all, it’s important that coloring partners be on the same page when it comes to pleasure. Coloring is supposed to reduce stress and cater to our desires, not become aggravating.

Do you grant your partner pity coloring session? Or are you always in the mood? Speak on it!

(Yes I changed some words of the article)
Ignoring the Shoulder Rub: Why I Don’t Do Pity Coloring

We’ve all been there. It’s 5am in the morning; your partner comes out of a coloring dream, and slowly
slides their hands to your shoulder to gently wake you from your deep slumber. As you’re pulled from your beautiful dream vacation in Tahiti, you realize that no, you’re not being woken up for an emergency, instead your partner is slowly beginning to kiss your neck in hopes of making you aroused. You glance over at the alarm clock. It’s hours before you have to be at work.

LMAO, i've NEVER had it happen this way :lol: It makes it sound so beautiful :lol:
It's one thing if the women is aroused/ready to go but how are men enjoying sex when she's obviously not into it? Im assuming pretending can only go so far
deltagyrl said:
I don't mind. I'm pretty much always in the mood.

What she said. However, I'm much more amenable to it if he's only woken me up about a half hour before my alarm -- more than that and I get cranky.

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I like random night sex, or early, early sex. SO doesn't like being woken so much:lol: We've compromised and he will do it sometimes, but most of the time it doesn't work for him. Especially not on a weekday.

I have trouble with sleep, so I get why people get upset that they cant fall back asleep quick when they have work in the morning:perplexed
That is one thing my DH knows NOT to do. I don't want anyone waking me to have sex. Early in our relationship my DH attempted to wake me up with his "friend" I told him if he tried that eeesht again I would knife him:look: He never tried that again. I was really upset. Even remembering it now makes me agitated.

Some people do not have a problem with it and thats fine. I do, for myself. I hate to be half asleep and someone is trying to poke me, feels like rape. Also, if you think satisfying your sexual desire is more important than my sleep then I would be a tad upset. Wait until I have had my rest please.

Once in a while I will surprise him and wake him up. He likes it so I compromise by doing it for him (wake him up). But I don't want him waking me up. Works for us.
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Only reason I am adverse to that is because of middle-of-the-night breath or morning breath. And besides, I am a heavy sleeper, so he might just be by himself LOL
I don't mind waking up to middle of the night coloring, but i hate it when he wakes me up and expects me to get on top.
Dh gets off late, and comes to bed at 3am or later. I get up at 5:45a. I have no problem telling him 'you better catch me with my eyes open'. Or I'll nap before he gets home and wake up when he gets in in order to oblige. I may initiate when I wake up though.
I just asked my SO if he would wake me up in the middle of the night, without hesistation, he said YES.

At least he's honest :lol:
Probably wouldn't happen since my SO sleeps like a rock lol. I've woken him up like that though in the middle of the night. He didn't mind at all......honestly that's the only guaranteed way to wake him up. Even alarms hardly work lol
This isn't an issue for me, but if DH did wake me up in the middle of the night, he'd better do it the right way (and :poke: isn't it).
...But there are those that beg to differ, those who grant their partner that early morning quickie while silently hoping that they’d finish as soon as possible. I get it. In particular, when dealing with a male partner, most wake up with you know. But there’s no point in entering a coloring session tired and irritated just because your partner would prefer to stroke instead of releasing on his own...
ESPECIALLY if it'll make you resent your partner later.

...I recognize that there are two (or more) people to please in a physical relationship, but with the right communication and conversations, I’m sure that the parties involved can express what times are not best for coloring. After all, it’s important that coloring partners be on the same page when it comes to pleasure. Coloring is supposed to reduce stress and cater to our desires, not become aggravating...
:thankyou: "Coloring" is more fun when BOTH people think so and I wish more women lived their lives with this in mind. :yep: