Pincurls: 10 Question Questionnare/Guide


New Member
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)
* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)
* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?

Dry. Have tried blowdried, hair dried hanging under a dome, and airdryed then ironed

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?


3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?

Bobby Pins

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

Two fingers (one by the thumb and the next one)

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?

I've set them overnight, and used a steam microwave cap

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?

Night, considering doing it everynight because it really cuts down on tangles and my hair looks much better. I dont know about when I airdry though.

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?

I wear a silk/satin mens wave cap, then just put a bandana on top of that when im sleeping....Same thing if im just walking around the house or someting.

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?

I usually do about 12-20, they give me big curls, but really just body.

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?

Alternative to wrapping, and to give curl because I dont like to rollerset

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?

My only tip is when you are taking the bobby pin out to open it up instead of just sliding it off of your hair and you wont loose any hair or have breakage. Also when your sleeping on the flat ones, wearing a tight scarf like a mens wave cap will keep anything from moving and breakage from that.

Be back to post links on how to do them.

1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)
* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?
Always dry. Twice a week they will be after a rollerset, other days on "dirty" hair.

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?
Bobby pins

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?
Moisturiser, and a little Anita Grant's Sapote and Organic Pomade on the ends

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?
Silk scarf

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?
I do a mixture of curls, big and small. The curls hold right through the day.

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?
I like the look, gives the hair a lot of body especially on freshly washed hair, easy to do and maintain

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links
I'll be back to post a pic
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)
* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?

I pincurl on dry hair. I've never tried it on wet hair. You can do it after anything once the hair strand is in a straightened condition. I usually rollerset though.
2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?
Immitation rollers. I wish I knew how to do the flat ones.

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?

I prefer to use good day hair pins. I feel like it pulls out no hair rather then the bobby pins which do pull out some. If you don't have good day then use the duck bills.
4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

I use my finger.

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?

NO. I usually moisturize as usual then pincurl and put on my satin cap.

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?

It depends. I do them before I go to sleep. Also, If I'm going out I'll do it like an hour or so before I leave.

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?

Satin cap.

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?

If I just want body I'll do like four in the back and two in the front so I can get the "cosmo swoop" If I just want the wrap look, I'll just do one giant pin curl with all my hair and put a silk headband on the front tight to get my new growth to lay down if I need a perm. If i want it curly then I'll do it similar to a mohawk rollerset with a ton of pincurls.

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?

For more body. I think its healthier then rollersetting. Also when I do the one big pincurl its really easy and looks good in the morning. I'm usually bunning anyways.

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?
You can try youtube... they have EVERYTHING on there. hth
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)

Dry. My hair is normally flat ironed or wrapped.

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?
BOTH. But most of the time duck clips.

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?
I do not use anything to set mine. I put a lil moisturizer on before I pin curl.

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?
Night. Every other night.

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?
Yes, I normally sleep with a night cap on.

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?
I do many. I keep them many sized. Maybe about 15 or so.

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?
It's a pretty style and it keeps me from using heat.

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?
Yes of course. ;) This one really helped me out. HERE

You will have hair that makes you look like this ---> :gorgeous: :yep:
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)

Dry after a roller set under a dome dryer, works whether the set is left curly or blow straight

* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?

flat, sometimes imitation rollers at the top for body

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?

bobby pins

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?


5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?

Leave them in an hour to overnight

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?

night, every now and then

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?

satin scarf when sleeping, nothing when I have them in around the house

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?

never counted.....see attached pic for results

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?

all of the above, mainly alternative to wrapping

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?
learned from these two youtube tutorials from the same girl:
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When you put the bobby pin over it like that.... does it leave a mark in the hair?

The only thing I believe its ever did (But i dont know if its the way I roll them) is have like the first 2 inches of my hair looking like "finger waves" alittle bit untill I comb that out. Thats with small ones, big ones nothing.
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry,
how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?)

Dry, Usually after a rollerset but I also do it after a wrap.

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?
Mostly Flat I do the immitation rollers if I'm gonna be up and about. Flat to sleep. Either way turns out the same.

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?
BOTH. But most of the time duck clips.

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?
Nothing but Lacio Lacio or ORS Moisturizer.

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?
Every night

7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?
Satin scarf

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?
Loose curls 5-6 for a curly look 10-12. How tight you coil the curl matters too.

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?
OMG~ It's sexy and heatless.

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?
Tee posted a GREAT tutorial :yep:.
^^ I didnt even think of the tightness....I was wondering why people were doing big ones like 10 and and getting nice size curls and here I am doing 25 getting the same size LOL
^^ I didnt even think of the tightness....I was wondering why people were doing big ones like 10 and and getting nice size curls and here I am doing 25 getting the same size LOL

:lachen: Yeah I figured it out by accident. I was being lazy and half azzed my curl and got a looser/wavy look. I was like:scratchch cool beans :cool2:.
1. Do you pincurl dry or wet hair?
* If dry, how is your hair dried before? (Rollerset under a dome or airdryed, blowdried, airdried in another way, ironed after its dry.....?) I pincurl dry hair after a rollerset and flat ironed roots.
* * If wet, how do you dry the pincurls? Do you iron or blow the roots after?

My hair is already completley dry

2. What type do you do (flat or immitation rollers)?

Flat-I have lots of pics in my fotki. If I want ringlets, I wind it around my finger first, if I just want normal longer curls, I create them like you would a bun but without the hair band.

3. What do you use to hold them (bobby pins, duck clips..) ?

I use the bobby pins that are already open

4. How do you do them (fingers, a roller...)?

Finger or just round in a circle depending on the look I want.

5. Do you use anything to set them or hold them (Setting foam/lotion, steam from a shower or cap, leaving them in for hours....) ?

I just pincurl my hair, put on a hair net to hold them in place, sleep with them over night and they are set. I dont add any extra product

6. When do you do them morning or night? Everyday?


7. Do you wear a scarf or anything on them at night or walking around the house? What type?

When I am just walking around the house I have my hair net on (and when i exercise) but when I sleep I add the headscarf...

8. How many do you do/have done, and what size curl or results do they give?

I do about 19 and the curls are fairly small but not too tight unless I create them with my finger

9. Why do you pincurl (alternative to wrapping, preserve a rollerset, give body or curl to straightend hair...) ?

To curl my hair, so that I can avoid combing (until wash day which is once every 3 weeks), preserve my rollerset, to have predictable hair in the morning-I seldom have bad hair days...

10. Any tips, pictures, websites/videos, links?

Check out my fotki

God bless
That is SO pretty! So for that you did big ones, then what did you do finger seperate them?

Yea she helped me learn too, for the first one I always wondered how her hair was did before...I know it couldnt have been airdried or I would be amazed.

Thanks! I comb through each piece with a wide-tooth comb before I pincurl it if it's tangled, but I can usually just finger-comb.