Pictures of my newly dyed natural hair!!!


New Member
Ok yal... I don't post pictures much, but I just want to show you guys the difference in my hair now. I'm all natural 4a/b. I was so sick of black hair, but I was afraid to color it. I've been wanting to color it since I was in 9th grade. I'm a junior in college now!!! I got over my fear and a lovely lady on this site CINCYSWEETIE (thank you girl!!!!!) recommended a woman in my city to dye my hair and I am so thankful!!! Thank you Cincysweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some before and after pictures...





Since my hair is so dark, it's going to take a while to get it the ends of my hair as light as the brown roots. Two women I know went from dark brown to blonde and it took them a few treatments for it to really catch on. I don't want my whole head blonde. I jus want a light brown and blonde streaks. The ends and back of my hair are still a really dark brown. They didn't pick up the color well, but I am soooooooooo satisfied!!!! I did a twist out with a little Molding Putty Gel from Garnier Fructis on dry hair. I slept with it in a cute twisted bun and took it out in the morning. I feel so damn sexy!!!!!!! My boyfriend's friends saw me walk through the door and they stopped in the middle of their sentences like :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked:
I am in love with my hair again.

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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your hair turned out HAWT. I like it a lot! You picked a pefect time to get them done. Your hair wont dry out since its fall weather :) Now you can do rinses in different colors and all that jazzy stuff! Im growing out my highlights, I had fun, now I want my hair to be all one color again.
Awww! Thanks for the shout out!! I LOVE IT!!!! I can't get over how much a little color changed your entire look! You look great, I love it on you! I'm glad you had a good experience with Deborah, and glad I could help. Don't forget to post pics after your next treatment! :D

And...I think I'm about to fall off the no-dyeing challenge I placed myself on....:look:
Thanks a lot ladies!!!
Sorry for making u fall off your no dye challenge Cincysweetie! On the plus side, being a member of LHCF will help you better care for your hair. It'll still be healthy.

I know a lot of you ladies probably like the before pictures better lol. I guess no one will be calling me Pocahontas anymore!
Now that is very cute!

bellydancer said:
Ok yal... I don't post pictures much, but I just want to show you guys the difference in my hair now. I'm all natural 4a/b. I was so sick of black hair, but I was afraid to color it. I've been wanting to color it since I was in 9th grade. I'm a junior in college now!!! I got over my fear and a lovely lady on this site CINCYSWEETIE (thank you girl!!!!!) recommended a woman in my city to dye my hair and I am so thankful!!! Thank you Cincysweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some before and after pictures...





Since my hair is so dark, it's going to take a while to get it the ends of my hair as light as the brown roots. Two women I know went from dark brown to blonde and it took them a few treatments for it to really catch on. I don't want my whole head blonde. I jus want a light brown and blonde streaks. The ends and back of my hair are still a really dark brown. They didn't pick up the color well, but I am soooooooooo satisfied!!!! I did a twist out with a little Molding Putty Gel from Garnier Fructis on dry hair. I slept with it in a cute twisted bun and took it out in the morning. I feel so damn sexy!!!!!!! My boyfriend's friends saw me walk through the door and they stopped in the middle of their sentences like :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked:
I am in love with my hair again.

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D Beautiful results!!!!!!

Do you have to change anything in your hair routine now that it is color treated?
CurliDiva said:
:D Beautiful results!!!!!!

Do you have to change anything in your hair routine now that it is color treated?

Thanks again ladies!!!

I was wondering that myself CurliDiva. I got really lazy with my routine because I was just so sick of my hair. I plan on doing a lot of conditioner washes and more protein treatments so it doesn't get dry. The blonde highlights are what I am really worried about. That's a big color difference. I don't exactly know what products to use, but right now I have a lot of Pantene and Suave conditioners for CO washes. I need a good deep conditioner. I still like my Lustrasilk Shea Butter conditioner, but I think I should add a little olive oil to it. I could use the extra oil on my hair.

On the negative side, I'm afraid for my friend to come in town. She has always hated my hair and I'm sick of hearing it. She is so desperate to give me a perm she would put it on my hair when I go to sleep. I told her I got my hair dyed and she said "You gotta straighten it or else it won't look right." :rolleyes: Since when has color not looked right on natural hair!!! AFashionSlave is a good example to prove that wrong. So is that new singer I like Leela James. I never have heard her say anything good about me though. Maybe that's a sign.
Chinagem said:
That color is beautiful and that has to be the best twist-out i've EVER seen. Good going, bellydancer.

it turned out great with gel! I used Garnier Fructis Molding Putty. I tried to do them before, but it never worked. I guess the key is gel and waiting until it's fully dry because my hair takes forever to dry! I need some new styles though. Any suggestions??? I need to check out BabyBlue's album. I remember she always had cute styles.
The color is beautiful...I am thinking about doing the same thing, I am soo bored with my dark color!
I love the color bellydancer, Your hair looks great ! This stylist has done an awesome job on both your hair and cincy's hair, I'm impressed with her work! I really want highlites and may get her to do them when I visit home around the holidays.
You got mad skills! Your hair looks fab! As for your friend, maybe she's just a tad bit jealous of u handling yo' business :rolleyes :lol: