

Hey everybody I'm new and I'm trying to get started on posting my pictures and I am clueless as to how I go about getting the pictures on the computer in an album. I don't have a "camera" phone or one set up on my computer. So can somebody please fill me in? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
You can take ordinary pictures with an ordinary camera and when you take the film to the store to be developed, ask them to make a CD of the pictures for you that you can upload to your PC and a website. Kodak makes a disposable camera for which you can get prints as well as a free CD. Alternatively, you can scan prints you already have to create digital pics that can be saved on a disk or your hard drive then uploaded to a website. Before you can post the pictures online, you'll have to save them to an online website. Yahoo offers free photo hosting, as does Fotki. But the Premium account by Fotki is what a lot of pple go for and it allows you to post your pics without them turning to X's after a short spell. It costs $30/year but I say it's well worth it. HTH
Yes, If they are already on your computer you can go ahead onto and sign up for an account, and then upload you pics there. Click on new album creation and then on Add photos, then click 'one photo at a time', next click Browse, and then find the picture file in the list of your computer files, it might be in your My Documents or My Pictures folder. Then double click it and then hit Upload. Hope my instructions weren't confusing /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
The previous posts have already answered your question but I would like to add that you can find a free hosting website if you plan to use your pictures as your avatar.