Pictures of Hair: Good or Bad


New Member
I was just scrolling through some old pictures of my hair since I began visiting hair boards back in 2003. Some of the pictures made me feel better about where I am right now but some of them made me feel worse!! I have some pictures where my hair was pretty short after I cut off my relaxed ends and I'm envious of it! Why? Because it was so thick, lush, shaped-well and healthy looking! And knowing that it was at a good point to grow into longer thick and lush hair! I'm starting to think I shouldn't look backwards anymore and should just look ahead!

Anyone else look at some of your old pictures and feel worse OR feel better all at the same time?? (or is it just me!)
hey hairlove! I noticed that your hair used to flip out from looking at your 2005 pics, I'm going through the same thing right now. How long did it take for it to go away??

In regards to your question I feel better about my hair and try not to have any regrets about the past.
I don't know! I don't know why my hair used to flip out that way. I guess the weight of it getting longer made it stop doing that.

Good for you about "no regrets." I think I need to start just looking to the future.