Pilgrim's Progress - Journey to Heaven


New Member
I remember reading "The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan" translated in french (since I was home at that time) when I was a little girl and reading it again as a teen and young adult. I loved the story!
Have anyone read it before?
Its a great book to have!

Well they made a movie of that book, it's called:
"Pilgrim's Progress - Journey to Heaven"
I want to see it! It looks like according to the previews, that it's faithful to the story of the book.
see this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0bD6YxWw5E
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I have the book someone gave it to me some years ago though I have never really read it just kinda flipped thru, but now I shall read and I just pulled it off my bookshelf. Thanks
My old (actually young and cute!) English professor said this was his favorite book..I've been meaning to read it for 2 years now. Thanks for the reminder.
I read this book a few years ago and really liked it. I'm surprised to hear it will be a movie. Thanks for the notice.